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The Best View in SWTOR contest has returned! ×

Any suggestins?


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Upon installing and finally getting the game patched and ready I load the game to find "Out of Range" across my monitor.. Massive pain in a bunghole.


Any suggestions on how I could fix this please?


Turn on hidden folders if it's not already then find the AppData/Local/SWTOR/swtor/settings/client_settings.ini and edit Height, NativeHeight, Width and NativeWidth to match the resolution on your monitor.

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You changed the res FOR THE GAME like Dasffion told you? Not your Windows res.


If that Not help try to right click om the Game link - propereties - lunch in 640x Mode. Dont know how it is named.

Then Start the Game, change Res to Lower. And them restart the Game without the 640 Option.


...German iPhone are Gay for write englisch Texts...

Edited by IDragonmasterI
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