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Am I the only one having such a good laugh?


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I would be upset if I thought this game was going to last longer than 3 months for me anyway. This game will be dropped like a bad habit as soon as GW2 comes out. So I agree with the OP, you gotta find some humor in all the people whining about not being able to play this star wars themed WoW copy. Hard to get excited about the same old ****.
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If I had been working on this game, I'd much rather have people whining and analysing sales rates to estimate when they get in, rather than people not caring about it.


If the lack of access to the game, makes people go crazy, to the point of rage and whine, you've done something right (as a dev), right?

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If I had been working on this game, I'd much rather have people whining and analysing sales rates to estimate when they get in, rather than people not caring about it.


If the lack of access to the game, makes people go crazy, to the point of rage and whine, you've done something right (as a dev), right?


it's a way to see it. But i doubt that post like bioware ****ed us or bioware lost my respect makes them happy. And those are real post!!

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I hover between laughter and weeping for the future of mankind.


Heh yeah, same here. On the one hand it's hilarious to see how upset people get over something like this. On the other hand, I can't believe people are seriously so upset over this. If BioWare had lied or something, then I could understand being upset. I can even understand being disappointed. But the raging is really over-dramatic, and unfortunately just a representation of what our society has downgraded to.

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Well there is the 3rd type of post; those complaining about the posts complaining about the posts complaining :):)




BW should be scared, community makes the game. If the tail end of the beta and now are an indicator this game will be mired down in no time by jerks....

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Oh no, I am having a blast. The amount of hot air and hyperbole could power Las Vegas for 6 months...


"Most Outrageous Launch Debacle Ever!!!!!"


"BioWare Unfair to Poor People!!!!"


"How is this not the Biggest Business Deception in the History of Capitalism???"


"BioWare caused World War II!!!!"


"BioWare has a mind control chip in Obama's head!!!"

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Agreed, I am just flagging any nonsense grumbling threadsafter I get my 2cents in, as I am hoping for stability in my forums soon.


It will come soon enough.


Not sure if you have kids or not but what do you think happens when a child is upset and you give them a shiny new toy or something similar? Their eyes light up and they completely forget what they were upset about. Same thing will happen here, once these children get their invite the QQ will disappear, at least until they find something else to be upset about.

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Seriously everyone on this forum is so uptight. There are the people whining about not playing and the others complaining about the people whining.

I find the situation quite amusing. And just reading the forum is enough for me.

I pree ordered only recently and i have made my peace with not having much early access but you guys are making it worth the wait :rolleyes:


Yes you probably are one of the few d**cheb*gs that are laughing at other people.

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I wanted more "Occupy Coruscant" tbh. I've been there for a few MMO launches, and this is far from the worst. The game is apparently up and running, for one. Maybe everyone else will get in tomorrow, and maybe not. Frankly, I pre-ordered 12/11 and CBA to whine over whether it's today or tomorrow or Friday.


I am going to adopt the old EVE Online response to whine threads, "Can I have your stuff?"

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