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Operatives: Most broken garbage balance ever.


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except for teh fact that healing opreatives/scoundrels are very squishy compared to healbot sorc/mercs with no real defensive cooldowns. therefore if you start seeing matches with all scoundrels/op's it's easily countered with tanks and heales and use of guard.


yes one person may be bursted down through guard by 2 ops/scoundrels on them at once, but think about that for a minute.


Just shut up. You'd have to have your head way up your *** to think this class isn't broken.

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If you don't see this class as OP you're playing a diffrent games, I'm in full PvP gear with 7% dmg reduce ontop of my expertise. An equal gear Opertive will chop me down to 35% easy, most classes don't have 7% passive dmg reduce, oh also forgot when I'm stunned in away I get a bonus 20% damage reduce. GG.
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If you don't see this class as OP you're playing a diffrent games, I'm in full PvP gear with 7% dmg reduce ontop of my expertise. An equal gear Opertive will chop me down to 35% easy, most classes don't have 7% passive dmg reduce, oh also forgot when I'm stunned in away I get a bonus 20% damage reduce. GG.


Thats funny cus I can survive a op/scoundrel opener with absolute ease in medium armor with no dmg reduction whatsoever...Want to know why? It fills my resolve bar.


I can't survive a ranged opener from 30 plus yards away that takes a good chunk of my health followed by a ranged stun popped crit/surge trinket/power adrenal face melting though...


I could make a thread complaining about it but I am not 10 years old, and I understand how checks and balances work inside a MMO.


Taking away dmg from a class that can't leap around the map and can't gib someone from range is a great idea...


If you want ranged to have no counter and be even more overpopulated then they already are.


The rogue class is going to melt your face one on one in every game. Deal with it. They have to deal with mouthbreathers doing the simplest rotations on earth while standing still and not having to hit keybinds on the move and killing them.


This is called balance.


I know casters and stationary turrets see themselves as unique flowers, but in reality you are a dime a dozen zerged class in every game, played by people who can't cut it as melee or healers.

Edited by biowareftw
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l2p a Op in full PvP gear? That doesn't sound too hard.


You're kidding right? What is there to l2p when you're knocked down, stunned, and burst down in three gcd's? There's no skill to doing that and no defense to it. In before the "use your trinket and pop your cd's noob...."

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... this is what scoundrel/op damage is actually like...here in this video. no consumables used. note the total lack of 5k crits you all whine about...



First hit in the video, 4968 crit damage. A complete lack of 5k crits.


Don't think I'll bother watching further.

Edited by GordonJ
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Change title to "Biochem: Most broken garbage balance ever".


Stacking consumables I hit for a 6.5k Smash AoE crit on a fresh 50 Juggernaut in leveling gear. Than hit for a 2.5k Obliterate, Force Choked him for 3 seconds, Force Pushed, Force Leaped, and killed him with a second 6.5k smash crit. He didn't get to do anything the whole fight.


So 15.5k damage in 3 globals + the Force Choke damage and stun in between.


I shudder to think of what Ill be like in PvP gear.....


Ive seen Sentinels hit me for 10k while stacking.


Its more noticeable because Ops do it out of stealth, you notice all the burst. In the middle of a fight (especially in a group...because when fighting a Jugg you most likely have other enemies nearby or you aren't looking at burst mid fight as much anyway) you aren't as focused on the incoming damage.


The funny thing is, quite a few of you (especially looking in "Jugg Underpowered" threads) have expressed how annoyingly hard it can be to kill a Jugg....how often have you noticed an Operative is hard to kill? (Once you actually start attacking?)...you probably don't even notice killing him, because they are SOO squishy.


You are probably killing them with one of those BEAST smash crits, or your OP AoEs and not even noticing.


The only "Op" thing in the game is herpderptracerderpderpgravroundherpderp.

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meh they aren't unstoppable they just have huge burst. If you pop your cc break on that first stun you can negate most of that burst. Use a knockback and a dot and kite them and they are all yours. BTW this is coming from a tank speced sith jugg, you just need to get some distance till their crap wears off them rip them to peices.

Let me elaborate some more

Once your face hits the ground you will use your cc breaker and instantly get up, but by then you will be missing 70% of your hp, or if youre lucky 40%.

Now once you've used your knockback and got some distance in between you and the op/scoundrel you will only have 2 options

Option 1

run toward a healer


Option 2

use the /facepalm emote, asking yourself why didnt you use option 1 since the op will just go back to being invisible and repeat the same process.:rolleyes:

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Change title to "Biochem: Most broken garbage balance ever".


Stacking consumables I hit for a 6.5k Smash AoE crit on a fresh 50 Juggernaut in leveling gear. Than hit for a 2.5k Obliterate, Force Choked him for 3 seconds, Force Pushed, Force Leaped, and killed him with a second 6.5k smash crit. He didn't get to do anything the whole fight.


So 15.5k damage in 3 globals + the Force Choke damage and stun in between.


I shudder to think of what Ill be like in PvP gear.....


Ive seen Sentinels hit me for 10k while stacking.


Its more noticeable because Ops do it out of stealth, you notice all the burst. In the middle of a fight (especially in a group...because when fighting a Jugg you most likely have other enemies nearby or you aren't looking at burst mid fight as much anyway) you aren't as focused on the incoming damage.


The funny thing is, quite a few of you (especially looking in "Jugg Underpowered" threads) have expressed how annoyingly hard it can be to kill a Jugg....how often have you noticed an Operative is hard to kill? (Once you actually start attacking?)...you probably don't even notice killing him, because they are SOO squishy.


You are probably killing them with one of those BEAST smash crits, or your OP AoEs and not even noticing.


The only "Op" thing in the game is herpderptracerderpderpgravroundherpderp.

Lol@ defending OPs by pointing the finger at Biochem.

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Lol@ defending OPs by pointing the finger at Biochem.


Let me check post history. Check.


Nonstop QQ about operatives for at least a few days instead of spending 5 minutes in a duel to figure out how to beat one. Check.


Hey why do you have to learn to play your class if you can QQ enough right. Right?


We all know how it is.

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Let me check post history. Check.


Nonstop QQ about operatives for at least a few days instead of spending 5 minutes in a duel to figure out how to beat one. Check.


Hey why do you have to learn to play your class if you can QQ enough right. Right?


We all know how it is.


Well said mate, very well said, but it will be ignored sadly.

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almost full champions geared, just got 3 shot by an operative. Its as easy as 1.2.3 i was dead inside of 5 seconds, between that and all the f'ing bugs i am starting to get a little tired of what this game has to offer.Some classes are clearly too strong and i am really getting the impression that the imp mirrors are just a little stronger than their rep counterparts.

For example, if i stand toe to toe with a merc me being a commando dps and i spam grav round and he does that missile spam i will die before he does and i will include a cryo grenade so i can get an extra round off but it makes little difference.

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almost full champions geared, just got 3 shot by an operative. Its as easy as 1.2.3 i was dead inside of 5 seconds, between that and all the f'ing bugs i am starting to get a little tired of what this game has to offer.Some classes are clearly too strong and i am really getting the impression that the imp mirrors are just a little stronger than their rep counterparts.

For example, if i stand toe to toe with a merc me being a commando dps and i spam grav round and he does that missile spam i will die before he does and i will include a cryo grenade so i can get an extra round off but it makes little difference.


So your annoyed with the game, because your not using your class to its fullest extent ? You do know grav round is not all you have ?.

Why are you not using knockback?

why are you not sleeping him till you get range.

why are you not slowing him with autofire skill

why are you not using grenades

why are you not using arty.....

why are you not using your CD heals an consumables.



I would say your a BG farmer arnt you ? you go into BG an smash 1111111111111 as fast as you can in hopes grav round kills someone..

That is not the class mate, its you (nothing personal) but you need to go do some world pvp an learn how to actually fight with your class, BG's will teach you nothing.

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Operatives are broken:


I witnessed a lvl 49 Operative absolutely destroy a Powertech in FULL tank spec with a FULL set of Champion PVP gear. The Operative had him down to 45% in seconds.


Other games I have seen lower level operatives take out much higher level players without even getting touched.


Again, most broken class I have ever seen in PVP.

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So your annoyed with the game, because your not using your class to its fullest extent ? You do know grav round is not all you have ?.

Why are you not using knockback?

why are you not sleeping him till you get range.

why are you not slowing him with autofire skill

why are you not using grenades

why are you not using arty.....

why are you not using your CD heals an consumables.



I would say your a BG farmer arnt you ? you go into BG an smash 1111111111111 as fast as you can in hopes grav round kills someone..

That is not the class mate, its you (nothing personal) but you need to go do some world pvp an learn how to actually fight with your class, BG's will teach you nothing.


you know you try to come on here and act like you know what you are talking about but you are clueless, i was using the counter as an example, i know exactly what tools i have at my disposal in wz's and i don't need a little snot nosed teen barking rubbish.

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you know you try to come on here and act like you know what you are talking about but you are clueless, i was using the counter as an example, i know exactly what tools i have at my disposal in wz's and i don't need a little snot nosed teen barking rubbish.


HAHAHA I am no teen, I'm a damn site older than you by all accounts. But that is irrelevant. I simply showed why you were getting killed (if you were) an this isn't just some pose to jump on the "nerf all classes but mine" brigade.... That BG's are not something pvp should be balanced around because of people like your good self who limit their learning of their class.


The trouble with pvp today is this silly ideal that blizzard taught you all, an now you dont know any better, that is that all classes have to be equal. They should NEVER be equal, skill an diversity in pvp are corner stones of what made MMos so good before that rubbish came out.

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Operatives are broken:


I witnessed a lvl 49 Operative absolutely destroy a Powertech in FULL tank spec with a FULL set of Champion PVP gear. The Operative had him down to 45% in seconds.


Other games I have seen lower level operatives take out much higher level players without even getting touched.


Again, most broken class I have ever seen in PVP.


I would say you are lying. Because there are Merc BH's (who aren't even tank spec) that take literally 5 people to take down.


So no.. you are lying.

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