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How do you shoot a proton torpedo ?


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i dont have them equiped yet, so i may be wrong fur i figure they are on the buttons that are next to your ship icon that shows your sheilds and such, i know that is where the ecm stuff is for turning them on and off.


again might be wrong but check there.

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You have to hold down the right mouse button for a few seconds until the reticule completely locks on the target (it'll turn from the red flashing circle to a solid white one). Only then will it fire when you release the right mouse button. It takes about 5 seconds of constant focus on that particular target before it'll lock on and fire.


Also, the photon torpedos will only fire at certain targets, usually just heavily shielded objectives on capital ships or the one at the bottom of space stations.

Edited by Cruxe
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You have to hold down the right mouse button for a few seconds until the reticule completely locks on the target (it'll turn from the red flashing circle to a solid white one). Only then will it fire when you release the right mouse button. It takes about 5 seconds of constant focus on that particular target before it'll lock on and fire.




Also note it changes the way one mission style plays. Clouds of Vonduru and the assault a large capital ship before it default to Protoon Torpedos for the Shield Generators (4/4) instead of defaulting to Missiles when you right click. This is the only mission style that really "changes" with the addition of Protons though certain bonus objectives in others become easier.




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Wow, awesome that I found this thread (finally got search).


Been trying to figure out the whole Proton Torpedo thing. I supose I wasn't trying the correct targets then. I remember in one mission, my targeting reticle went red, and I was unable to fire my missiles. I thought it was bugged.

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It doesn't. It's controlled by right clicking.


I remember the mission I was having trouble on, which was Clouds of Vondoru. It's harder to keep on target on the shield generators to launch a proton torpedo than it is to momentarily right click and spam regular missiles.


It does look like it's selective on what can be targeted. On the last few pass throughs on Clouds of Vondoru, even holding down right click would select msisiles for everything but the shield generators, which came up with the red reticle. Never could hold onto that target long enough to lock in a torpedo.


Pretty cool but for now I mine as well use the 150 missiles I got. They're easy to shoot, quick, and a small barrage of them can destroy those shield generators easily.


For your hotkeys, it's:


Power to Blasters

Power to Shield

Electronic Warfare Pod

EMP Generator

Edited by SodaOfYoda
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