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If you appreciate Bioware and its hard work, post here.


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It's funny to me that all we were promised when we preordered the game was access at launch and up to 5 days of early play. 6 hours of early play would have fulfilled this promise. BW actually extended the early access by 2 days just to ensure people would get more of this up to 5 days they offered. A lot of people even got more than 5 days so you could say they went above and beyond.


Now if you wanted to be mad about the lack of grace period for the physical preorders that wont be getting in til after the 20th, that is a legitimate complaint. Not the end of the world but at least something rightfully expected and then not received.


Complaining about this issue really says more about the complainer than it does about the issue.

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A catchy name for a thread so I couldn't resist. I do appreciate the hard work and one of the most interesting games I have encountered in a while.


Even if I didn't get to play until 20th or even January, I know what I'm getting thanks to beta weekends. Because fast achieving isn't really my thing nor do I wish to be the server first at anything, I don't mind waiting. I'd love to play, that's not what I'm saying, but what's a few more days or even weeks when you already know you'll love the time you'll spend with the game?


This mentality of 'everything must happen right now' has never gotten anyone anywhere. I can relate to the craving and sort-of-withdrawals but I wouldn't start bashing the game or the devs for a delay that isn't even a real delay. I'll still love it when I get in, whenever that is.


Thank you Bioware from me as well. <3

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Not in yet, but I still think BW has done a great job. I eagerly anticipate my early access, up to 5 days as advertised, and will wait patiently until either tomorrow morning or two hours from the 20th.


I just plan to play and enjoy myself as well. :)

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Bioware has done an outstanding job with this lauch, and the rolling start is the smartest MMO idea since the mini-map.


The problem is that grown, responsible adults who understand real life work at Bioware, and they had no way of predicting the "ME ME ME, all rewards for no thought" generation that is currently bombarding their forums.

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I have never been so anxious to play a game until I tried the beta. This game has the elements that I have been wanting in a game. Actual storyline with actual actors, and a progression that is just fun. I will be in this game for the long haul, or at least until all the content is used up several times over. The crafting seems fun, I will not be shackled to a desk, I can explore and quest while crafting, or not, it is up to me! Choice is the power granted to me, and my first choice is to say thank you, and recommend this game to everyone I know!
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Like i said to StephenR today


You guys are amazing the amount of bull***** you have to put up with is beyond any normal persons limits and i wish i could give you all an award ... GREAT JOB KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!

Edited by Viciouz
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Like i said to StephenR today


You guys are amazing the amount of bull***** you have to put up with is beyond any normal persons limits and i wish i could give you all an award ... GREAT JOB KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!


All said, Nothing to add =)

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Like i said to StephenR today


You guys are amazing the amount of bull***** you have to put up with is beyond any normal persons limits and i wish i could give you all an award ... GREAT JOB KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!


Nice one man, Im almost tempted to start a Twitter account to do the same.



Id be totally disheartened if Id been part of this games development for a few years (in any capacity, even making the tea), and then on release day it all looks like its going pretty well and...'Hey Ill check the official forum to reap the plaudits...........oh :' ('

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I think BW rocks!. This game rocks and if I get to play even 1 minute prior to 20 December then I will be a happy camper. Relax people. this is not worth getting so upset about, I'm not upset and I have anger management issues. At least that is what my therapist tells me.
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Ok, I just got in and was amazed that despite the smoothest MMO rollout of all time, General is still populated mostly by people unjustly calling Bioware liars...and worse.


This thread isnt for any issues people have, Id like just people who appreciate how much pure labour must have gone into bring out a game of such complexity, and then releasing it into the wild with few technical problems, and NONE that affect the system as a whole.


What really prompted me to do this was a thread here saying rockjaw is guilty of bad customer service,,, just because he spoke the truth about the crybaby spam interfering with his work helping people with real issues (with logins or cancelled pre-orders etc).


This really actually made me feel slightly ashamed to even be a part of this launch, in my own small way as consumer, and its time those of us who really appreciate the efforts of the SWTOR developers and all the staff to tell them so.


I really hope all the crybabys havent taken the edge off a (so far) successful launch for those guys.


So all of you who are sick of the crybaby spam, hands up!


Dont listen to the mouth breathing whingers Bioware, we arent all like that.


(No grace period is a little bit off, but I suspect EA had their hands in that issue)





(Crybabys have a 1000 other threads to post in, and if you choose mine to whine in, you really have betrayed yourself as.....well as many things, but the mods will delete it if i say what I actually think, so just dont post here, and post in another thread, or better yet, just go away and post on the WoW forum or something)


How successful can it be for someone who is being to made to sit in the back of the bus?


To the second class players, it is a fiasco.

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Oh it's a positive thread \o/ hurray! I love Bioware and they've done a great job. This is a huge project and you've been able to pull something I was very skeptical about. But here we have a KOTOR style MMO that's fun and true to both genres. What a feat. Congrats and keep it coming!
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I love the game. I liked the character creation process, I loved the voiced story, I feel much more immersed than in a normal MMO, and I love the companion characters.


I appreciate that Bioware actually tried to go out of their way to give as many people as possible a full 5 days of Early Access by starting 2 days before the 15th. I appreciate that they worked with the majority of retailers to make sure games got to us at launch day.


I have enjoyed the questing so far, the combat system is intuitive and familiar, with great graphics, and the "feel" of scenes created by the combat animations is very cool.


Good job, it's a great game, a lot of us know what you were trying to do with the extra 2 days to keep people happy. Sorry the most vocal part of your fan base appear to be rabid.

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There was one thing they may have overlooked in all this, by basing EGA on preorder registration they ensured that anyone who was anticipating the game, was not lazy about it, and could read would get first access. Which is fine by me since i got the email, preordered on July 22nd, and registered a day later.


In turn this means that people who think they can wait till the last minute or dont read instructions are forced to wait a few extra days so that BW can throttle access to the game in a fair manner.


Problem is, it turns out, lazy illiterate people can be REALLY OBNOXIOUS!

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I totally agree, bioware pulled off a great launch so far. The problem was that last night there was a serious lack of communication. I'm a grad student and have finals this week, so I didn't really care whether I got in until the weekend. But even I had doubts last night about whether bioware was doing a good job or not.


It all could have been solved by bioware simply telling us a few simple details. For example how many waves were there? Last night people thought there could be dozens of waves, turns out there is probably only a dozen total. Bioware already divided the early access into wave I'm assuming, they probably did it days ago. Was it too much to ask for a simple list showing the waves and the dates associated with those waves? That way people would know whether they were 5 waves down the list or 50 waves. Instead it was like waiting in a line that was barely moving, and you don't know whether the line is ten feet long or ten miles long, and you don't know where in the line you are. Sometime try standing in line with a blindfold and you will know exactly what it's like.


Anyway from what I've seen of day two Bioware has done a great job. But they could have just released a bit of info and day one would have been great also. Depending on how the games goes once I get in I'll probably give this account away as a gift to a family member and purchase a CE (if I can get one), if it's not that great then I'll probably pick a different gift or just buy another standard copy. Doesn't matter to me, but for Bioware it's over a hundred bucks easy, plus another subscription. If it really sucks then I'll just head back to WOW, a game I'm not all that impressed with but it's better than nothing.

Edited by AaronStorm
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BioWare needs to look past all this whining and immature behaviour on the forums and see that most of us appreciate hugely what they are doing/have done in the past.


KOTOR/KOTOR 2 are still my favourite ever games, and to see all these whiny annoying people making such a mess of the forums and forget how great a company BioWare are is horrible.


BioWare -- thank you. You are undoubtedly one of the best game companies that has ever been around, and ever will be.

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