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10 queue times in row for huttball, you've got to be kidding


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On a somewhat brighter note, I think I've figured out the bug for these successive queues. If the roll has you up for huttball, and you log out, the next time you queue huttball goes right back to the top of the list. I don't care, cause I'm still going to log out when I queue for a huttball match. Maybe my contribution to the metrics they look at will have them change the formula for queues.


Does anyone else hate to be force fed a diet of huttball, only to regurgitate it?

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i was told this is due to huttball offering empire vs empire games , whereas this aint possible for the other 2 warzones. and seeing as most servers have a hugely imbalanced republic-empire ratio you'll end up facing your own faction way more often->lots of huttball!



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Hello empire player. I hope you enjoy your national sport.


I haven't been paying attention to who the other players are, cause I log off straight away. Seems to me they ought to allow mixed factions in all warzones. In other words, put 3 republic players with 5 empire players on the same team. In SWG we had factions in pvp. It was imbalanced too, but not to the degree it is here. I would love to play mixed matches.

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I haven't been paying attention to who the other players are, cause I log off straight away. Seems to me they ought to allow mixed factions in all warzones. In other words, put 3 republic players with 5 empire players on the same team.


That would make no sense at all.

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I'm confused as to why republic sit in 10 minute ques while imps fight each other in hutball. Someting seems off.


Damn, and I thought it didn't require genius level intellect to realize its because faction imbalance (aka no majority servers there is much more empire players than republic ones) :p

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