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Some server population statistics for Ven Zallow and The Swiftsure


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Friday afternoon/evening, I did some population data gathering on my main server Ven Zallow and also took one census on The Swiftsure while it was reported as Full for comparison purposes.


Here's a link to the data (need to scroll to the right to see all of the page):



Some observations:


  • On both servers, the overall Empire/Republic mix seems to be about 60/40. This is not near as bad as the 4-1 numbers some people are reporting.
  • On both servers, there's at least a 2-1 ratio of level 50 Empire/Republic players. (Does this mean it's "easier" to level as an empire player? Are empire players more motivated? I assume that this means that the level 50 population will become more like the overall 60/40 mix as time goes on and more and more republic players reach level 50.
  • It seems that "Light" means overall population <1000, "Standard" is 1000-2000, "Heavy" is 2000-3000, and "Full" is >3000.
  • There are way too many Sith Sorcerers (and to a smaller agree assasssins.) Roll something else, people! :)


I found these numbers interesting and thought there might be other people interested in seeing them, too.



Edited by sessionthree
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Bounty Hunter is where it's at! :cool:



Thanks for the statistics! It would be really interested for SWTOR to come out with a census and I'm sure they will once the game has been out for a bit. It's hard to get accurate numbers too since the 30 day free thing is in place. Do most people leave after? Or are they there weeks later.

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My firewall at work doesn't let me view googledocs but how often did you try doing this? Was it just one count, or more than one?


Whichever it was, the info in the OP was interesting.



I sampled throughout the evening before and during prime-time on Ven Zallow. For comparison, I took one sample during prime-time on The Swiftsure.


It was interesting that the empire/republic mix was pretty much the same on both servers, and that for the most part, the class balance was roughly equivalent.


I may take some more samples in a week or so to see how things look after the free month.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Yea well give stupid hats for Jedi Consular.


Doom all Jedi Knights remain hooded, despite the way its shown in videos released before the game is released.


Shock-project issue.


Everyone rolls Sith Inquisitors ? E/R ratio favors the Empire ?




Anyway, BW pretty much staged this awkward numbers of Empire/Republic ratio and more awkward numbers of Sith Inquisitors.

Edited by Hakkology
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