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Sith turned Jedi !!!!


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I was thinking it would be an awesome idea in a future patch if you were an empire class and got to max light side points you could be given a choice to convert to the republic side & vice versa!!! So you then have their fleet ship & do their flashpoint stories etc!!


I know there would be issues like guild members not wanting to leave their guilds (but that's why your given an option). Other issues obviously would be seeing a bounty hunter/sith warrior fighting for republic....but hang on, bounty hunters main goal is $$$$$$, didn't darth vader take out his master & virtually switch to the light side, didn't Anakin Skywalker go from Jedi to the dark side.....might not be so unrealistic!!!


Plus if you play pvp u get used to fighting the same faction (hutball) !!!


AND THE MASSIVE PLUS - it might even-out the faction ratio a little (far more empire players to switch to republic than vice versa) sure people would be happier switching sides with their lvl 50 rather the restarting a new character!


Really think this could a first in any MMO the ability to switch faction!! (as far as I know, only played 4 MMO's myself)

Edited by Sytha
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Sounds like a great idea but I assume it would be very difficult to implement from a designer stand point. Not being a designer myself I can of course not attest to the difficulty of doing this but it sounds like something that would be hard to do.
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I don't see how this would work unless they completely create an entirely new storyline for all 8 classes (4 on each side), active after defecting to the other side. This would require an immense amount of work and time put into it, cause you can't just go from Sith Warrior to Jedi Knight story. There are other companions, other plotlines, choices you should have made in the past and so on that will play into the future of the quest.


It would be fun, but I don't see it as feasible.

Edited by Snobbenunge
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Sounds like a great idea but I assume it would be very difficult to implement from a designer stand point. Not being a designer myself I can of course not attest to the difficulty of doing this but it sounds like something that would be hard to do.


I dunno; from what I have read on the forums, the classes are basically miirrors, so they could do it quite easily I would have thought.


But then I'm no designer/programmer either, so I dunno.

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In eq2 you had the betrayals quests, perhaps you could get a quest to betray your faction (regardless of alignment). I do believe there should be some kind of penalty for doing it, without reputations and such I can't imagine what it would be.
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I like the idea, but how would you control balance and other issues with PvP servers in mind?

Also, it should at least require a rank 5-6 to the opposite site of the force to be able to switch, which means there doesn't even need to be a time limit set to switch back, since you would need a huge amount of points to get back.

Switching should also be by player choice.

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Yeah I think you would only be able to switch at level 50 and have max light/dark side points (depending on faction) so they would only need to add stories for the class & their companies from level 50, they have to make new stories for the future updates anyway so why not add a few more stories! Would be very difficult to switch back because the length of time it would take to go from full dark/light side to the opposite end if the scale!


This is just an option for the future & I really think it could work & be a very engrossing story to play along....would be epic if they could make it happen ;)

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I was thinking it would be an awesome idea in a future patch if you were an empire class and got to max light side points you could be given a choice to convert to the republic side & vice versa!!! So you then have their fleet ship & do their flashpoint stories etc!!


I know there would be issues like guild members not wanting to leave their guilds (but that's why your given an option). Other issues obviously would be seeing a bounty hunter/sith warrior fighting for republic....but hang on, bounty hunters main goal is $$$$$$, didn't darth vader take out his master & virtually switch to the light side, didn't Anakin Skywalker go from Jedi to the dark side.....might not be so unrealistic!!!


Plus if you play pvp u get used to fighting the same faction (hutball) !!!


AND THE MASSIVE PLUS - it might even-out the faction ratio a little (far more empire players to switch to republic than vice versa) sure people would be happier switching sides with their lvl 50 rather the restarting a new character!


Really think this could a first in any MMO the ability to switch faction!! (as far as I know, only played 4 MMO's myself)


Before game came out BioWare said with this exact words:


"No faction changing. Ever."


Sorry. No trollin'.

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I dunno; from what I have read on the forums, the classes are basically miirrors, so they could do it quite easily I would have thought.


But then I'm no designer/programmer either, so I dunno.


Mechanically they may be, but story wise they are not.


Previous act decisions are tracked and are relevant for future plot events too, so options are either really ugly hand-waving and disconnected, or you really have to look at writing new plot for the character after the 'faction change'.

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Would be a cool expansion option, especially if the alleged disparity in faction numbers isn't sorted.


Would make for a great way for people to swap faction without having to re-roll, but only if they put something like a 90 day cooldown on it though.


Prblem is, there is already a huge Emp v Rep population imbalance, this would only increase said disparity as you can be sure that more republic folk would swap empire then empire to republic, and when there is already a almost 3 to 1 ration, it just would end ugly. They'd have to sort out the imbalance first before thinking of something like this.

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Prblem is, there is already a huge Emp v Rep population imbalance, this would only increase said disparity as you can be sure that more republic folk would swap empire then empire to republic, and when there is already a almost 3 to 1 ration, it just would end ugly. They'd have to sort out the imbalance first before thinking of something like this.


that maybe but i would stay as i would miss stomping the imperials into the ground

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Prblem is, there is already a huge Emp v Rep population imbalance, this would only increase said disparity as you can be sure that more republic folk would swap empire then empire to republic, and when there is already a almost 3 to 1 ration, it just would end ugly. They'd have to sort out the imbalance first before thinking of something like this.



I kind of disagree.....I think quite a few more empire would switch to republic to be honest, I'm currently empire but if I knew how unbalanced it would be I would of gone republic & I know alot of my guildies & friends would of done the same!


There is something VERY satisfying about being the underdog!

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I don't think it should be based off Light/Darkside points. Rather, I think it should be incorporated into the game in a way that says 'You're making a decision to change who you're aligned with.' - which means it is neither light NOR dark in terms of the decision.


Hear me out - Light/Dark is more of a perspective in this game. Either way, you are working for the Empire/Republic, it's just that your methods, idealogy, and beliefs are different.


For example;

You have a group of Prisoner's from the enemy side. Now, you can choose to keep them alive (lightside) in the hopes that they will convert, or that you can get information from them. Or you can choose to kill them all, so you do not have to spend resources on them or that you feel 'they made the wrong choice to stand against the <side>' (Darkside.) Both of these serve the side you're on in some way.


For this reason, it's unfair to say that an Empire player has to grind out Lightside points if they are Darkside to switch, and that a Lightside Jedi has to grind out Darkside points to switch, because their fundamental beliefs may or may not change when they 'fall' or are 'redeemed', or when they 'betray' or are 'converted.'


Perhaps, it should just be when you get to the max level of your alignment, as a sort of middle ground, and then they could work in 'reasons' you feel you need to change -


For example;



Lightside: You have done all you can for the Empire. You have watched as your fellow Sith commit atrocities beyond what you can stomache, watched as some of your best friends died to the same corrupt system you want to change. Their deaths have weighed heavily on you - but more than their deaths, you have come to a realization. The empire you loved and wanted to change for so long - is already Dead. What remains is a shattered shell of it's former glory - controlled by corrupt officials and powerful sith who would kill you for speaking one word of dissent.


Darkside: You have become powerful, but you feel as though the Empire does not respect your power. On the other hand, where you make all the tough choices, the Empire has chocked itself, strangled itself. Your empire has become Weak. You would strike down your master for being so weak - so why is the Empire - this weak decrepit thing - allowed to continue surviving?


And yet at every turn, the Jedi Order has stood in your way. Every step of your journey, they have thrown adversaries at you that truly tested your limits. Where the empire is fleeting, your enemies have been growing stronger and stronger. You could destroy the Republic - but that would leave a weak, miserable shell of the Empire to stand in your way. You choose to join the side that has more power, in order to advance your own. And thus, the sith corrupt seeks it's way to the Jedi Order - but not to convert it to the Empire, but to strengthen it.


"With courage and a new vision, <character> sets out on a Journey to join the Republic. He may look back with mixed emotions over his shoulder, but there will be no going back once he boards this shuttle. "

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Yeah I think you would only be able to switch at level 50 and have max light/dark side points (depending on faction) so they would only need to add stories for the class & their companies from level 50, they have to make new stories for the future updates anyway so why not add a few more stories! Would be very difficult to switch back because the length of time it would take to go from full dark/light side to the opposite end if the scale!


This is just an option for the future & I really think it could work & be a very engrossing story to play along....would be epic if they could make it happen ;)


Hmn, hard to say if I agree with 'level 50 only.' More than that, I think some companions would leave you / others would join you for 'betraying' the empire/republic. Sadly it's a perspective that makes for a lot of 'openness' in story, but in practice, would be harder to do.


As an aside, they could always do what FFXI did: When you want to change factions, you talk to an NPC, and they 'erase' your memories of your past life. This would be in line with Darth Raven's storyline from SW:KOTOR. You remember just the major/important things to yourself (Such as flashpoints, major skills, friends, etc.), but you forget what you did in your nation that would be considered 'confidential.'


Essentially, on an RP perspective, there could be a 'black market' that does this for you, as it's the only 'safe' way to switch. It would also come with the implication that you are 'forgetting what you once knew... It might erase who you are' and so your bar could be set back to neutral (perhaps an option, at a surcharge.)


Edit-In: Clarification, Darth Raven only really remembered all his languages and a few base skills. I'm going with a bit more of a lax perspective.

Edited by sotaka
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Storyline-wise, this idea is already rather viable at the end of the Bounty Hunter storyline, simply by picking the lightside choice, which will give you a completely clean slate with the Republic, supposedly, while in the process, you deal a fairly big blow to the Empire, too.


Couldn't help but wonder if the option to switch sides wouldn't have been fitting there. And perhaps join GenoHaradan, or something.

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