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Your Top 2 Reasons for Canceling Your Subscription


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If you have canceled or going to cancel, can you share why?

I am curious as to what is making people to actually cancel their sub. I am sure BW/EA is too.


Please don't turn this into a flame war. If you are going to attack people for canceling, don't even reply. This thread isn't intended for that.



why I am canceling:


1. poor responsiveness / ability delay

2. no desire to endgame PVP/PVE in the game's current state.

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1. I'm an irrational child.

2. I tend to ruin good things for myself by over-hyping them. I will do the same for whatever MMO I say that I am leaving for.


yeah you are right, this game is perfect and with out any serious flaws. Anyone who sees it that way is such a silly child...

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Hey all,


While we do appreciate and read feedback regarding the game, we do ask that said feedback is constructive and respectful. Threads such as these are not constructive and will service to incite non-productive discussion and flames.


If you need some guidelines for posting constructive feedback, we do have a post here via our Dev Tracker that explains it:



In addition there is a thread which has a compilation of feedback you may want to read and post constructively in here:



We'll be closing this thread, but do encourage folks to post constructive feedback about the game in future threads. Thanks for your understanding!

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