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So I started my first RP character.


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So ive been playing SWTOR since the begining of the headstart period, I have since created 5 characters of differant factions, classes, and advanced classes.

Ive been dissappointed as often the classes that I enjoyed playing had terrible story lines while classes that were a pain to play had inconsistant, breaking my suspension of disbeleif story lines so ive played the range. (I played these classes to lvl 30-47)


I was talking with my brother at work over the weekend and he made the observation he never sees Sentinels on our server (The Swiftsure) and then goes onto tell me about all the problems hes heard about the class. So im like "Really?" and look some stuff up on them and their abilitys and talents. Looks very focused on what tree/saber style you prefer but gives alot of options and it has some unique defensive bufffs, party buffs, and debuffs.


When I get home I deicide ill try that as my next character, lets look for some inspiration for design and gameplay. I quickly choose Red Archer from Fate Stay Night, of which I am a fan of the series and hes a duel wielder. What are his traits though that I could use in game?

Arrogant, Cynical, Sarcastic.


Ok so I roll up the character and am playing along those lines and im loving it. The Jedi Knight has a very enjoyable story, the Sentinel is a fun challenge to play since you have to know what your doing or you die alot, im having a blast. I started going combat spec but after review combat/focus dont seem like they are very good at low levels. combats second tier is problematic. Ive switched to Watchmen and been having a slightly easier time but I dont have overload saber yet so i cant enjoy the two burns yet.


So im at level 18, in the Works area of Coruscant havinga blast with a story I like, a class thats fun to play and a RP perspective to my conversations that funny and entertaining.


I cant wait to see what this Advanced class has in store for the future.

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Update im on Taris @22. I took some time to do the dailys for PVP, Hammer Station and ran through the Fleet/Ship missions.


Feel im a little behind, I switched spec back to combat.



I wasnt really feeling Watchmen, having to keep track of those two extra skills (cauterise and overload saber) amoung other issues with the setup wasnt for me currently. Im trying to simplify my combat bars not add more things to them. (4 bars full on my smuggler) so I switched to combat and feel im killing things quicker, I dont have the burst damage the burns gave me but I have a more constant steady amount of damage.

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