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Are some of the storylines a bit TOO far-fetched? (possible spoilers)


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Of course, this is science fiction and I am aware that that means the whole thing is far fetched, but does nobody else think some of the story is just way, way too far fetched? The Sith Emperor's plan to exterminate all life in the entire universe in some sort of ritual that will turn him in to a god... who the hell would support that? Even his most loyal servants wouldn't support that. A weapon on Belsavis that will not only make the planet explode, but create a shockwave that will destroy every other planet in the system.


Too far fetched, or just me?

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Of course, this is science fiction and I am aware that that means the whole thing is far fetched, but does nobody else think some of the story is just way, way too far fetched? The Sith Emperor's plan to exterminate all life in the entire universe in some sort of ritual that will turn him in to a god... who the hell would support that? Even his most loyal servants wouldn't support that. A weapon on Belsavis that will not only make the planet explode, but create a shockwave that will destroy every other planet in the system.


Too far fetched, or just me?



You're right. This game is much to fakey...

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Of course, this is science fiction and I am aware that that means the whole thing is far fetched, but does nobody else think some of the story is just way, way too far fetched? The Sith Emperor's plan to exterminate all life in the entire universe in some sort of ritual that will turn him in to a god... who the hell would support that? Even his most loyal servants wouldn't support that. A weapon on Belsavis that will not only make the planet explode, but create a shockwave that will destroy every other planet in the system.


Too far fetched, or just me?


So his plan is basically... the reality bomb from Doctor Who?

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The Sith are pretty mustache-twirly, and there's not a lot of interesting reflection on the nature of "the force" (like in KOTOR 2, where your "nihilistic" enemy was REALLY scary--like a vortex of absolute vacuity.)


I seem to be complaining, but I kind of miss the "first season of Battlestar Gallactica" excellence-in-writing of the original games. Just saying they took Star Wars to a new level the prequels never did.


Must be hard with the MMO format, but I would have liked to have seen my Sith Inquisitor display complex motivations or philosophical perspective. Strange thing to demand from a game, but is the dark side nihilism? You tap into the primal nature of the universe and recognize the emptiness of human affairs, and lust for power?

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I didn't play empire yet - at least not to a degree where I have seen lots of story quests - but what I've seen, sith are often left in a position to decide to do either something inherently nice (getting a helping of light side points with it) or doing something nasty just for the evulz.


I remember a section from KOTOR that was pretty well written in regards to dark side/sith motivations:

While undercover at the sith academy on korriban there were more than a few opportunities to be a complete and utter jerkass - though every time you did stuff just out of "being evil" you got chewed out because your actions didn't accomplish anything on the long run; specifically, you were rewarded for playing the other students or even your masters against each other instead of just taking a lightsaber to their faces.



You could be delightfully evil while still being smart. I liked that.

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