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swtor-epic experience or epic fail?


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No it's not, technical advances have nothing to do with launching something as complex as MMO. When you grow up and go to university (well maybe... maybe not) you might understand, don't worry if now this boggles your mind. It's ok


OK if you say so

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For me:

I have 36lvl Imperial Agent, 32lvl Trooper and 24lvl Bounty HUnter. Playing almost every day with friends from other MMOs and real life, yet trying to enjoy things, having amazing gaming so far. Epic experience might not be the best expression to describe it, but yeah... I am having a great time if you ask me.


Epic fail for some other gamers? Well.... not all people have the same taste. Not a big deal.

Edited by Mahulena
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epic experience as a solo game, well maybe slightly below epic when you realize it's 50 levels of go kill 10 rats with very nice cinematics.


epic fail as a MMO. I know many on here are happy with this being Kotor with a chat box, but that's not my idea of a MMO.

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No it's not, technical advances have nothing to do with launching something as complex as MMO. When you grow up and go to university (well maybe... maybe not) you might understand, don't worry if now this boggles your mind. It's ok


you are all sorts of wrong.


I am not a rift fanboy, but please just look at this:



The game was buggy at launch, but the amount of fixes and the timeframe is the new standard for MMOs, and SWTOR has absolutely failed thus far at even being close to this.


This is 2012, we can expect a certain level of polish at this point. We are allowed to ask "Why do MMOs need to be terrible at launch?" and we are allowed to complain about it, and stop giving our $15. Only way to tell future developers that this garbage is no longer acceptable...

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No game is ever perfect when it first launches, especially an mmo. Bio ware and EA will fix the bugs with the patches. You could always go play the Conan mmo if swtor doesn't please you.


don t really need to as I have a very active wow account so playing other mmo s doesn t interest me other then wow. TBh swtor is the first game in 4 years thats got me off wow.

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More of a fail in my opinion, it's an alright game but my main problems is that all the "races" are just reskins and that it's more of a single player experience rather than an actual MMO.


Oh jeez you know nothing of the star wars universe to do you? Apart from a few non-humaniod races, a majority of races in star wars are humanoid, human hybrids, and with humans being the most populated race thoughout the universe

Edited by aVmuse
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Oh jeez you know nothing of the star wars universe to do you? Apart from a few non-humaniod races, a majority of races in star wars are humanoid, human hybrids, and with humans being the most populated race thoughout the universe


What does that have to do with my opinion? I'd rather have different races with different animations rather than just reskins.


In response to your edited post, the fact that all the races are humanoid is not an excuse and doesn't change the fact that all the "races" are just reskins. Even Star Wars Galaxies had more in the way of playable races.

Edited by dlxzor
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you are all sorts of wrong.


I am not a rift fanboy, but please just look at this:



The game was buggy at launch, but the amount of fixes and the timeframe is the new standard for MMOs, and SWTOR has absolutely failed thus far at even being close to this.


This is 2012, we can expect a certain level of polish at this point. We are allowed to ask "Why do MMOs need to be terrible at launch?" and we are allowed to complain about it, and stop giving our $15. Only way to tell future developers that this garbage is no longer acceptable...


I think you are confusing things here, one thins is "not having features" another is "being buggy". The first part, the one you seem to refer, is largely SUBJECTIVE, as in: you think LFD and addons are a FUNDAMENTAL part of a MMO, many other people disapprove. As a matter of fact, I left Rift after they introduced the LFG tool.


Also, it's your opinion (and thank god you are a minority here too) that this game is TERRIBLE while most people will tell you this is the best launch of an MMO in years. I was in Rift, while the launch was pretty smooth, that game didn't have the same amount of people TOR had at launch and that counts toward glitches and technical problems.


I think you are overexaggerating. This is probably not the game you WANTED, that doesn't make it TERRIBLE (actually, seen your TASTES, I am happy it turned out like this!)

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I think you are confusing things here, one thins is "not having features" another is "being buggy". The first part, the one you seem to refer, is largely SUBJECTIVE, as in: you think LFD and addons are a FUNDAMENTAL part of a MMO, many other people disapprove. As a matter of fact, I left Rift after they introduced the LFG tool.


Also, it's your opinion (and thank god you are a minority here too) that this game is TERRIBLE while most people will tell you this is the best launch of an MMO in years. I was in Rift, while the launch was pretty smooth, that game didn't have the same amount of people TOR had at launch and that counts toward glitches and technical problems.


I think you are overexaggerating. This is probably not the game you WANTED, that doesn't make it TERRIBLE (actually, seen your TASTES, I am happy it turned out like this!)


You dont know what most people think.

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Yea so many game breaking bugs, wait what? I didnt exprience any, but i guess those green lines are game-breaking for some people.



If you think there were no game breaking bugs at launch you should google:


Darkside bounty hunter


Now that idiot is dealt with, i kinda agree. This is the first mmo where im getting bored already

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What does that have to do with my opinion? I'd rather have different races with different animations rather than just reskins.


Your opinion has been made because 1) you dont understand biology, lol how else would you walk with 2 legs, especially if they would have similar bone structures to a human do you expect them to waddle, and i can get more in depth but whats the point. :rolleyes:


Plus i dont see humans with moving lekkus either, but thats just re-skins aint it.

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If you think there were no game breaking bugs at launch you should google:


Darkside bounty hunter


Now that idiot is dealt with, i kinda agree. This is the first mmo where im getting bored already


Oh, so I'm going to have this problem on my neutral or light side BH, qq buddy. I didnt say there isnt any game breaking bugs, I know there are some, but people say the Kira bugged romance is game-breaking when it isnt really, it doesnt stop your class story :/


And searching google for "Darkside bounty hunter" only came up with 1 result complaint, but by all means you can check the other 3.36million results.


I guess people must be idiots when they point out bugs like green-lines and other petty bugs are game breaking

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I am really enjoying this game.


I, for one, was never into the whole RP scene, or really cared about the Story while playing other MMOs. During my 6 year MMO experience, Ive played many games. While I knew what the basic story was, some more than others, I never cared about my "role" in the "world". Taking my time to level up in SWTOR has really been enjoyable.


With that said, the immense story isnt for everyone. Some people like to rush to 50 and do end game stuff. It is their dime. I just ask that people at 50 be patient with the game. WoW had its major issues during launch, now look at it. SWTOR had a more succesful launch than WoW. I can see this game garnering a large player base, with many end game functions.


Be patient. The game has been out less than a month. Enjoy the game for what it is right now, a story driven MMO. Do not expect it to be raid/endgame/pvp heavy just yet. Let them work out the kinks, figure out what works and doesnt, what the community really wants and doesnt, and give them time to impliment it. You will regret it if you quit a game that has been out for only a month, that has years of development in it.


This is truely an amazing game.

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Your opinion has been made because 1) you dont understand biology, lol how else would you walk with 2 legs, especially if they would have similar bone structures to a human do you expect them to waddle, and i can get more in depth but whats the point. :rolleyes:


Plus i dont see humans with moving lekkus either, but thats just re-skins aint it.


Uhm, what? I don't think you understand my post. I'm talking about Star Wars which is meant to be a diverse universe filled with a multitude of races, instead we have one race reskinned over and over.

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I am really enjoying this game.


I, for one, was never into the whole RP scene, or really cared about the Story while playing other MMOs. During my 6 year MMO experience, Ive played many games. While I knew what the basic story was, some more than others, I never cared about my "role" in the "world". Taking my time to level up in SWTOR has really been enjoyable.


With that said, the immense story isnt for everyone. Some people like to rush to 50 and do end game stuff. It is their dime. I just ask that people at 50 be patient with the game. WoW had its major issues during launch, now look at it. SWTOR had a more succesful launch than WoW. I can see this game garnering a large player base, with many end game functions.


Be patient. The game has been out less than a month. Enjoy the game for what it is right now, a story driven MMO. Do not expect it to be raid/endgame/pvp heavy just yet. Let them work out the kinks, figure out what works and doesnt, what the community really wants and doesnt, and give them time to impliment it. You will regret it if you quit a game that has been out for only a month, that has years of development in it.


This is truely an amazing game.


Well said :D

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