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BW please make the stun immunity count against immobilize aswell!


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Hey all... Ever tried getting the stun immunity in pvp (let's say huttball) and walking into a firepit just to find out that you can still be immobilized and not be able to do **** about it? I HAVE! And that is B U L L S H I T! Why is there a stun immunity if ppl can just immobilize you instead? Makes no sense. BW... Get to work with this and make it work so that it has a right to be there!... And while you are at it why not make a calculator system for which team is holding the ball the most so that when you got a draw 2 minutes away ppl can't just camp with the ball and wait to get a free victory because of a bad idea... I love huttball but these things makes it a pain in the *** (especially when you play it 3/4 times you go PvP)
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I agree that this should be changed, along with knockbacks and immobilizers increasing the resolve meter as well. It is currently way too easy to keep a melee class locked down after they use their gap closer, and I say this playing as a Sorcerer.
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I agree that this should be changed, along with knockbacks and immobilizers increasing the resolve meter as well. It is currently way too easy to keep a melee class locked down after they use their gap closer, and I say this playing as a Sorcerer.


That's the point. Throwing the ball and getting people ahead is how it works. One person trying to carry the flag from start to goal was not how it was intended. Personally, I do thing abilities that let you force leap or force sprint should be disabled when carrying the ball, and I am talking as a shadow here. It's way too easy, especially a smart Guardian/Juggernaut who chain hops with their leaps. They can effectively hop to the goal line.

Edited by Silverspar
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