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how long between waves?


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I'm just surprised it seems like they didn't invite many to the first wave... Most of the servers are still low population with only a few at medium population. During the stress tests they maxed out all the servers in minutes yet they held up just fine...


Ya this is what im not understanding...

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From everything I've seen (3 streams of current palyers), the origin worlds are pretty empty. I would imagine once they make sure the server crashing is over for now, they'll get another wave out and probably ramp it up. I believe the origin worlds are only running one instance as well atm.
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My guild leader who got in sent me a text about half an hour ago of "It is easier to do these starter quests when there are only 12 people on Tython". 12? In the Thanksgiving beta weekend, I would see 200-300 people on my location shard all the time, what is up with such a small first wave?
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I dont understand the BW logic here. They dont want to release any info and upset people but I would be far happier knowing. I ordered 8/8 and entered the code 8/9 so I am assuming imma be borderline tonight/tomorrow access. That said I could be int he next wave or two or not in for 2 more days. I would rather have a ROUGH idea of when I will LIKELY get in so im not refreshing my email and reopening my launcher every half hour from now till whenever.
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My guild leader who got in sent me a text about half an hour ago of "It is easier to do these starter quests when there are only 12 people on Tython". 12? In the Thanksgiving beta weekend, I would see 200-300 people on my location shard all the time, what is up with such a small first wave?


Same. 2 of my guildmates got in first wave and there wasnt enough ppl on korriban to make a 2nd instance.

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What they'll probably do, since they're obviously being 'safe' with their staggered e-mails and such, is simply allow more people into the next wave and more after that.


It's all about testing server stability, again, for them and making sure there're no problems or crashes that're to be had due to letting a giant influx of players in all at once - regardless if they had little to no problems during the Thanksgiving weekend test. ;p


So, hypothetically if they let, let's say.. 100,000 people into this wave.. who's to say they don't let 250,000 in the next?


(P.S. The numbers aren't meant to be accurate.)

Edited by joshxor
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