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If you don't like the game


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No, they(WOW) did it bad at launch, just like many are crying about SW:TOR doing.

They(WOW) did it good a year after launch.


Well i dont want to discuss wow vs tor, again but its 7 years later, you can expect game relaeses to work better now cause of more experience.

Edited by Rykzon
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No, they(WOW) did it bad at launch, just like many are crying about SW:TOR doing.

They(WOW) did it good a year after launch.


I would say 6-8mos that WoW was rock solid. Still had bugs to a degree, but they had solved most of the major server stability issues.

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The Titan project is going to crush the spirit of every non-WoW/non-Blizzard fanboy in the world, while showing everyone what a MMORPG launch should really look like.


I am really looking forward to Titan actually crushing the delusion all WoW fanbois live about MMO releases and lack of innovations in them. And knowing how blizzard rolls recently(lol SC2-I loved SC:BW but they had to butcher it all in SC2), game engine will be outdated by 7 years.


Mass suicides ensured as the god they all believed will turn out as usual :rolleyes:

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Some of them were in beta saying teh exact same things and they ended up buying the game to keep on posting. Now if that's not the definition of sociopath...


Their financial loss is SW:TOR's gain. :D


Though that is like paying for a service that you cannot stand or do not use and complain about on a daily basis.

Kind of is like hitting yourself in the head with a hammer because you like the way it feels when you stop. :eek:

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YOU just don't get it BUT I will explain it for you as I have nothing better to do (waiting on the laundry machine to cycle)


Those unhappy with the game post because they are "Venting". They know nothing will change BUT they feel better because of "Venting" AND they have paid $60 AND that does entitle them to the use of game resources.


If someone crashes into the side of my new truck, scraming and yelling will NOT fix it BUT I shall do it none the less, WHY because it's better than caving someones's head in with a brick , at least in the long run , AND makes me feel better about something that should NEVER have happened.


Hey why aren't you playing the game? I thought it was Awesomeley AWESOME? I thought it was like a book you can't put down? Fan-bois lose credibility when they spend more time being TOR apologists than they play the game , or sleep for that matter.

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That's what I am saying, an emotional reaction is understandable


But there is people doing this over and over every day SINCE BETA


They just wanna hear "you are right son, this game sucks, no one ever will play it" :D


See you guys again in a few month. I hope i can enjoy the game then! Have fun and dont get trolled by haters.

Edited by Rykzon
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Seriously, they should have a forum called whine and complain. That way some sort of decent discussion can go on in general. They come from WoW where they are allowed to dominate their general discussion forum with complaints and trolls. They even get responded to by the holy grail blue name and it keeps encouraging them to come back and complain about that game.


So they come here and don't get that response and have little 2 year old tantrums because they get no response to their rubbish. It's very sad to see the first page of this forum covered in these threads. I would like to see a adult discussion on new features at least stay on page one from time to time.


I am so enjoying this game, sure they have work to do on it, bugs to fix, new content to add. All MMO's do, that is what makes them fun. There is nothing so game breaking that TIME won't fix. But some of these folks are so spoiled they want it all now. Sad so very sad.

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YOU just don't get it BUT I will explain it for you as I have nothing better to do (waiting on the laundry machine to cycle)


Those unhappy with the game post because they are "Venting". They know nothing will change BUT they feel better because of "Venting" AND they have paid $60 AND that does entitle them to the use of game resources.


If someone crashes into the side of my new truck, scraming and yelling will NOT fix it BUT I shall do it none the less, WHY because it's better than caving someones's head in with a brick , at least in the long run , AND makes me feel better about something that should NEVER have happened.


Hey why aren't you playing the game? I thought it was Awesomeley AWESOME? I thought it was like a book you can't put down? Fan-bois lose credibility when they spend more time being TOR apologists than they play the game , or sleep for that matter.


It's called work, maybe you will get a chance to experience it one day when you are done venting.

We love it so much we are willing to put up with your tantrums when we cannot even play it.


Now that's conviction. ;)

Edited by Fraxture
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Well i dont want to discuss wow vs tor, again but its 7 years later, you can expect game relaeses to work better now cause of more experience.


You can expect whatever you like, but that usually leads to disappointment. Launching an MMO in regards to bugs and stability is not actually an exact science. A new MMO would require new servers, which means those servers would have to be prepared for an influx of people. Bugs.. well bugs are always afactor in MMOs you will notice Blizzard still has to squash new an exciting bugs every content cycle.


Experience would help only in knowing what to expect in some regards but anyone who has ever worked in software development, and server management will tell you the unexpected can happen at any time.


Bugs will -ALWAYS- be a part of software development no matter how experienced a company is.

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YOU just don't get it BUT I will explain it for you as I have nothing better to do (waiting on the laundry machine to cycle)


Those unhappy with the game post because they are "Venting". They know nothing will change BUT they feel better because of "Venting" AND they have paid $60 AND that does entitle them to the use of game resources.


If someone crashes into the side of my new truck, scraming and yelling will NOT fix it BUT I shall do it none the less, WHY because it's better than caving someones's head in with a brick , at least in the long run , AND makes me feel better about something that should NEVER have happened.


Hey why aren't you playing the game? I thought it was Awesomeley AWESOME? I thought it was like a book you can't put down? Fan-bois lose credibility when they spend more time being TOR apologists than they play the game , or sleep for that matter.

Your analogy is extremely flawed.


You use an analogy where the circumstances and results are completely out of your control. Someone crashing into your car is out of your control: there is nothing you could have done to prevent that.


This situation is a purchasing situation ruled by "caveat emptor." You could have done your homework and researched prior to willfully giving your money on the purchase.


One you can blame someone else, because blame is actually assessed by the officials.


The other, you search for someone else to blame other than yourself.


And why I am not playing: personally, I'm at work. Oddly enough, I can surf the net but they don't allow me to load MMOG's onto my computer and play them throughout the day.

Edited by Scar
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I dont like it anymore tbh, but for a new player it was a really great game back then, no one can really deny that.


I liked WoW till TBC, after that everything started to crumble...


But WoW launch was a hell of a lot worse than TOR. Only difference? At the time few people played MMos, WoW brought in a lot of kids and we see now the effects...

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You can expect whatever you like, but that usually leads to disappointment. Launching an MMO in regards to bugs and stability is not actually an exact science. A new MMO would require new servers, which means those servers would have to be prepared for an influx of people. Bugs.. well bugs are always afactor in MMOs you will notice Blizzard still has to squash new an exciting bugs every content cycle.


Experience would help only in knowing what to expect in some regards but anyone who has ever worked in software development, and server management will tell you the unexpected can happen at any time.


Bugs will -ALWAYS- be a part of software development no matter how experienced a company is.


I love your quote in your signature! Can I adopt it maybe spam it on these forums a few times. And a word on what your say above, TRUE WORDS.

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Hey why aren't you playing the game? I thought it was Awesomeley AWESOME? I thought it was like a book you can't put down? Fan-bois lose credibility when they spend more time being TOR apologists than they play the game , or sleep for that matter.


Not everyone is gifted with a basement where to dug in, most people have to WORK to earn money.


Shocking concept, I know, one day I am sure you will be introduced to it as well

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Compared to other MMO's the launch has been smoother then other launch MMO's I have played and these include WoW and LOTRO. There will be bug fixes and content updates as it's obvious that some of the content itn't complete. But WoW was the same as was LOTRO, I will be patient and see how the game shapes over the next 6 months or so but so far I'm enjoying the game.


If you don't like it, don't like it but arguing about it like a 5 year old isn't going to deter players who do like it from playing it.

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I liked WoW till TBC, after that everything started to crumble...


But WoW launch was a hell of a lot worse than TOR. Only difference? At the time few people played MMos, WoW brought in a lot of kids and we see now the effects...


Good point.

I remember WOW being MMOLite, Kid and wife friendly.


It's how I got my kids started in MMOs, and the 2nd MMO my wife liked.

She thought the character models were cute.

Edited by Fraxture
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They wont quit, because then they wouldn't be able to troll these forums..


Honestly I wish half the trolls around here would try just a little bit harder it's kinda sad how bad they are at it. :)


I agree the game is only going to get better from here, and I'm excited about the future with this game.


It's only going to get worse, the game is dying at a rapid pace, EA investors are dropping out, and people are leaving in the thousands.

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The funniest thing is, no game, even the worst (FFXIV, AoC, WAR) actually died or went F2P before a couple of years. This game will be massive and many haters just can't cope with that fact. They spend their sleepless nights in their cot foaming at the mouth because all those games are not dying


sad tools


This doesn't make any sense. Those games didn't go f2p before a couple years, but were massive failures after the first couple months.


It's not like people are hating because they want it to fail for the sake of it, quite the contrary, they complain cause they want the game to succeed. And rightfully so, since the fact that the game is good but misses just a few key things makes it all the more frustrating.


As for the op, don't fool yourself into thinking that people who think the game isn't good enough will be paying for it and keep complaining. You're still seeing many posts just because the boxed days aren't over yet, when they end and people won't resub they will stop, along with a huge part of the income bw was planning on making but will never see.


Sure, maybe not all of them will be as resolute as i am, and will instead maybe pay a month or two or three, but they'll ultimately leave.


Now some kid will get in here and say it's better if those people quit bla bla bla..

News flash: when you're in the business of making money and people decide not to pay you it's not good.

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Originally Posted by WarTornPanda

The Titan project is going to crush the spirit of every non-WoW/non-Blizzard fanboy in the world, while showing everyone what a MMORPG launch should really look like.




Titan is going to be My Sims Online/Second Life oriented in a fantasy world.

Think Twitter-Facebook with some RPG thrown in.


They are making a game where the money is, unfortunately.

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