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Can you please.....


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Increase the range of all abilities by 1m.


I say all to be fair to every class, but really im asking for melee sake since it seems like the reason half my abilities pretend to start to go off but then don't i think has to do with target being in and out of range even though i feel like im right on top of them (which WZ lag is an issue that doesn't help this).


Either way i think the melee range being 5m might fix some of the melee combat issue with not having abilities go off.


I know range even with ability delay its way easier since your guy will autoface which is nice but melee doesn't have anything like that and with these delays its making pvp retarded rough.



Maybe there's other stuff to, but just frustrated that some BH killed me hoping circles around and blasting me and every melee attack i casted would start the animation and then just not fire and i died getting only 2 hits in when he got 10.

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