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Punching harder than a shotgun blast?


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So I'm enjoying the versatility of the Scrapper Scoundrel. However, I've noticed that I can punch someone for more damage than a pointblank shotgun blast to the back :eek:. That's fine for Chuck Norris, but mere non-force mortals like my smuggler, it just seems odd. It would be nice to see a more consistent theme for the smugglers with a melee damage system that makes more sense. Yes, yes, I know, this is a sci-fi space opera, where very little *really* makes sense, but I'm talking about internal consistency. For instance, the operatives use vibroblades rather than their hands, which makes perfect sense. Bare hands... not so much. Here are some ideas that popped into my head.


Option 1: Make Sucker Punch into a frontal shotgun attack. Makes sense to me that a shotgun blast to the face can certainly do more damage than one to the back.


Option 2: Ditch the shotguns and give smugglers vibroknucklers. Easier to explain than the reappearing/disappearing shotguns, while giving punches that can conceivably do massive damage without the magic of our current Chuck Norris-Fu.

Edited by Kemmer
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That is pretty weird, I just assumed Smugglers would use blades like an agent, it would still fit with the whole underworld smuggler type thing.


Yeah, my Imperial main is an Operative. I thought Smugglers would have something just as deadly in melee, thematically, as vibroblades. Bravado and swagger can only explain so much ;).

Edited by Kemmer
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then again, requiring more than one point blank shot from a shotgun to kill someone is pretty much as surreal as your punch dealing more damage than your shotgun. would be sweet if there were more shotgun skills nevertheless!
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This used to bug me too, but I got used to it. In the end, it's just as strange as punching elephantine animals to death, or making robots bleed.


It would be nice to have a few more abilities that use the scattergun though. Quick Shot sounds like it's a shotgun blast, but isn't...

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It is pretty silly that you can do more damage with the butt of a gun, the hilt of a lightsaber, and/or the back of your hand than with the actual weapon. Jedi Guardians and Sith Juggernauts deal more damage with the hilt of their lightsaber than with their blade. It really doesn't make sense and is visually disappointing to see your character opt for such a mundane manuever instead of using their fancy weapon. It seems like a poorly thought out design.
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Ever hear of Chi? Just think that them Scoundrels focus their Chi to expend such energy to cause internal damage.


Exactly! Just remember the old Flash Gordon movies that Star Wars was based on. They could shoot at each other for a long time but one punch to the chin and it's lights out!

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Chi?! heh that is pretty laughable. I am immagining a complete retrofit of star destroyers so that a bunch of punching fists extend out to hit the other ships instead of lasers, because obviously lasers can't hold a candle to the all powerful fist. Think of the new line of fist grenades and fist tipped swords. Heat seeking fists even!.


Seriously, there really is no way to explain it away without dipping into the rediculous. It seems as though the design of the abilities and the balancing of their effectiveness and impact were not done in line so as to make much sense.


It is a cosmetic issue, but it is a significant one.

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Chi?! heh that is pretty laughable. I am immagining a complete retrofit of star destroyers so that a bunch of punching fists extend out to hit the other ships instead of lasers, because obviously lasers can't hold a candle to the all powerful fist. Think of the new line of fist grenades and fist tipped swords. Heat seeking fists even!.


Be careful what you wish for . . .



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Seriously, there really is no way to explain it away without dipping into the rediculous. It seems as though the design of the abilities and the balancing of their effectiveness and impact were not done in line so as to make much sense.


We don't fight fair or straight up. The point is to hit with a quick left hook while our opponent's attention is on the blaster in our right hand.


I like the mechanic. I hate having dependency on Round Two, but I love the Sucker Punch mechanic.

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Well..if you think about it in one fashion, it makes sense. A shotgun to the back is probably going to connect with their armor, and strong armor at that. Most armor is going to protect the back well, since it cover's vital organs.


However, heads and neck are not always covered so well. Folks need to see, or they need to move, etc, and even if there is a helmet, it might come off. Also, a heavy blow to a helmet can still cause damage to the head, since the force of the blow will go through the armor.


So basically, you are punching them in the face/head/neck that is not as well cushioned and protected as their back.


Similar to when we kick them in the balls :D

Edited by Iheamylap
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Scoundrels are on steroids. Even the body type 1 ones. How is hitting someone with your gun not awesome, exactly? You have this gun, but no, you aren't going to shoot them with it. That's too expected, so you slap the **** out of them with it instead, then proceed to beat them with your hands. This obviously makes you awesome.


There is no crime here.

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Chi?! heh that is pretty laughable.

Um, go do some serious research. The effect of harnessing energy to output more than should be seemingly so .. is a real thing.


Here's an example from Tennis: Ever see anyone grunt or scream when they hit the ball? That's not Chi, that's expending vocal energy to focus and cause a larger shock to the intended target.

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