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My build for 50! What you think?


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Marksman, Engineering, and Lethality are all viable PvP builds. Each has their strengths and weaknesses, don't let anyone tell you differently.


Sniper Volley is counter-intuitive to how you would probably be using your damage in a PvP environment. The only effective use of it is to do a triple Series of Shots with Target Acquired and Sniper Volley up, but even then it's cost-ineffective for damage if you look at the setup cost. It would be worth it if there weren't better things to take instead.


As for your build, Vital Regulators is terrible, do not even look at it again unless it's changed in the future. You will want the full +6% Crit under the Lethality talent. Additionally, do not get Deadly Directive as it won't actually add anything to your damage due to the reliance on Followthrough. Cover Screen would be a great talent if it wasn't bugged to not work against most attacks. It's actually only useful against a Marksman Sniper in it's current form. You will want Reactive shot fully talented. A 1.5 second cast Ambush is the highest DPS attack a Marksman has available. Reactive Shot and Followthrough are the reasons you play a Marksman.


Essentially, you should be looking at a build like this and place the extra points where you like. I prefer Explosive Engineering, because I love Explosive Probe for reliable burst and the extra AoE Damage is quite nice. Explosive Probe cannot be dodged/deflected or shielded against.

Edited by Ayestes
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to do a triple Series of Shots with Target Acquired and Sniper Volley up, but even then it's cost-ineffective for damage if you look at the setup cost.


That is exactly what it's for, and it'll burst down healers, ball carriers, operatives, etc. when stacked with relic and adrenal. After a snipe, ambush, and three series, you should still be over 60% energy when immobile... if not, that's what the adrenal probe is for; and even then, you probably wouldn't need it because a huge chunk of energy gets regenerated from gcds being used on crowd control and the heavy movement that is sure to happen when you start picking off players at an obscene rate.

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There is opportunity cost there. Two Snipes after an Ambush are generally worthless. The only reason to cast Snipe is for Followthrough.


If you are setting up for burst on someone, do you Ambush -> Followthrough -> Snipe -> Snipe -> Series of Shots x3? Because in that case, you'd do more burst damage over that period (as in divided by time) by skipping the Snipes and just going Snap Shot -> Ambush -> Followthrough -> Series of Shots x3. Does it have some advantage? Sure, during that Series of Shots your damage output is 9% higher. There was some opportunity cost though. Overall you are looking at a very small increase in damage so it depends on what you like personally and what talents you are giving up for it.


If it works for you, that's fine. Mathematically it depends how you set it up. Overall it requires at least one Snipe that doesn't grant a Followthrough, which is essentially dead weight in terms of damage and often costs two if you are focused on getting to that triple Series of Shots as quick as possible. Therefore the extra damage you do during the Series of Shots is set back by the damage you lost by using extra Snipes when you have stronger abilities available.


The viability of using Series of Shots as burst damage is also offset by it's lower DPCT compared to Followthrough and Reactive Shot Ambush. It's also channeled causing you to lose efficiency when being forced to interrupt a heal. The channel effect also allows healers to LoS you rather easily. That said, I understand your point of view. Series of Shots puts out a lot of energy efficient damage over it's time and Target Acquired can make it effective in terms of DPCT. It can be used to destroy healers that are caught unaware or distracted which is actually the majority of them in my experience.

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