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Forums: Where crybabies come to complain


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From the first time I zoned it I was hit with obscenities. All because of my gear. Mind you, I am wearing exactly 353 which is the minimum for Twilight heroics. Only one person died during the whole run, and it wasn't even due to me, he stood in fire. This druid though, from the Draka server, is easily the most rude and obscene player I have ever had the displeasure of dealing with. Even when no one was dying and we were progressing perfectly fine he would not let up. In no particular order:













This wasn't even all of it, just what I manage to screenshot. One of his favorites was I must have gamed the system because there's "no way you should be healing ANY heroic". This character is wearing the best gear it has. My ret set in my bags is worse. This behavior is the worst I've run into since Cata began. I can see why there is a lack of healers or lack of faith in the community in general.

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