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Endgame Scoundrel Viability


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I was just wondering how the pve viability is as a dps scoundrel at end game operations. I have gotten my gunslinger to 42 but may have to reroll and was thinking of doing scoundrel. I do not want to heal however. Any feedback would be appreciated.
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your job will be to burst and/or CC the adds to protect the healer. If there aren't any, you can use sabotage charge and some dps abilities that you get at lvl 1 to help against the boss, or help the healer with off-heals. unless you are 100% sure there will be no adds, do your dps/off-healing sparingly; you might suddenly need to switch back to taking out the adds.


I play my scoundrel like this, preferably to off-heal but i can help damage when necessary. Hope this helps

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You're great for burn phases or swapping to adds/mind traps because you can vanish/pop CDs and deeps the hell out of them. It seems like I do pretty good damage, and as we aren't reaching enrage timers, I guess it's true. Don't know for sure though, need a fking combat log. Edited by Niaoru
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You're fine once you and whatever groups you run with realize you're a melee class.


You've got pretty good cc abilities and insane burst dps.


Learn the stealthmechanics well though. In some hardmodes it seems bosses and goldstar mobs detect stealthers even further than non-stealthers.

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Learn the stealthmechanics well though. In some hardmodes it seems bosses and goldstar mobs detect stealthers even further than non-stealthers.

This. It's so stupid. Unless your tank has trouble getting aggro, it's not even worth it. You have to be way out of LoS for the pull, then waddle slowly up to the boss in stealth.

Edited by Niaoru
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