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This game needs more MMO and less Single Player


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Hey all!

I've played the game a lot already, and I think I know enough to critisize it and suggest what can be improved about it.

So in our guild we talked that the game is really a lot single player and not enough MMO. And here's why I think so:


- Instances on the planets

Why do you keep us all divided? All other games have managed to put all the players into one realm, it won't hurt if we'll have to wait 1-2 mins for some mob to respawn because there were lots of people there...


  • Single player missions are a little bit easier...


  • Less online experience and socializing with other people
  • Less world pvp


- Too many instanced areas

Yes I know the meaning of this is that you can progress easier in the quest. But still, what if in an instanced area for 4ppl there are 2x3 sized parties and any of them could use additional member? And what if this member is inside the area and they can see him? Will be lot easier. And I doubt this would prevent story progression or something, since when a mission is being turned in or being in progress players are invulnerable to outer things (enemy player for example)


  • Hard to kill mobs wont spawn again once they are killed


  • Less online experience and socializing
  • Kinda harder to get another member if someone from the group leaves


- No chat bubbles

Call me paranoid, but I get the feeling this isn't implemented intentionaly... I mean this is the VERY FIRST thing you must do if making online game, where players are supposed to talk to each other and understand/hear the others easily.

And I don't even see if this feature will be implemented in the next patches...


  • None


  • Less online experience and socializing again
  • Players can hardly see that someone next to them is talking...


Those were the biggest problems for now I can think of...

Please, if you support me, comment and/or add anything else, so Bioware can hear us, and thanks for reading (if you bothered at all :D)

Edited by skaidar
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I disagree. Why would you want to make this game more like the others? There are plenty of games out there that focus on the features you listed. SW:TOR is focused on its story, which makes it unique. Any changes that reduce the importance of the story would only hurt this game, as they would make it lose its identity.
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I disagree. Why would you want to make this game more like the others? There are plenty of games out there that focus on the features you listed. SW:TOR is focused on its story, which makes it unique. Any changes that reduce the importance of the story would only hurt this game, as they would make it lose its identity.


Sooner or later the story will end, or at least will stop for a while...

Then it will be time for own story making with other people!


Right now the game is nothing more than a single player rpg with a chat in it...

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From what I have read on these forums I think the heavy instancing has to do with the lousy "hero engine" they are using for this game, Looks this is something that willnot/can not be changed for this game. As far as Chat bubbles go, I have no freackin idea how or why this would not be included in a 2011/2012 MMO. Maybe they were too preoccupied with the social point system.....:rolleyes: Edited by DeathStarPlumber
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I really hope they never implement chat bubbles.


It would look WAY too goofy for this game.


It'd be nice to have the choice to turn chat bubbles on/off though.


They didn't look too bad in SWG, at least you could see who was saying what. Only problem was the spamming, LFG, WTB etc...

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I am forced to respectfully disagree. By and large, other people are, well ... let's use the word 'jerks' to represent a slightly stronger description which may not be appropriate for forum usage.


More solo = good.

Dependency on others = bad.


In my humble opinion, of course.

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This game is exactly what BioWare said it would be from day one. This is exactly what I expected and because I was paying attention I find myself playing a game I enjoy very much. Just as it is. Perhaps in the future you would consider researching what a game is like before you sign up to play it.
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I disagree. Why would you want to make this game more like the others? There are plenty of games out there that focus on the features you listed. SW:TOR is focused on its story, which makes it unique. Any changes that reduce the importance of the story would only hurt this game, as they would make it lose its identity.




true but dont forget its an mmo we are playing. and when you are buying an mmo you are expekting to se other characters all the time. if you dont like that mmo may not be for you in the firsat place. there is A LOT good storybased PC games you do not need to buy this game for a good story there is other games for that

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This game is exactly what BioWare said it would be from day one. This is exactly what I expected and because I was paying attention I find myself playing a game I enjoy very much. Just as it is. Perhaps in the future you would consider researching what a game is like before you sign up to play it.


So just wondering..were you expecting hi res textures?

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I really hope they never implement chat bubbles.


It would look WAY too goofy for this game.


No. I'd much prefer to have chat bubbles with the option for folks like you who don't like them to turn them off and view "say" dialogue in the general window. It's really great for casual RP and in instances party chat can sometimes zoom past if general and guild chat are moving quickly.


There are a number of quality of life improvements that I want to see and this is high up on the list.

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This game is exactly what BioWare said it would be from day one. This is exactly what I expected and because I was paying attention I find myself playing a game I enjoy very much. Just as it is. Perhaps in the future you would consider researching what a game is like before you sign up to play it.


I never said I don't like the game the way it is...

But everything can be improved, and if there are enough people on this opinion I don't see any problem

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Hey all!

I've played the game a lot already, and I think I know enough to critisize it and suggest what can be improved about it.

So in our guild we talked that the game is really a lot single player and not enough MMO. And here's why I think so:


- Instances on the planets

Why do you keep us all divided? All other games have managed to put all the players into one realm, it won't hurt if we'll have to wait 1-2 mins for some mob to respawn because there were lots of people there...


  • Single player missions are a little bit easier...


  • Less online experience and socializing with other people
  • Less world pvp


This is about as non-issue as there could ever be. The point behind instancing is to reduce server lag. I don't know about you, but the game feels less heroic when there are 30 players standing around waiting for that one mob spawn causing nothing but a ton of server lag and graphical load for the client machine.


I would have actually preferred it if TOR had went with the design that DCUO did with their megaserver - where you only choose your server type and just logged in the game to play. Individual shard names are so last decade.


- Too many instanced areas

Yes I know the meaning of this is that you can progress easier in the quest. But still, what if in an instanced area for 4ppl there are 2x3 sized parties and any of them could use additional member? And what if this member is inside the area and they can see him? Will be lot easier. And I doubt this would prevent story progression or something, since when a mission is being turned in or being in progress players are invulnerable to outer things (enemy player for example)


  • Hard to kill mobs wont spawn again once they are killed


  • Less online experience and socializing
  • Kinda harder to get another member if someone from the group leaves


It is impossible for me to disagree to any greater degree.


I love the individual small group/player instances for quest mobs. I think it's a brilliant idea.


As far as bringing new people in, just invite them - once in your group, they can enter your instance. For the most part, heroic level quest areas are the only area people will need help with anyway. Class story quest areas should all be soloable except for a few oddballs. Most non-heroic quests are soloable too, I've noticed even the champions in those tend to not be quest objectives or are not as tough as champions in other areas.


- No chat bubbles

Call me paranoid, but I get the feeling this isn't implemented intentionaly... I mean this is the VERY FIRST thing you must do if making online game, where players are supposed to talk to each other and understand/hear the others easily.

And I don't even see if this feature will be implemented in the next patches...


  • None


  • Less online experience and socializing again
  • Players can hardly see that someone next to them is talking...


For as big of a game as WoW was, I think the game was out almost 3 years before chat bubbles appeared. I know it wasn't in at release.


That said, I do want chat bubbles - but man, it's not "game failing" issue. Seriously.


Those were the biggest problems for now I can think of...

Please, if you support me, comment and/or add anything else, so Bioware can hear us, and thanks for reading (if you bothered at all :D)


If that is the "biggest" issues you can think of, I think TOR is in a pretty good place.

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This game needs time mate...


Only time - Enya :)


Why is this always thrown around when a suggestion and or criticism is made? Yes, we understand the game was "rushed" out and we understand a new game needs time to evolve, but when you are up against polished MMO's(you know, the one that had 7+ years to polish, yeah I know) you need to release a somewhat finished product that has half of the features of, not even said mmo, but atleast an MMO. Like the original poster said, this is nothing more than a SPRPG with a chat box that is costing me $15 a month for less features than other dead mmo's that have come out in recent years.

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Sooner or later the story will end, or at least will stop for a while...

Then it will be time for own story making with other people!


Right now the game is nothing more than a single player rpg with a chat in it...


So is your problem that people can so something in game by themselves or that forced-grouping doesn't occur until late end-game?

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Planet instances - Yes, I agree with this. Should be more people on a planet before you instance. There has to be some instancing though cause I don't want a million people on the same planet I am on.


Area instances - Disagree, especially if they allow more people on a planet. I think their model came from WoW, and it works well. There are plenty of places where there are special mobs not instanced that I had to wait for, we can stand in line for those. I like how the area instances are set up personally and hope they do not change them.


Bubbles - If they allow these then I hope they have the option to turn them off. I hate them. Not sure why this is one of the "biggies". All it does to me is clutter up the screen.

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MMOs nowadys are just single player games with others in the same world with very little interaction if any.


The difference between a MMO and a single player RPG was that MMOs required grouping.


Now that pretty much every MMO is single player whats the difference between a MMO and a single player RPG?


Single player RPGs use to not have a monthly sub, now they do.


I fully expect group based MMOs to die off and single payer RPGs with a sub will become the norm.

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Why is this always thrown around when a suggestion and or criticism is made? Yes, we understand the game was "rushed" out and we understand a new game needs time to evolve, but when you are up against polished MMO's(you know, the one that had 7+ years to polish, yeah I know) you need to release a somewhat finished product that has half of the features of, not even said mmo, but atleast an MMO. Like the original poster said, this is nothing more than a SPRPG with a chat box that is costing me $15 a month for less features than other dead mmo's that have come out in recent years.



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true but dont forget its an mmo we are playing. and when you are buying an mmo you are expekting to se other characters all the time. if you dont like that mmo may not be for you in the firsat place. there is A LOT good storybased PC games you do not need to buy this game for a good story there is other games for that


Yes but in other MMO's I found myself grouping less than in this game.

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