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Is this for real?????


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Notice how half of what he said is cut off? He probably put a ticket in about chest farming as a low level, and is using that HALF of the story to make bioware look bad.


It was probably about sending his lvl 11 to Ilum to farm chests.


Beat to it.

Edited by ckoneful
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So, wait a minute - and please someone correct me if I am misinterpreting that.. but.



According to that; if I decided I don't want to do some quests for a bit, but would rather sit and crank up some XP killing a buttload of mobs; OR I want to gather up some drops to line my pockets a bit; OR want to sit and kill a boss a few times or some particular mobs (say robots) to help crank up scavenging...


This is an infraction according to BioWare?


If that is what I am reading - and that is pretty much what I believe that says; that is absolutely insane; amazingly so.


Not even sure what to say to that except ***?



I am REALLY hoping that is a joke, or some kind of misunderstanding - because that would be amazingly stupid on a whole new dimension.

Edited by Skerry
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On my server Shi-cho, this morning 13% (5 on 38 players )of Empire players on Illum were farming bot. It's becoming a huge joke.


Think about it, about ~5k credits per chest every 7 minutes. Do the math on one week. No wonder its farmed by bots 24/7 since launch.

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According to that; if I decided I don't want to do some quests for a bit, but would rather sit and crank up some XP killing a buttload of mobs; OR I want to gather up some drops to line my pockets a bit; OR want to sit and kill a boss a few times or some particular mobs (say robots) to help crank up scavenging...


This is an infraction according to BioWare?


You may be misinterpreting, you may not. It's impossible to know without seeing what the question was.


I think I'm more disturbed that there are actually people who open support tickets for some of the stuff that was on that list. No wonder they're bogged down.

Edited by imtrick
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Can't read or see the full question, so there is no real context here. Nothing to see but someone looking for attention.


It amazing how you people continue to defend bioware.


His response to farming is hilarious.


If you farm, you will get banned.


Amazing ain't it.

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Its a fake... Or bioware have employed monkies to answer players tickets, the response was as will written as some of the spam mail i receive saying i am owed millions and all i need to do is tell them all my bank details....


thats why its a fake, Bio dosnt answer tickets.

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Its a fake... Or bioware have employed monkies to answer players tickets, the response was as will written as some of the spam mail i receive saying i am owed millions and all i need to do is tell them all my bank details....


That's what happens when you out source your support over seas. I doubt they speak english at all.

Edited by Skaara
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