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Impossible to gear up.


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New 50 here. Been in about 40 warzones now, and I've won 3. The Imperial players are already geared up because of same faction warzones, which are ridiculous. How do you expect new 50s to gear up for pvp? We have to win to get a decent amount of commendations, and then we only have a SMALL chance to get a piece of gear. How is this fun?
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New 50 here. Been in about 40 warzones now, and I've won 3. The Imperial players are already geared up because of same faction warzones, which are ridiculous. How do you expect new 50s to gear up for pvp? We have to win to get a decent amount of commendations, and then we only have a SMALL chance to get a piece of gear. How is this fun?



Not to say your concern isn't valid, but I actually almost got an entire suit of Champion gear over 3 days or so, sans the legs and boots. I'm only rank 24 now, and I've had my fair share of losses.


The weekly Ilum quest is crucial, and don't forget the dailies too. With the apparent imbalance of sides, you'll *always* have the option to flip as a Republic player, it seems, making those far easier for you to complete than the Empire.


3 wins a day on a warzone can be harsh, but some days are better than others. Lead your team, tell them (politely) what they should be doing, and you'll most likely get far better results. If not? Find a group of friends you can work with. Any sort of organization will stomp the opposing team of randoms the majority of the time.

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Lose your way to gear and be better for it for having to overcome a gear disadvantage? Gearing up really doesn't take that long (though removing the 50 PVP blues certainly didn't help). There exist 16 champion bags that you can earn per week requiring very few wins per day; about 1 in 5 has an item and with no slots filled it's likely to be something you don't have.


Anyone who wasn't the first 50 had to fight up some sort of gear disparity. Your geared opponents are essentially at a plateau, with the upcoming trinket additions allowing them to climb a bit higher.

Edited by rainbowunicorns
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Not to say your concern isn't valid, but I actually almost got an entire suit of Champion gear over 3 days or so, sans the legs and boots. I'm only rank 24 now, and I've had my fair share of losses.



This is what is wrong with the system.

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Tips to surviving your first ventures into the Level 50 bracket:



1) Dont do it at first. Your first step is to make sure you have Biochem 400 and start doing Hard Mode Flashpoints for the Biometric Crystal Alloy. Then craft yourself a Rakata Stim, Rakata Medpack and a Rakata Adrenal.


2) Find yourself a decent relic, critical/surge is a good start for a relic.


3) Enter the warzone with your Rakata-adrenal-stim-healthpack and relic crutch.


4) Learn how to use your damage increasing abilities (Adrenals/Relics/Class abilities). For example: For Sorcerers you need to learn how to add Recklessness into your skill set.


5) Refine your keybindings so you never have to stop to cast your instant abilities. A good start: Bind (Shift + W) for your rakata medpack, and (Shift + S) for your decrease speed debuff if your a ranged class. (Usually your facing your opponite when you want to cast a slowdown which is why S - backwards - is a good binding, and you are usually running away when you need to pop your healthpack).


6) If you followed the above steps you wont be cannon fodder for the PvP geared people. After 60 valor they've already done 1-5.

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New 50 here. Been in about 40 warzones now, and I've won 3. The Imperial players are already geared up because of same faction warzones, which are ridiculous. How do you expect new 50s to gear up for pvp? We have to win to get a decent amount of commendations, and then we only have a SMALL chance to get a piece of gear. How is this fun?


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the queue algorithm supposed to do a same-faction queue if there aren't the appropriate amount of opposing faction players in the pool?


I'm sure that Imperials get the edge in more WFs, but if the algorithm is working like I imagine, it should be fairly negligible.

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People really need to stop telling others to L2P when it comes to PvP. If you were one of the first 50s and actually had access to the blue 50 pvp set, you were one of the lucky ones.


The majority of the people that didn't rush to 50 got punished. Everyone that didn't go Biochem thinking they might get some perk from something else got punished. Everyone that didn't buy the blue lvl 50 set before they removed it from the game were punished.


The pvp from 10-49 was perfectly fine. The second EXPERTISE got thrown in, anything that looked like skill was thrown out the window.


The level 50 with Expertise gear dominates those 10-49. They win more, get more rewards. The lowbies lose more and get less rewards. The rich get richer, the poor poorer. Then they remove the blue 50 set from the game making those issues that much worse.


They basically turned it into a giant farm game. Except in this case the cattle can, and are, taking their $15 a month somewhere else.

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im a jedi shadow. i hit valor rank 60 today. i have battlemaster ear, both implants, mainhand and a relic. rest of my gear is champion with chest, boots and wrists being the exception....those are centurion. Seems about right to me. And i went for the first 14 champ bags with not a single champ piece. Ive had several doubles but you're not supposed to get your entire set in a week so keep truckin. you'll get it all eventually.
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New 50 here. Been in about 40 warzones now, and I've won 3. The Imperial players are already geared up because of same faction warzones, which are ridiculous. How do you expect new 50s to gear up for pvp? We have to win to get a decent amount of commendations, and then we only have a SMALL chance to get a piece of gear. How is this fun?


oh but wait, you have random drops from champion bags -- even if you lose -- to help you normalize the playing field. Too bad it will take you 40 bags to get a piece -- which is roughly 500 WZs. Have fun with SWTOR!


By eventually OP ^^ means 2 months, yippie!

Edited by Bluetickone
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People really need to stop telling others to L2P when it comes to PvP. If you were one of the first 50s and actually had access to the blue 50 pvp set, you were one of the lucky ones.


The majority of the people that didn't rush to 50 got punished. Everyone that didn't go Biochem thinking they might get some perk from something else got punished. Everyone that didn't buy the blue lvl 50 set before they removed it from the game were punished.


The pvp from 10-49 was perfectly fine. The second EXPERTISE got thrown in, anything that looked like skill was thrown out the window.


The level 50 with Expertise gear dominates those 10-49. They win more, get more rewards. The lowbies lose more and get less rewards. The rich get richer, the poor poorer. Then they remove the blue 50 set from the game making those issues that much worse.


They basically turned it into a giant farm game. Except in this case the cattle can, and are, taking their $15 a month somewhere else.


Ummm i didnt rush to 50. took me 3 weeks. and the 50 blue gear is still there. i bought it. its on drummand kass/corescant near your trainer.

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I'm more willing to bet that most people don't have an issue with it. Those that do on the forums are a minority, and a small sample size compared to everybody who queues for warzones.


I'd wager that you're wrong. A lot of people toss this out but there's a reason why major businesses take advice based on poll results. While not everyone posts on the forums people post what they like and don't like. It's not just "Happy" people that don't post. Most people don't post period. If people complain about something on the forums there's many more that aren't voicing their complaints.


If something is only brought up occasionally chances are most people aren't too worried about it. When you have well over 20 THREADS complaining about a system. Chances are most people do not like said system.

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oh but wait, you have random drops from champion bags -- even if you lose -- to help you normalize the playing field. Too bad it will take you 40 bags to get a piece -- which is roughly 500 WZs. Have fun with SWTOR!


By eventually OP ^^ means 2 months, yippie!


6 bags from weeklies, 2 from dailies. thats 20 bags a week jsut from quests. if u get no champ pieces thats 60 centurian comms. which means if over the course of doing all these u buy 7 champ bags from warzone comms (cake since i was buying 2-3 a day pretty easily), you'll have 81 centurian comms. thats 2 pieces of gear a week if u are terribly unlucky. sounds fine to me.

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6 bags from weeklies, 2 from dailies. thats 20 bags a week jsut from quests. if u get no champ pieces thats 60 centurian comms. which means if over the course of doing all these u buy 7 champ bags from warzone comms (cake since i was buying 2-3 a day pretty easily), you'll have 81 centurian comms. thats 2 pieces of gear a week if u are terribly unlucky. sounds fine to me.


Two pieces of gear that's completely inferior to what the lucky rank 20 noob got in his 8 bags from dailies/weeklies.

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Two pieces of gear that's completely inferior to what the lucky rank 20 noob got in his 8 bags from dailies/weeklies.


O well. noobs suck at pvp right? so with ur blue 50 gear and your couple of centurian pieces you've got around 200 expertise iirc. so u should have no issues beating him right?


the normal progression of pvp gear isnt to completely skip centurian. if u were lucky and got to skip a lot of it great....if not, thats normal.

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O well. noobs suck at pvp right? so with ur blue 50 gear and your couple of centurian pieces you've got around 200 expertise iirc. so u should have no issues beating him right?


the normal progression of pvp gear isnt to completely skip centurian. if u were lucky and got to skip a lot of it great....if not, thats normal.


Except it's not only noobs that luck out. I also clearly doubt being rank 60 in 0 battle master and 4 champion is normal considering most my rank are far more geared. I can tell that you're clearly not a competitive pvper. In competitive pvp against the top premades gear can make or break the fights. Even a 10% advantage is huge. If my team is unluckier than our rival teams we lose.


PvP is all about competition. It's players versus players. May the better team win. If my team is relatively equal to your team and your team is in blues and we're in champion/battlemaster gear guess who gets steamrolled?


Also the level 50 gear got removed recently.

Edited by Rhyltran
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i been playing wow for about 8 years,so that means the game,and now a good mmo should b built has been around for what 8 years,fps problems bg problems,combat problems lag,bugs ect you name it,i have a great computer,sorta top grade,and yet i get 10-5 fps in pvp and no don;t say o he has a ****yt comp;l2 read i have a great comp,i play eevrygame out on the martket at top graphics,this game blows for pvp,the whole comcpet is horrible,i mean ebery bg has nothing to do with pvp,and they have no topic on fixing the real big 20k plus player problem spike fps in bg;s,they know they have a problem cause the forums are filled with this issue,and not i don;t cr on forums this is the firs time i eevr posted about anygame,why caus ei had a lot of hope for this game,was gonna b my wow killer,but as i can see they want your money then *** don;t care ty bioware i love all your game sjust not this one.
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Except it's not only noobs that luck out. I also clearly doubt being rank 60 in 0 battle master and 4 champion is normal considering most my rank are far more geared. I can tell that you're clearly not a competitive pvper. In competitive pvp against the top premades gear can make or break the fights. Even a 10% advantage is huge. If my team is unluckier than our rival teams we lose.


PvP is all about competition. It's players versus players. May the better team win. If my team is relatively equal to your team and your team is in blues and we're in champion/battlemaster gear guess who gets steamrolled?


Also the level 50 gear got removed recently.


hahaha. ok. since u have no control over who u play against, your argument as it applies to this game is invalid. sometimes u get geared skilled opponents, sometimes u get rookies with no gear. guess u will have to work harder to get ur gear than other ppl.

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