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If they have to entice people to not unsubscribe..


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That takes me from being a happy customer with SWTOR to being worried about how the games fairing...


Only bioware has the numbers, and they must be falling if this is the tactic they're choosing to use with patch 1.1.


How are they enticing anyone?

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Considering my subscription runs out on the 20th, and patch days are tuesdays, and the next patch day is the 24th... do you follow?


Or, it could just be that they've unearthed a few more glitches on the Test Server and want to iron them out before releasing this important patch ;)

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Or, it could just be that they've unearthed a few more glitches on the Test Server and want to iron them out before releasing this important patch ;)


If they didn't do that with the whole game, what makes you think they would do that for one little patch?

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Hello all,


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We encourage everyone to please read this thread from AllisonBerryman regarding posts on the forums and feedback:




We also want to remind everyone about our dev tracker. Our dev tracker is a great way to keep up on posts from us regarding Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ and we encourage you to check it frequently.


You can find the dev tracker here - http://www.swtor.com/community/devtracker.php


We will go ahead and close this thread as there is not room for constructive discussion here. Thank you.

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