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SWTOR has set the bar high for MMO's


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The quality of this game is simply unmatched in the world of MMO's. Bioware took a bold gamble in going with the "paradigm-breaking" idea of creating an MMO that centers around the story. With all the awards and accolades coming from the industry, and the player base, it is obvious this gamble has paid off.


With SWTOR's professionally voice-acted questing experience they have put future MMO's on notice: No more WoW-Clones! The majority of MMO players were wanting something "different", not the ole grind of yesterdays MMO's and boy did Bioware deliver the goods!


Great game guys and good job!

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Lol this game is worse than WoW was at release in 2004.


Atleast WoW had a working UI on launch. It's now 7 years later and Bioware can't even get that right!?



The mobs in WoW wandered around and talked to eachother, the mobs in this game stand their lifelessly waiting for you to kill them. WoW had live mounts at launch, Bioware has cited "technical difficulties" in bringing live mounts into this game. WoW had swimming, day/night cycles, sitting and lying down, critters that went around and actually attacked eachother, a combat log, secondary professions, and a TON more little details ON LAUNCH.

Edited by Taurusaud
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You don't think this game is a WoW Clone?


You are right, its worse. This game is a failed WoW clone. It missed the mark on the best success from WoW (dual spec, rated bg's, seamless phasing...etc)


You think MMO's should be based around leveling? Class quest? All of that is single player with no need to group EVER!! That is not MMO. MMO's start at max level when players need to group to do things....


This game is a sub-par single player game with a light sprinkle of multiplayer content...I'm not sure what game you are playing.

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[quote= The majority of MMO players were wanting something "different", not the ole grind of yesterdays MMO's and boy did Bioware deliver the goods!


Great game guys and good job!


This game is a grind fest beyond compare.

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Lol this game is worse than WoW was at release in 2004.


Atleast WoW had a working UI on launch. It's now 7 years later and Bioware can't even get that right!?



The mobs in WoW wandered around and talked to eachother, the mobs in this game stand their lifelessly waiting for you to kill them. WoW had live mounts at launch, Bioware has cited "technical difficulties" in bringing live mounts into this game. WoW had swimming, day/night cycles, sitting and lying down, critters that went around and actually attacked eachother, a combat log, secondary professions, and a TON more little details ON LAUNCH.


It also had crashing servers, 4 hours queues and all that fun stuff.


Sounds like someone didn't play WoW Vanilla.

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MMO's start at max level...


You Sir have hit the nail on the head! Could not have stated it any better and I thank you for stating this. It's another feature that places SWTOR above your everday WoW-clone, including WoW itself. In those games the "real game" doesn't start until you hit the end-cap. The leveling process is just fodder to get you to the end-game. In SWTOR the "Real game" starts at level one with your very first quest! At that very moment you are making decisions that will shape your toon for the rest of the game! This one "idea" is ground-breaking all by itself.


Good Point Astewa, and I couldn't agree more.

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Lol this game is worse than WoW was at release in 2004.


Atleast WoW had a working UI on launch. It's now 7 years later and Bioware can't even get that right!?



The mobs in WoW wandered around and talked to eachother, the mobs in this game stand their lifelessly waiting for you to kill them. WoW had live mounts at launch, Bioware has cited "technical difficulties" in bringing live mounts into this game. WoW had swimming, day/night cycles, sitting and lying down, critters that went around and actually attacked eachother, a combat log, and a TON more little details ON LAUNCH.


WoW did NOT launch with critters interacting with each other.


The mount statement is retarded. This game launched with more mounts per single character than WoW. This is not WoW. They have other types of mounts. Just because you ride animals in other games does not mean you gotta do it in every game.


WoW had horrible server lag. For 6+ months. Some going down for hours on end.


It had 1 endgame dungeon (BRS) with no endgame gear sets. (added later)


Sithilus was the wonkiest zone ever, and had to be redone.


Loot lag would force you to relog.


You would fall through the world.


Skinning bug where skinnable MOBS would evade.


NO Battlegrounds at launch.



WoW was down so much I got credited 17 days on my account during the first 6 months.


This all happened the first YEAR, this game hasn't been around a month yet. SHUT THE **** UP.


Gamers have the attention span of a gnat. WoW had a rough launch. It happens in all MMO's chill out, ***** about the game after they've had a chance to fix ****.

Edited by Kumata
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The quality of this game is simply unmatched in the world of MMO's. Bioware took a bold gamble in going with the "paradigm-breaking" idea of creating an MMO that centers around the story. With all the awards and accolades coming from the industry, and the player base, it is obvious this gamble has paid off.


With SWTOR's professionally voice-acted questing experience they have put future MMO's on notice: No more WoW-Clones! The majority of MMO players were wanting something "different", not the ole grind of yesterdays MMO's and boy did Bioware deliver the goods!


Great game guys and good job!


I agree.


Also whats with all the kids posting just to insult the guy, don't like his opinion say why. Dont just post rude comments, your the ones who bring the community down to a School yard level.


I see a lot of infractions being handed out in this thread.

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You Sir have hit the nail on the head! Could not have stated it any better and I thank you for stating this. It's another feature that places SWTOR above your everday WoW-clone, including WoW itself. In those games the "real game" doesn't start until you hit the end-cap. The leveling process is just fodder to get you to the end-game. In SWTOR the "Real game" starts at level one with your very first quest! At that very moment you are making decisions that will shape your toon for the rest of the game! This one "idea" is ground-breaking all by itself.


Good Point Astewa, and I couldn't agree more.


The choices have no bearing whatsoever on the endgame actually... The game is not innovative, in fact, in most cases its is two steps backward rather than forward. Stop the false advertising please.

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The choices have no bearing whatsoever on the endgame actually... The game is not innovative, in fact, in most cases its is two steps backward rather than forward. Stop the false advertising please.


Oh nooooo I lost by BFF Astewa! And here I thought we had made a connection.


The OP see's a Panda in your future.

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Lol this game is worse than WoW was at release in 2004.


Atleast WoW had a working UI on launch. It's now 7 years later and Bioware can't even get that right!?



The mobs in WoW wandered around and talked to eachother, the mobs in this game stand their lifelessly waiting for you to kill them. WoW had live mounts at launch, Bioware has cited "technical difficulties" in bringing live mounts into this game. WoW had swimming, day/night cycles, sitting and lying down, critters that went around and actually attacked eachother, a combat log, secondary professions, and a TON more little details ON LAUNCH.


Another know-it-all who really didn't play wow at launch...


I see alot of you people pulling the words wow out on every post. Why don't you just go back to your beloved farmfest ?

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I am glad EVE didn't listen to the whiners.


That's because EvE's community is a lot more mature then ours and people give real feedback. most of the comments in this thread are just insults.


It makes me sad reading some of the comments and the level the forums have been dragged down too.

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