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Money from Biochem?


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Hey guys


I just just 400 in biochem today after not doing any crew skills my entire way to 50.


I wanted to know what i should be making to make decent money since i know little about crew skills and money making in this game.



Thanks for any help and advice guys !

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From what I've noticed, at least on my server, the money isn't from what you craft so much as what you use for it. Green Goo alone goes for 200-300 per unit.


yea i was looking at potential 5K credit plus items i can craft?


I have 600K credits currently from quests so 300 odd credits isnt wroth the time to me.

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yea i was looking at potential 5K credit plus items i can craft?


I have 600K credits currently from quests so 300 odd credits isnt wroth the time to me.


300 cpu isn't something to scoff at. That's 300k a stack. And yes, people do pay.


You can make cash off of implants but be prepared to invest A LOT of time and energy into RE'ing.

Edited by Gankstah
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300 cpu isn't something to scoff at. That's 300k a stack. And yes, people do pay.


You can make cash off of implants but be prepared to invest A LOT of time and energy into RE'ing.


so you buy rare implants off the trade network and RE them to get a pattern? or am i misunderstanding.


Also i guess if i stack them then i can sell for a decent ammount, its just i cant see why people would buy when their own companions can go get them for them at a decent rate. it only took me 1 day to get 400 biochem and i have massive stacks of left overs...

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yea i was looking at potential 5K credit plus items i can craft?


I have 600K credits currently from quests so 300 odd credits isnt wroth the time to me.


Sorry if I wasn't clear, but what I meant was that it's 300 per UNIT, meaning if you sell a stack of 10, you're going to make 3000. So I spend about 15 minutes or so on Dromund Kaas in that Heroic area (near whatever the Sithspawn quest is called) and make a killing.


Save your time on Microscopic Symbiote, though. Absolutely no market for that one...

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You RE from green -> purple. You have to decide which combination of stats you want to sell (the best part about RE). So you RE green to get 1 of 3 blues patterns, then RE those blue patterns (by making those blue implants and RE'ing) to get purple patterns of another stat (which can be a random of 1 out of 5). Once you get the desirable combination of stats (because not all are optimal) you can craft those to sell. If you get lucky and get a mastercraft item (which is critting the crafting process), it sells for more.


But expect all desirable stats of implants to be occupied by the 1000000000000000000000000 other people with biochem. Find your niche (hint: high level implants is not always the way to go).



How much you make depends on how much you invest. Before i dropped for biochem, i was useless synthweaving. I made over a million selling titaniums to cybertechs. Small profit margain + huge demand > selling expensive implants if your market is flooded

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You RE from green -> purple. You have to decide which combination of stats you want to sell (the best part about RE). So you RE green to get 1 of 3 blues patterns, then RE those blue patterns (by making those blue implants and RE'ing) to get purple patterns of another stat (which can be a random of 1 out of 5). Once you get the desirable combination of stats (because not all are optimal) you can craft those to sell. If you get lucky and get a mastercraft item (which is critting the crafting process), it sells for more.


But expect all desirable stats of implants to be occupied by the 1000000000000000000000000 other people with biochem. Find your niche (hint: high level implants is not always the way to go).



How much you make depends on how much you invest. Before i dropped for biochem, i was useless synthweaving. I made over a million selling titaniums to cybertechs. Small profit margain + huge demand > selling expensive implants if your market is flooded


so im guessing any force user based implants are the way to go since 80% of my sevrer as with sorcerers, ill have to read up on this as i didnt realise the skill was this complex

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