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I'm afraid to continue my Republic character


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not our fault there are less republic players.


I didn't roll empire because i wanted to be on the "popular" side, or because evil is "cool". I rolled empire because i tried all of the classes during the beta and had the most fun as a sniper. Problem?


At any rate, fail argument is fail. Try something else.


Rawr! :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::D

Edited by Abanoth
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Uhm, how do you come to this conclusion? When a player hits a button, they enter a queue and then they go against another team in a random WZ. Republic has the best gambit of WZ experience keeping WZ's more interesting then endless Huttball. Republic's queues are same/faster then a Imperials so they gain PvP gear up at the same rate. There is no logic to thinking that Imps some how get an advantage in this area.


Um, no.


more varied warzones yes, but quicker queue's im afraid not. 100 Empire queueing up vs 50 Republic, what happens? the empire get in instantly and play with eachothers balls.. I mean Huttball and the republic wait for them to finish ;)

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None of this is a surprise, as every dev has stated that their favorite class lies on the empire side, or that empire is outright their favored faction.

I do, however, expect them to care about attracting players to republic, but they seem adamant about making this an empire-only game on pvp servers.


I don't know if we can change their minds, but it pisses me off to say the least.

Edited by Auxili
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As someone who recently rerolled Republic from Empire, I would like to suggest new dialogue options on the Republic side. In particular, hire a couple of new voice actors/actresses and new writers.


My empire characters are all completely ****** -- with the exception of the male bounty hunter. I'm sure many of you love the male BH voice, but I hate it, almost as much as I hate GoW 1-3. Resist the urge to ignore what I'm about to say, GoW fans.


Here's why. My IA has a ****** accent. He's suave, James Bond-esque, and I grew a huge attachment to the actual character while playing it. My female SW is also a giant ******. She has a beautiful voice, she's heartless, calm, emotionless.


When I switched to Republic, I first rolled a female Jedi Knight. Oh god. Her voice is whiny, emotional, scared. Try rolling one. For those of you who enjoy evil characters, try taking an evil female jedi knight seriously. If you're able to do it, try out IA or SW first. Then try again. I absolutely cannot stand her. So, I tried switching to a male smuggler. Male smugglers are not that bad, as they are exact replicas of Han Solo. It still was not as good as IA.


As a former Empire player, I'm having great difficulty transitioning to the Republic because the stories are boring and I hate my characters. An easy fix would be new voice actors/actresses and lines. Instead of my female Jedi Knight making mean decisions that are justified in terms of the greater good, let her be completely evil. If not that, at least let me choose a voice that is less Barbie-like. If my JK had the female consular voice, for example, she still would not compare to my SW, but she would at least be more playable.


Even amidst a terrible story line, making character personalities better will make me love my character even more.


You probably are wondering why I don't just switch to light side? If I can't handle dark sided JK's, why not play a good one? Well, when I play light sided, I feel weak. My character is not the strong, stalwart Jedi I see in the movies, they're some weak nansy pansy who doesn't have the gall to make a bold decision. I'm sure some of them are fine, but most of the ones I've seen in game are obnoxiously self-righteous and/or lacking in boldness. Because of that, I am forced to be Dark Side or Gray.


Overall, I was promised the ability to play a "Dark Jedi." Someone who is technically a Jedi but should be playing for the other team. Someone who should be immediately thrown out of the order. Give me that, Bioware. Don't give me some wimp who is concerned about the greater good. I couldn't care less about the greater good. Simple dialogue options would win over myself and many that I know who have switched to Republic. That combined with some decent looking armor options would make my stay with the Republic that much more enjoyable. Until then, I don't blame anyone for rolling Empire. In fact, I envy you.

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^ It's a shame bioware put more effort into making the empire non-cliche. It does attract a bigger playerbase.


My problem is with continuing to make players want to reroll from republic to empire. This is just enraging and Bioware has to say something soon about WHY they're doing this.


You guys on the empire don't know how it feels. And since likely all of the devs play empire, I doubt even THEY know how it feels for us republic players.

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RP server is pretty balanced, you should go there.


1) this thread is about pvp servers

2) rp-pvp servers have been brought up, they're no different than pvp servers other than having a handful more republic

3) Bioware is attracting players to empire, period. This applies to all server types, especially any that are 'pvp'. This includes rp-pvp.


I'm on the highest pop rp server, Jung Ma. Instead of 100 versus 300 in the republic and empire fleet, its 150 and 300.

19 in ilum versus 56 in ilum on the empire side.

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Pathetic. A true pvper will always prefer to be the underdog and fight against the zerg. Where the % of talent is constant, the number of worthy adversaries will increase as well.


Weak minded Republics should reroll Imp and provide the true pvpers with more targets.

Edited by muradi
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Pathetic. A true pvper will always prefer to be the underdog and fight against the zerg. Where the % of talent is constant, the number of worthy adversaries will increase as well.


Weak minded Republics should reroll Imp and provide the true pvpers with more targets.


A true pvper will want balanced pvp, period. As it keeps the game's pvp healthy in the long run, and any mmo player knows that longterm health is the most important thing.

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Pathetic. A true pvper will always prefer to be the underdog and fight against the zerg.


The problem is this, "Underdog" is all good and fine but the truth is when the faction balance is in a state like we see in this game, people will simply stop doing world PvP.


There is nothing heroic or valorous in getting your *** kicked over and over and over again because of number disadvantages. It also doesn't matter how tough you think you are, most "true" PvPers in this game already rolled Empire...


I have seen it countless times before and it always ends in the same ugly way - dead open world PvP, the last remaining "underdogs" rerolling and that's it.



Keep in mind though, this is not a PvP exclusive issue even though PvP servers are most affected.


Obviously on these servers, the economy will be in the ******* as well and getting any PvE done will require a lot of patience.



A true pvper will want balanced pvp, period. As it keeps the game's pvp healthy in the long run, and any mmo player knows that longterm health is the most important thing.



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Forget the story-lines, voice actors, class aesthetics, etc. that Empire has loads better. The biggest reason Empire is favored on PvP servers is because their "mirrored" classes have better mechanics.


1. Smuggler Flash Grenade has 90 scond cooldown (untalented) vs. Imperial Agent Flash Bang has 60 second cooldown (untalented).


2. Smuggler Dirty Kick roots the kicker for 1 second to complete the animation vs. Imperial Agent Dehabilitate does not root the player doing the ability.


3. Smuggler Back Blast takes 1 second to actually do damage and can be canceled with a timely knockback vs. Imperial Agent Backstab is instant activation AND damage.


4. Trooper Mortar Volley takes 1.75 seconds for the first volley to hit the ground (4.75 seconds for TOTAL damage on a 3 second channel...) vs. Bounty Hunter Death From Above firing its first missile near after about .7 seconds and finishes damage within the 3 second channel.


5. Trooper Stockstrike has a .75 second delay in dealing damage and can be completely negated with a timely knockback vs. Bounty Hunter Rocket Punch being instant.


6. Jedi Sage Project takes 1-2 seconds to travel to the target before doing damage vs. Sith Inquisitor Shock being 100% instant.


There are more exapmles scattered across the forum, and there are also situations where the Republic class performs slightly better than the Imperial mirror, but that is few and far between and doesn't have as much impact as the ones I listed above.


Fix. This. ****. BioWare.

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I play both side of the fence, but this is the most one sided game I have played in well ever. I like playing both sides, because I like being the underdog and winning, and I like being really overpowered and doing mega damage. My question is did the Devs play this game at all? It is playable if you roll both sides, that way you don't get frustrated like I see some of you here in this thread are. This game needs a HUGE balance patch. Nerf some Boost others a full revamp. No one can deny that some Empire classes are LOL OP and some Republic classes are LOL UP. Cast times/Animations/Base Attack Damage/ are all messed up.


I will keep playing, but I know people will quit over things like this. I really want this game to be mega huge. So Devs can you please take a close look at all classes on both sides.

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Forget the story-lines, voice actors, class aesthetics, etc. that Empire has loads better. The biggest reason Empire is favored on PvP servers is because their "mirrored" classes have better mechanics.


1. Smuggler Flash Grenade has 90 scond cooldown (untalented) vs. Imperial Agent Flash Bang has 60 second cooldown (untalented).


2. Smuggler Dirty Kick roots the kicker for 1 second to complete the animation vs. Imperial Agent Dehabilitate does not root the player doing the ability.


3. Smuggler Back Blast takes 1 second to actually do damage and can be canceled with a timely knockback vs. Imperial Agent Backstab is instant activation AND damage.


4. Trooper Mortar Volley takes 1.75 seconds for the first volley to hit the ground (4.75 seconds for TOTAL damage on a 3 second channel...) vs. Bounty Hunter Death From Above firing its first missile near after about .7 seconds and finishes damage within the 3 second channel.


5. Trooper Stockstrike has a .75 second delay in dealing damage and can be completely negated with a timely knockback vs. Bounty Hunter Rocket Punch being instant.


6. Jedi Sage Project takes 1-2 seconds to travel to the target before doing damage vs. Sith Inquisitor Shock being 100% instant.


There are more exapmles scattered across the forum, and there are also situations where the Republic class performs slightly better than the Imperial mirror, but that is few and far between and doesn't have as much impact as the ones I listed above.


Fix. This. ****. BioWare.


Totally agree, I know many people who are aware of these issues which Bioware has likely implemented knowing the repercussions. You don't 'accidentally' implement slower animations and ability self-roots. It's just not something that slips in accidentally.

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Totally agree, I know many people who are aware of these issues which Bioware has likely implemented knowing the repercussions. You don't 'accidentally' implement slower animations and ability self-roots. It's just not something that slips in accidentally.


same with the cooldown difference... it just doesn't happen accidentally. But if it really just happened accidentally and nobody caught it things are so much worse than I can even imagine right now...

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same with the cooldown difference... it just doesn't happen accidentally. But if it really just happened accidentally and nobody caught it things are so much worse than I can even imagine right now...


IT simply means the devs don't play the republic characters, which is common sense as they've all stated their favorite classes are on the empire side, and that their fav faction is the empire. It shows through the design and marketing.


I wouldn't expect this from Bioware.

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IT simply means the devs don't play the republic characters, which is common sense as they've all stated their favorite classes are on the empire side, and that their fav faction is the empire. It shows through the design and marketing.


I wouldn't expect this from Bioware.


Somebody had to though, right?


I even remember this being mentioned in the beta forums already so somebody official must have heard it. The delayed animations as well. I just don't understand...

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Somebody had to though, right?


I even remember this being mentioned in the beta forums already so somebody official must have heard it. The delayed animations as well. I just don't understand...


This was brought up in beta, multiple times, by myself even, and STILL made it to launch.


Just another example of how the Devs did not listen to ANY beta testers.

Edited by Kryptorchid
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this is why two-faction PvP games will ALWAYS fail.


3 way faction at least in-game dynamics (2 sides teaming together to handle the OP'd 3rd side) would even things out.


I said it in beta and will say it again


SWTOR <>DCUO same game, PVP, PVE but the 'cover'/'wrapping' is different..



this tittle will be FTP within 6 months..

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this is why i will not play this game after the 20th i dont care

BW was warned in beta by player and by ther main rival wow

the did not give a **** so why would i ?

no i am going to roll over to gw2

and for u that thinks that the all powerfull sith is not a problem u do know that half the game is gone

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Empire isn't all peaches and cream. We have to put up with playing hutball 24/7


It's gotten to the point where I wanna force choke Baron Deathmark


You won't have to once march rolls around, they're developing more same-faction warzones so the empire can continue to grow.

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Empire isn't all peaches and cream. We have to put up with playing hutball 24/7


It's gotten to the point where I wanna force choke Baron Deathmark


don't worry. New same-faction WZ's are coming instead of any attempts to make the Republic more attractive. You are playing Empire, the Devs listen to you. Relax :D

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Been finding a lot of reddit posts about this, been hearing a lot of talk ingame, and found many other websites speaking about this.




Taugrim has also spoken about this and how serious an issue it is.


When Taugrim says he feels it is an issue the alarm bells must be ringing LOUDLY. He is very adamant about playing the Underdog faction.


I mean I was...am too, there is a difference though between being the underdog, being outnumbered - slightly but always, which is fun in PvP. And being part of a severely underpopulated community, regardless of the enemy faction, that will see people rerolling to the Empire or switching servers entirely on a constant basis, entire guilds disbanding and disappering because they cannot find enough new recruits in an incredibly limited pool of players to get their activities going.


I wished they did not release so many servers... Republic would do very well with half the amount of servers, or even less, but in its current state it is looking bleak.



But thank god new same-faction WZ's are coming - this alone pretty much tells me Bioware has neither intention nor creative ability to somehow counter the growing imbalance.


It will be just band aid after band aid until the Republic is finally extinct. Time to rewrite the lore :D

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