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'ban the rich'


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isnt it the point in a game to get lots of gear and currency. what kind of jerk decided to make it a policy to ban someone just because they do well.

(there is a dirrerence between out of game traders, and 'farmers')


errr u bought creds naughty fail. HAHA gz on your ban

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Those of you who bash the OP.

How do you know he did what you accuse him of?

How do you know that it was not someone at GM who made a mistake?


Hey, i'm bashing him. But it has nothing to do with "buying credits", it has to do with the fact that, when faced with a baseless accusation, instead of putting any effort to refute it...He goes straight to insulting others.


thats also a good idea you're right about them.

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He's talking about if you buy up stuff going for low prices on the GTN and then repost them at higher prices, you get warnings/suspensions. http://imgur.com/DnnfM


In other words, trying to dictate the economy instead of letting players build one themselves.


Yeeeah that was already shown the be a hoax by Stephen Reid. Check his dev log

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He's talking about if you buy up stuff going for low prices on the GTN and then repost them at higher prices, you get warnings/suspensions. http://imgur.com/DnnfM


In other words, trying to dictate the economy instead of letting players build one themselves.

Sorry, thats so untrue.


Buying stuff cheap stuff and reselling at a higher price is perfectly fine. I've been doing it since launch.

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