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Harsh death penalty system compared to WoW


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Why does this game have to live up to the standards of WoW? All these "X is a problem because Y as compared to WoW" threads are incredibly annoying. This game isn't WoW. If SWTOR did everything WoW did, you'd all be complaining that this game is a copycat. There is no winning with you people. Edited by dj-nate
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EQ was a killer compared to WoW and TOR.


In that game even darkness could kill you. In order to see in the dark you had to get a Lightstone and getting one could end up with you falling down a deep hole in a dark tunnel.


And corpse runs? Dont' talk to me about corpse runs. I remember needing to get to a zone called Highpass to meet some friends and to get there you had to go through a zone of much higher level undead who'd kill you as soon as look at you. Getting your gear back there was scary. In fact that zone did have a real fear factor!


2pts to anyone who remembers the name of the zone i'm talking about.


Kithicor Forest?


I remember organizing secondary raids in to the Plane of Fear just to get your corpses and gear back...everybody had crappy secondary gear and some were even naked. EQ was hardcore back in the day.


My only issue is the cost of repairs, especially after 3 deaths. 12k the other day.

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"We used to defend ourselves better, Major - safety perimeters, counterattacks, preemptive strikes... And then we realized... that it was all pointless. When you cease to fear death, the rules of war change. You'll understand as the years begin to pass, Major. "


That quote comes from an episode of star trek DS9 wherein the combatants had no death penalty, they would just res where they were and start again. Funnily enough this was rather prophetic about combat in STO and it's lack of death penalties.


The death penalty here is fine, a little light if anything. A death penalty should encourage you to go back and check your tactics; everything from how you fight, who's by your side, what sort of gear you have and what abilities you've put training into. It shouldn't allow you to just zerg rush through the fights.

Edited by Cormey
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EQ was a killer compared to WoW and TOR.


In that game even darkness could kill you. In order to see in the dark you had to get a Lightstone and getting one could end up with you falling down a deep hole in a dark tunnel.


And corpse runs? Dont' talk to me about corpse runs. I remember needing to get to a zone called Highpass to meet some friends and to get there you had to go through a zone of much higher level undead who'd kill you as soon as look at you. Getting your gear back there was scary. In fact that zone did have a real fear factor!


2pts to anyone who remembers the name of the zone i'm talking about.


I believe your thinking of Kithicor Forest. It has levels 10 mobs and also had level 50 mobs. If you went anywhere CLOSE to the area where the 50s were they would agro from like 20 screens away and you never even saw them coming.


Nothing will ever be as epic(or as annoying) as EQ and death penalty. Ding, reding, reding. New spells, dead, crap now i cant use those anymore. ERRRRR


Oh how I miss hardcore gaming!!!

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Anyone here tried raiding? A wipe evening can cost you as much as 450 000. Repairs are ridiculously expensive compared with average player credit income rate. You literally have to grind for hours to be able to afford a progress raid evening, where in wow I never had to do that.

This is awesome for gold sellers I guess as gamers of our generation (those who have jobs) can't afford to grind for the sake of being able to raid.

Edited by complexxLT
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Is OP serial? Death gives no XP penalty, no item drops, a minor repair bill and all you have to do is what a while and he's complaining? If people can't make credits in this game from doing very little, then they're doing something wrong.


Another point to WoW for ruining MMO's work/reward:death/penalty mechanics!


Now, my character is not immortal. I die when I go afk in pvp/pve, don't you think that's a little harsh?


SWTOR is easymode MMO. If you don't think so, you're doing it wrong.



Edited by iFoo
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Death Penalty! here? Is there one?


Oh and for the old timers out there, one sentence to bring back a sleepless night and dread:


Plane of Fear Corpse Run (without a bard)


Oh and if you died four times in a row, find something else to fight as you are obviously not ready for that fight yet!

Edited by Tralesh
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IF you even knew where your corpse was in the first place


Oh, Najena ... how I do not miss thee. I deleted my level 20 SK after he was lost there (damned jailer Fear spell ....). Self imposed perma-death.


And the OP thinks SWTOR has a harsh death penalty? LOLOLOLOLOL

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You know something? This reminds me of kirby's epic yarn. And endearing game but when you take damage you drop you coins like sonic drops rings. If you have no coins kirby then is very startled but no ill effects.



What have games come to these days?

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You make so much money in the game, the death penalty seems almost nonexistent.


EQ and DAOC had a harsh penalty.

Eve still has a decent one, but gearing there works differently, so losing everything you carried around isn't that terrible. The real kicker is that whoever killed you gets to loot whatever wasn't blown up. :)

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You know, back in my day - when WoW was just a gleam in Chris Metzen's eye and when everyone was really looking forward to these new prequels George Lucas was talking about - Death actually meant something in an MMO. When you died you could actually lose XP - you could even level down if you died to much.


So no, having to wait a less than 30 seconds for dieing repeatedly in the same spot only to be able to ressurect exaclty where you left off - and to be ressed impenetrable stealth with immunity and the ability to self heal back to full health before that wears off....not overly harsh, no.

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Death penalty, repair costs, skill costs, and respec costs are all ridiculous in this game. It's like Bioware think we'll all pay to grind credits in their game. Ruins the game.


and yet that's how the most successful MMO works too. (not sure about the others, WoW was the only other mmo i played)

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This game has a death penalty? :confused:


I'm an EVE player and in comparison dying in TOR is like sneezing. Try losing an 18 billion isk ship, billions in implants and one of your maxed skills, setting you back months if not years. And, that's not even the most expensive ship you could lose. Personally my most expensive loss was a 2b capital ship that I'd owned for 3+ years and believe me it hurt.

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WOW has a death timer.... Having bot maxed out players death timers via ganking and had min maxed out via being ganked I can 100% confirm wow has a death timer. You also have to run to your body... SWTOR you are summoned at it...


Wow's death system is 10x harsher. Not to mention wow actually has world pvp. Not saying wow is better, I like the story of SWTOR ALOT however the world pvp......

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This game has a death penalty? :confused:


I'm an EVE player and in comparison dying in TOR is like sneezing. Try losing an 18 billion isk ship, billions in implants and one of your maxed skills, setting you back months if not years. And, that's not even the most expensive ship you could lose. Personally my most expensive loss was a 2b capital ship that I'd owned for 3+ years and believe me it hurt.




I play eve too! Not like crazy though only own battle ships. He is not kidding at all about setting you back years not one bit. If you forget to upgrade your clone you are so F***ed if you die. YEARS of learning lost. REAL years.

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