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BioWare Ignores Marauder Problem; High-Member Guilds Not Allowing Marauder Class


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The gear scaling is incredibly important. Charge can be used to get to mind traps and, while it's annoying to have to run back, it's a detriment to being melee. The title of this thread "not allowing" is just silly and, as I explained, it's very dumb to not bring Marauders. I'm not saying in the least to stack melee - that will never be good to do - and it may be necessary to give Jug/Mara/PT/OP DPS some unique buffs to encourage being brought a la melee classes in WoW.


3) With proper balance of rage builders and priority rotations, we have UNLIMITED power


This is probably the most important advantage we have.


also, obligatory:



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Thing is the Marauder has been screwed since early beta so something should have been done since. Nothing has been done you can look at everything and see Bio does not care about Marauders, the lack of armor to the lack of just everything shows that. A good example nearly killed a 2-3 level higher Gunslinger yesterday i lost because he stunned me twice. If only the Marauder had any CC.
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The gear scaling is incredibly important. Charge can be used to get to mind traps and, while it's annoying to have to run back, it's a detriment to being melee. The title of this thread "not allowing" is just silly and, as I explained, it's very dumb to not bring Marauders. I'm not saying in the least to stack melee - that will never be good to do - and it may be necessary to give Jug/Mara/PT/OP DPS some unique buffs to encourage being brought a la melee classes in WoW.




This is probably the most important advantage we have.


also, obligatory:




We need Obliterate to become a core ability with a 20 yard range

Revert our throws to 30 yards as was originally designed

Give us stun/cc immunity for 4 seconds after Force Charge


- would go a long way to balancing us.

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At last some sense! I am only in my 40s on my sentinel and I DESTROY 50 mercs and sorcs. We have amazing tools available to us. Even at this level with a good use of cooldowns I can survive a long time whilst being beaten on by several bad guys. Don't like the way a fight is going? We even have the force camo cheese escape.


This guy is right, the only ranged class that should cause you problems are good snipers in cover. Even then with cooldowns up you stand a good chance. A decent 50 tank could also cause me problems. That is about it. Buff us? LOL if they did that I cant imagine the carnage we would cause. I am just hoping they dont nerf us!


Pve single target damage is unbelievable. I constantly draw aggro off the tanks in boss fights and have to dump it with force camo. If the guilds you are applying for dont want this kind of dps and our amazing buffs I suggest you look for a guild that has a clue.


Yay another pre-50 talking about how great he is.


Get to 50

Go on a raid

Watch how difficult it is for melee to do anything

Realize this post you made is retarded

Accept that fact that 1 maruader is all that is needed


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any serious raiding guild will want at least 4 marauders in their ops group for bloodthirst alone, since its only a party-wide buff, or just stack their dps groups with 2 mara's in each for a 30 sec 15% boost in damage so bring the buff not the player definitely applies to this.
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any serious raiding guild will want at least 4 marauders in their ops group for bloodthirst alone, since its only a party-wide buff, or just stack their dps groups with 2 mara's in each for a 30 sec 15% boost in damage so bring the buff not the player definitely applies to this.


LOL - that is all.

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After speaking to Kibaken abit ago we both on same server. We came up with a decent tool to calculate dps and requires a boss in EV (the council). On reg mode the mara's have 75k HP with 2 min reset timer's. So with ur back against the wall to stop the stupid knock back they do. U time urself how long it takes for u to kill it. Then take 75k and divide that by how long it took u to kill it. So if it takes u 60 secs to kill it ur doing 1250 dps. If u dont kill it and it resets then ur not doing 625 dps thats required to beat the reset. All dps classes could probably use the same fight and formula to calculate their dps.


Will post on the mara guide also.

Edited by Kenshinth
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Marauders are fine in PvP, until you deal with people using massive amounts of Expertise buffs at once when you're unprepared. I hardly think the class is under powered. It plays the role of the defender in Huttball, can stop people in their tracks on the Voidstar (Try FC'ing before they realize your teammate is on the door), and take down healers on the Civil War.


People seem to think that because they can't melt the face of everyone in PvP (More specifically, those with more PvP gear than he/she), a class must be extremely under powered.

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Yeah the +15% damage buff for the whole group alone makes a marauder worth taking in a raid, not to mention the awesome sustained dps.


Marauder's problems are in pvp mainly and a little bit in solo pve while leveling, rest is fine.


its 10sec buff with 5min cd, not really that good, only somewhat usable at boss fights where you need fast nuke, like vaults final boss weaken states at phase 3.


still not that worth mentioning skill.

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We need Obliterate to become a core ability with a 20 yard range

Revert our throws to 30 yards as was originally designed

Give us stun/cc immunity for 4 seconds after Force Charge


- would go a long way to balancing us.


you realize that ravage roots the target with proper talents, 4 sec stun immunity sounds overkill lol, ravage does roughly 6-10k damage on full channel.


knockback would be only way to survive this.

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any serious raiding guild will want at least 4 marauders in their ops group for bloodthirst alone, since its only a party-wide buff, or just stack their dps groups with 2 mara's in each for a 30 sec 15% boost in damage so bring the buff not the player definitely applies to this.


At least 4 ... Lol .. Heck I say 12 .. Why not

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After speaking to Kibaken abit ago we both on same server. We came up with a decent tool to calculate dps and requires a boss in EV (the council). On reg mode the mara's have 75k HP with 2 min reset timer's. So with ur back against the wall to stop the stupid knock back they do. U time urself how long it takes for u to kill it. Then take 75k and divide that by how long it took u to kill it. So if it takes u 60 secs to kill it ur doing 1250 dps. If u dont kill it and it resets then ur not doing 625 dps thats required to beat the reset. All dps classes could probably use the same fight and formula to calculate their dps.


Will post on the mara guide also.


I thought of using this as well, however, there is a potential FLAW, in that 20% of an annihilation spec's rotations, buff the group, specifically, Beserk, which puts the debuff on you that prevents you from doing any dmg, but also cuts your dps potential by not using Beserk.


Last night I ran annihilation in our hard mode clear to give it a shot an see if it was more useful for the raid, and I found that it was a hinderance in some areas, but a nice utility in others. The healing only affects your party, same with Bloodthirst (altho hardly an anni thing), on gharj it was very helpful, but on the council, it was like shooting myself in the leg prior to a marathon. :(


Even still, I was on the 102k marauder and I was able to kill it in roughly 2~ minutes (I really didnt think to stopwatch it, which was a /facepalm moment afterwards), it was considerably slower than carnage spec, but it wasnt really a fair parse.

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Now I find that a lot of high level guilds are not allowing Marauders AT ALL.


I was told "Marauder is one of the most useless classes"




" Now I find that a lot of high level guilds are not allowing Marauders AT ALL." Proof?



"I was told "Marauder is one of the most useless classes"" by whom?



Stop with these kinds of threads people, just because you aren't "skilled" enough to play it to it's potential, or there isn't a program out there that tells you when to use ability X or ability Y doesn't mean the class is borked.

It's the player.





Edited by Thundergulch
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Im doing rediculous damage as my marauder. In fact I do so much dmg with him I can send off all my companions On crew skills and solo. My assassin had issues soloing from day one in all the specs I tried.


I'm totally happy with my marauder. Even in pvp Im doing pretty well (not as good as my assassin with their stuns and knock back but still decent)

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" Now I find that a lot of high level guilds are not allowing Marauders AT ALL." Proof?



"I was told "Marauder is one of the most useless classes"" by whom?



Stop with these kinds of threads people, just because you aren't "skilled" enough to play it to it's potential, or there isn't a program out there that tells you when to use ability X or ability Y doesn't mean the class is borked.

It's the player.






There is no guild doing nightmare-level operations taking marauders except for the reason they are low on men.


Marauder is most useless class - explanation:

yes we have a 15% damage and healing buff. yes we have a group defensive buff. yes we have a supportive group healing. but lets watch this.


as you know sithwarrior.com (theorycrafting forum) there are spreadsheets to calculate dps for classes.


so we do have marauder at t2 (hardmode flashpoint, normal raid gear)


annihilation survival (31/10/0) ~ 1200 dps

annihilation maxdps (31/3/7) ~ 1240 dps

carnage (5/31/5) ~ 860 dps

rage (2/8/31) ~ 640 dps


so there is one spec which deals clearly most damage, carnage neither viable for pve or pvp, and rage having no consistent dps, but awesome burst once every 3 minutes with adrenals and trinkets or average burst once every 24 seconds.


the problem is - other classes are all calculated by far higher dps, vengeance juggernaut being ahead about 100 dps from annihilation, up to sorcer by 300 dps above.

and all ranges rarely need to stop dishing damage to avoid boss mechanics.


in pvp we are unstoppable killermachines, there often enough battleground where i get out 47 : 2 without healer in the back and 350k damage dealt and 80k healing (yes, biochem and berserk by annihilation spec)


but pve we are what we are - the worst filler for a damage slot.

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Marauders have pretty much the highest substained Pve dps in the game once your are geared. I can easily take down Strong/Elite mobs down in seconds. I can solo lvl 50 elites and have over 90% health remaining after the fight.


Marauder start out.. HORRIBLE .. just aweful when first hit lvl 50. But shine once your gear is EPIC'ed out. Just like the WoW Warriors.... once they get their gear... watch out.


Not to mention the +Attack/Heal Buff they bring to the raid which is priceless for those fights with enrage. Or the Debuff which reduces the chance to hit of the mob/boss.... or the +defense buff.....


Any guild who refuses to take a marauder is plain DUMB. Period. Find a new guild because that one is noob and uninformed.


BUT it is aggravating that MOST of the boss fights are ANTI-MELEE.... we do get shafted in that aspect that we have to be FAR more skilled than ranged players to survive.

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Wow are people still saying marauders are underpowered? I thought sure that idiocy would have disappeared by now.


Once the WOW kids have their little programs that tell them how to play the class then people will stop saying it's underpowered.


I love the Marauder, it's a killing machine in PVE.

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There is no guild doing nightmare-level operations taking marauders except for the reason they are low on men.


Marauder is most useless class - explanation:

yes we have a 15% damage and healing buff. yes we have a group defensive buff. yes we have a supportive group healing. but lets watch this.


as you know sithwarrior.com (theorycrafting forum) there are spreadsheets to calculate dps for classes.


so we do have marauder at t2 (hardmode flashpoint, normal raid gear)


annihilation survival (31/10/0) ~ 1200 dps

annihilation maxdps (31/3/7) ~ 1240 dps

carnage (5/31/5) ~ 860 dps

rage (2/8/31) ~ 640 dps


so there is one spec which deals clearly most damage, carnage neither viable for pve or pvp, and rage having no consistent dps, but awesome burst once every 3 minutes with adrenals and trinkets or average burst once every 24 seconds.


the problem is - other classes are all calculated by far higher dps, vengeance juggernaut being ahead about 100 dps from annihilation, up to sorcer by 300 dps above.

and all ranges rarely need to stop dishing damage to avoid boss mechanics.


in pvp we are unstoppable killermachines, there often enough battleground where i get out 47 : 2 without healer in the back and 350k damage dealt and 80k healing (yes, biochem and berserk by annihilation spec)


but pve we are what we are - the worst filler for a damage slot.



Those spreadsheets are found frequently to have errors in them and are constantly being updated there is also the fact that there is NO real parse available to validate the results means it should be trusted with a grain of salt.


The fact that any guild would deny a marauder for a pve encounter or any class or spec under the claims they are under-powered is hilarious regardless.

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so we do have marauder at t2 (hardmode flashpoint, normal raid gear)


annihilation survival (31/10/0) ~ 1200 dps

annihilation maxdps (31/3/7) ~ 1240 dps

carnage (5/31/5) ~ 860 dps

rage (2/8/31) ~ 640 dps


These numbers are low for Rage. Rage should be putting out at least 1k DPS. This makes me suspect the rest of the numbers. Also, Carnage should be exceeding 1k.

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Once the WOW kids have their little programs that tell them how to play the class then people will stop saying it's underpowered.


I love the Marauder, it's a killing machine in PVE.


I'm a former WoW player myself so don't blame me.


I'm a firm believer in making sure classes are balanced, that being said I have seen zero evidence that a marauder is anything but viable when being played by someone who knows what they are doing in PVE or PVP.


Now there is a suitable argument that at least one of the specs is probably one of the most complex to play classes in the game, but that's hardly an issue as it's still not rocket science to learn and some people prefer complex classes.


Now when parses are finally available and if it is shown (by decent) Marauder players that the class is behind I will eat my crow and admit I'm wrong but even if I am, I highly doubt it's going to be by the huge amount people are suggesting in this forum.

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I only read the first 4-5 pages of this thread, but I can't believe the vast majority think the Marauder is weak/underpowered.


In terms of damage, I'm almost ALWAYS at the top of the damage charts in PvP, and in the top-3 virtually 100% of the time. I'm Annihilation, and so long as the spec is played correctly, damage is insane: Charge, Deadly Saber (in the air), Battering Assault, Rupture, Annihilation, and if possible, Force Choke. This rotation alone gets most opponents below 25%. Then add a Vicious Throw, and BOOM. In terms of kills, once again, almost always near the top, especially with vicious throw giving that mad dps at the end to get our killing blow on everyone we see w/ low hp.


In terms of PvP survivability, we are VERY hard to take down, given a PvP spec. I'm Annihilation, and (forgive me for not having the talent names; they arent in front of me) with our 4-second stealth with the 100% dmg-reduction Anni talent, the skill granting us 99% dmg-reduction for 6 seconds, interrupt, Obfuscate (both buffed by Annihilate talent), speed-buffed Predation, all of these give us GREAT SURVIVABILITY. Especially that combined with medpacs, and a healer if we are lucky, we can't be taken down.


In terms of endgame PvE, I don't have recount or a dmg meter to tell how much damage im doing, but I can only imagine that we are doing very well, relatively, assuming we are playing right. As for those who claim that "omg ranged dps is so OP b/c we have to run around, and that can just stand back and dps while not getting hit," that argument is unwarranted. It depends on the boss. Sometimes we run around, sometimes we dont, and sometimes the boss can reach the ranged just as easily as it can reach us.


In general, I've been worried lately that Marauders will be NERFED!

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These numbers are low for Rage. Rage should be putting out at least 1k DPS. This makes me suspect the rest of the numbers. Also, Carnage should be exceeding 1k.


I suspect the numbers are incorrect for an entirely different reason.


Resource management.


Marauders will hit higher numbers than other dps classes the longer fights go on due to resource management. The more we fight, the more we have to use, the opposite of the rest.


I suspect the theorycrafting doesnt take that into consideration, hard mode and above bosses will make all three forms of marauder much higher dps than the rest simply because neither our rage based skills nor the fury buffs will run out on those much longer fights.

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Yeah, when I'm playing in-game I keep asking when I'm gonna be nerfed. Then I read the forums and my worries evaporate.



I suspect the theorycrafting doesnt take that into consideration, hard mode and above bosses will make all three forms of marauder much higher dps than the rest simply because neither our rage based skills nor the fury buffs will run out on those much longer fights.


Sorcs, Snipers, and tracerlol should not run out of their resources in general.


Only mis-management of BH heals or Op DPS will cause players to run dry.

Edited by EasymodeX
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