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What's with the lame puzzles?


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I come from an era of adventure gaming where puzzles, at the very least, required you to get out a pen and paper to solve. And then beyond that, it required some creative and critical thinking to get right.


In an MMORPG, a puzzle could serve as a fun diversion. Something just to provide that little extra variety and use that part of your noggin every once in a while.


But the most complex puzzle I've seen thus far was memorizing four letters. That's it.


I mean, come on. Having puzzles in an MMORPG is a legitimately good idea. It's a lot better if players need to stop and think for a sec.

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The most complicated I have found was having to power up relays so that they all would be switched on. One of those puzzles where you toggle one object and it then toggles the two it is connected to...

Took me a long time. Mostly though because the view you have in an MMO is deffinitly not ideal.


Some of the datacrons were really fun to figure out.

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I'd imagne its because it seems the majority of thodays gamers want to just "spacebar" through things fast and not have to think deeply too much.


As much as puzzles frustrate me, nothing compares to the feeling you get after solving one of them.

Edited by Clova
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