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swtor-epic experience or epic fail?


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So after reaching level 50 I have come to the conclusion that swtor is starting to become an epic fail. Why? well its like this as a pve player who really has no interest in pvp or the "good loot" that pve has to offer I would much rather run hardmode flashpoints to obtain gear and to do ilum dailies for mods etc. Now this is were the problem arises so far out of the 6 hardmode flashpoints only 3 of them are worth doing, why I hear you ask, well boarding party is unfortunatley bugged so that the stealth troopers loot chest is not lootable so kinda defeats the object of going there unless you really want to just finish it (I mean you could farm the relics from the first boss by reseting the instance but this feels like exploiting so its not really something I agree with). second fail instance is foundary because of yet another bug that causes revan to simply 1 shot the tank (this can be overcome by the use of some well timed CDs, combat resses and alot of luck) this makes this instance to me not really worth doing along with boarding party. The final fail instance is the battle of ilum this goes all out and decides to give you two bugs in the same instance. 1st is the 2nd boss who sometimes decides to spawn maybe 3 waves of adds before you even get the first stun or maybe he ll just throw double the amount at you and 2nd bug is yet again the last boss has a chest that is not lootable. All these fails kinda defeat the object of going in there is if all your gonna get is a massive repair bill.

That leaves the 3 instances black talon, false emporer and directive 7. Black talon I basically do because being overgeared for it now means you can complete it in about 30 minutes and get your daily hardmode done (although this is starting to get a little boring now). False emporer is also ok so long as you get 2 people with push back abilities (I hear grenades will be sold outside after next patch). Directive 7 I have still yet to experience in hardmode as after going in normal and seeing the amount of damage bulwark does it is kind of scary :p (may do that 1 this afternoon)

So with all this said the flashpoint to me seem to be fail but the funniest thing is bioware are adding a new one in the next patch. So not only can we not experience the current flashpoint we will get another they expect will be bugged. Nice work Bioware.


I feel that I should also mention that not only are the above bugs in game but also things like "defend the shipment" daily at ilum is only doable about once every 3 days because that bugs on a regular basis.


The thing that could be most annoying though after spending about 5 days collecting 66/67 datacrons I get to Ilum just to find that the aim datacron is, yes you guessed it, bugged so it cannot be collect which means I cannot complete for the title.


So yes with all this said apart from the extremely good leveling process and very exciting interactive story modes swtor is starting to feel a little like a fail imo and if 1.1 does not fix these problems I for one and probably many others will just cancel subscriptions (Thank god I have not quite cancelled my wow subscription)


So there we have it I leave you with the question- epic experience or epic fail?

Edited by ashkimlou
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You think that game-breaking bugs with 100% consistency are acceptable at launch?


Totally agree with this statement the game has had millions thrown at it and many years of development along with ptr running to cure these bugs then bioware charge you x amount of pounds just to say "heres your game but you may hve to wait a couple of months till you can play it properly". Maybe they should have just held of on the launch as this could break the game.

Edited by ashkimlou
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Dude I did say that by 1.1 patch not now please read the post correctly before commenting please.


patch 1.1, is fixing some problems, not all of them. Which is odd about how you complain about bugs, yet they are trying to fix them.

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I followed these forums in anticipation of what this game could have become since 08.07.2009. Even though I didn't post everyday, I kept coming back to check for more. Because I was awestruck at the thought of a star wars mmo, but now that I see EA turned this into another budgetware piece of crap I gotta say it's failing badly. There's no way I'm sticking with a game just because I really really really want to love it, it simply isn't living up to any kind of expectations. Yes story and voice dialogue+pve combat is awesome, but besides that.... gl hf. Edited by Blackweb
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patch 1.1, is fixing some problems, not all of them. Which is odd about how you complain about bugs, yet they are trying to fix them.


Dude read the post I know they are trying to fix them what i m saying is if 1.1 doesn t fix it (nothing on the patch notes about these bugs as yet) how long does bioware expect people to subscribe to a game that doesn t work properly? a month? 3 month? 6 month? a year even?

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I followed these forums in anticipation of what this game could have become since 08.07.2009. Even though I didn't post everyday, I kept coming back to check for more. Because I was awestruck at the thought of a star wars mmo, but now that I see EA turned this into another budgetware piece of crap I gotta say it's failing badly. There's no way I'm sticking with a game just because I really really really want to love it, it simply isn't living up to any kind of expectations. Yes story and voice dialogue+pve combat is awesome, but besides that.... gl hf.


Cya and thanks for all the fish?

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Dude read the post I know they are trying to fix them what i m saying is if 1.1 doesn t fix it (nothing on the patch notes about these bugs as yet) how long does bioware expect people to subscribe to a game that doesn t work properly? a month? 3 month? 6 month? a year even?





Edited by aVmuse
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well myself completely understand were you are coming from but it is still a young game (under a month old). yes a lot of problems were in beta still not fixed yes they know about these problems 1.1 will fix a lot of these hopefully.


But dare I say it "WoW" had its fare share of problems at launch (wasn't playing it then myself though) and many other mmo's i presume.


a little bit of info i found

Like many other online role-playing games, World of Warcraft didn't exactly have a quiet and gentle birth. Releasing towards the end of November 2004 amid a storm of hype,

fevered anticipation, and spotless reviews, the game's infrastructure would

quickly be overwhelmed by demand. Long queues, crash-happy servers, and

excessive lag dogged the game for months, causing at least one publication to

take back the Game of the Year nod it lavished on the game a few months

earlier. Blizzard was forced to hand out free days to appease angry consumers,

and even took the unprecedented step of holding back copies of the game from

retailers to stem the flood of new players. Barring the odd misstep, those days

are gone.


so I think that instead of complaining about this now you should use our friend Google and look at some other mmo's progress at launch and you will see that this has had probably if not the smoothest start.


have fun and happy gaming :D

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well myself completely understand were you are coming from but it is still a young game (under a month old). yes a lot of problems were in beta still not fixed yes they know about these problems 1.1 will fix a lot of these hopefully.


But dare I say it "WoW" had its fare share of problems at launch (wasn't playing it then myself though) and many other mmo's i presume.


a little bit of info i found


so I think that instead of complaining about this now you should use our friend Google and look at some other mmo's progress at launch and you will see that this has had probably if not the smoothest start.


have fun and happy gaming :D


But wow is 7 years old when mmos were first becoming popular, we have much more technological advancements so comparing to wow s release is irrelevent really.

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I followed these forums in anticipation of what this game could have become since 08.07.2009. Even though I didn't post everyday, I kept coming back to check for more. Because I was awestruck at the thought of a star wars mmo, but now that I see EA turned this into another budgetware piece of crap I gotta say it's failing badly. There's no way I'm sticking with a game just because I really really really want to love it, it simply isn't living up to any kind of expectations. Yes story and voice dialogue+pve combat is awesome, but besides that.... gl hf.




so does it mean that this is your last post? We get it, you hate the game. Now give it a rest and go do something else. Dunno, anger management classes?

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But wow is 7 years old when mmos were first becoming popular, we have much more technological advancements so comparing to wow s release is irrelevent really.


No it's not, technical advances have nothing to do with launching something as complex as MMO. When you grow up and go to university (well maybe... maybe not) you might understand, don't worry if now this boggles your mind. It's ok

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