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I'm an agent and want one nerf.


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A working resolve bar would help alot, as would the pot stacking stuff getting some basic stacking rules.


But really Agents are worrying too much. Bioware mythic will most likely buff agents and sorcs next patch. yes, I know that makes no sense, but that is their history.


They lsot half their subs in warhammer on stuff like this, and with no explanation.

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To be fair, you can get stunned for around 7 if the operative opens with debilitate (4 seconds, 800 resolve) first, but that comes at the cost of their best defensive cooldown in that they would have to cloaking screen -> hidden strike at the end of that 4 seconds to add on the 3 second knockdown. Assuming you don't use your CC breaker, this would allow a great deal of unanswered damage and would probably be the best 1v1 rotation.


That said, in the last month or so pvp (once a lot of folks had reached higher lvls) I have not noticed a single operative open on me with anything other than hidden strike. Presumably because in warzones, a true 1v1 is hard to come by and blowing cloaking screen like that would basically mean you're vulnerable until you can exit combat. Either that or they just didn't realize the potential.


The potential is there, but the risk is far too great. Wasting a cloaking screen for a debilitate would be foolish.

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The potential is there, but the risk is far too great. Wasting a cloaking screen for a debilitate would be foolish.


Yeah. On paper it's the way to go, and maybe in 1v1 world pvp encounter but in WZ's it really isn't worth the risk.

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People are only remembering the time when the Op opened up on them with 4-5 consumables going and getting all crits. They never remember the Op whose Hidden Strike hit for 2.5k and whose backstab hit for 1.5k and then didn't attack again because they were teleporting around on the Ops screen and he was getting spammed with "target out of range". An over geared Op will roll anyone. An equally geared Op opens well but will never kill in the first knock down.


The Op is 40~ valor. Let's not take anything he says seriously.

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So much misinformation running around...


Oh and I have been hit over 9k by Assassins, Bountyhunters and Snipers for sure (can't recall if any others)...


Oh yes and Hidden Strike is a 3 second stun, can be trinketed, fills the resolve bar and rarely hits higher than 5k unless you're buff stacking like a maniac...



And another thing...once people learn how to tag an operative / scoundrel with a basic attack so he can't restealth after a kill things will change a lot...all of a sudden people will whine about Inquisitors / Assassins / whatever they just got killed by...


If you nerf Op / Scoundrel burst then you have to seriously buff the sustained dmg (ergo higher dmg on the dots and generally up the dmg from Shiv and Lacerate) because otherwise they're useless in both PvP and PvE...


keep on trolling guys..if you actually manage to get this class nerfed by crying loud enough you will have managed to single handedly destroy PvP before it even had time to establish itself...because once the nerf train picks up it won't stop..and all of a sudden you're back on square A while the PvE croud dies a little bit inside every time one of your hilarious claims for "balance" has gotten through...


3 things:


1. Get 50

2. Get Gear

3. Get Skill



you will tear apart Ops / Scoundrels if you follow these three simple steps...

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Honestly, there is no skill what so ever in playing an OP/scoundrel. I can bind all my attack abilities to 1 button, open up, and watch people die.


So you have a macro (which don't exist) that does Stealth, Acid Blade, Hidden Strike, Backstab, Shiv and Lacerate all at once ? You sir...are my hero

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YOU CAN TRINKET THE KNOCKDOWN. FFS. Stupid noobs everywhere. You can flat out trinket Shoot First/Hidden Strike IMMEDIATELY and start running right away. Not only can you trinket that knockdown HE CANNOT STUN YOU AGAIN FOR 8 SECONDS.


Go play more kiddie games.


...run like the wind Forrest, runnn...o wait, I'm slowed so I'm actually strafing away at a leisurely pace and even when my little stun ends I'm like 5m away :rolleyes: (WTB force speed or snare removal).

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The OP is wrong, many of you are wrong. The resolve bar is always full after i hit a guy coming out of Shoot First opener. I believe the Op shiv animation is faster than our Scoundrel shotgun animations. Coming out of shoot first i get off 2 free attacks during the stun. With crits i do about half of someones life if they have solid gear. Without gear I do about 75% of thier life before they get up and I have to fight em.


It's a fun class for sure. But Smuggler has the least maneuverability of all the classes. Everyone else has jumps, runs, and can move around the pvp map a heck of a lot faster than I can.


Plus If the fight goes bad I have to hide for 20-25 sec's until I can stealth again and start to hunt my next victim.


Its a high risk, high reward class. If i'm caught in the open by anyone i'm usually dead. All my damage comes from my insane burst coming out of stealth with shoot first.


And for some reason I can't cleanse Sorc dots which drives me crazy.

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I can't comment on how good/bad this idea is, simply because my own smug is only lvl 12. What i can say, is that it sounds like a very good idea, and if nothing else it is a very solid post and a change of perspective on the class. As a general rule, I don't like the 1 button classes, and I'm sure they will address it. Props for the well thought, and easy to read post on your ideas for your class.
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The one nerf that would be the most logical would be slightly reducing the armor pen, and/or nerfing the critical strike bonus of Backstab/Backblast and Hidden Strike/Shoot First talent. This one thing alone would be hopefully enough to keep us viable and lower the QQ.


Because in all honesty, removing the knockdown will not change anything. We'll just Debilitate/Dirty Kick afterwards anyways for a 4 second stun and a vulnerable resolve bar. This would actually be a negligible nerf and would be a buff in team fighting allowing our target to be stunned upwards of 8 seconds as opposed to 3.


Along with Biochem and consumables stacking with warzone buffs removed that would be enough I think.


Any serious nerf would require the class to gain several abilities to its kit to counter balance and change its role.

Edited by Kyrandis
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I agree 100% with op.


I didnt know thats how OPs work. but now that you say it seems like your opener is a bit too mutch!


this would decrease the ZOMG AWESOMENESS but it still wouldnt gimp your class by that mutch at all!

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So you have a macro (which don't exist) that does Stealth, Acid Blade, Hidden Strike, Backstab, Shiv and Lacerate all at once ? You sir...are my hero


Not with ingame macros derphead. L2rebind keyboard or get a macro program.

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So you have a macro (which don't exist) that does Stealth, Acid Blade, Hidden Strike, Backstab, Shiv and Lacerate all at once ? You sir...are my hero


Don't be so naive. There are things called gamepads, like the G13, which allows you to make macros.

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Sure thing. I agree with this as soon as they remove 30 yard ranged stuns from the other stealth melee class, that also has a guard/taunt, that also has a knockdown, does more dmg out of stealth then a Operative/scoundrel, has better survival, and has a gap closer. Oh yeah they also INSTAGIB PLAYERS (a 15,000-20,000 dmg opener on multiple people) by stealthing up to them and throwing them off the bridge in voidstar, or stunning them inside a fire pit, or knocking them back into a firepit. Where does that dmg show up on warzone dmg meters? It doesn't and when you add in the fact that assassins/shadows do the exact same warzone dmg as a op/scoundrel? Yeah...


Also as soon as they remove the ability for ranged to stack stims/buffs and kill people from range before melee can even reach their target.


I kill people as fast on any ranged as I do on my scoundrel. The difference? I stun them from RANGED and kill them from RANGED.


When you see the GOOD assassins/shadows telling you they destroy op's/scoundrels one on one? They aren't lying. If you can't you are simply bad. You are 100 percent their anticlass and hard counter when equally geared. If 3 vs 3 arena was in this game the only op/scoundrel you would see is a healer.


Why? They stealth CC fills a resolve bar, their opener fills a resolve bar, which makes them horrible on interupts/CC after opening. Every single 3 v3 team would have an assassin/shadow and all the people who rolled the FOTM melee class would STILL point at op's/scoundrels and complain that THEY were the ones that are OP and that they are "perfectly balanced".


LOL at the OP with his Inquisitor avatar talking about wanting his low level alt operative nerfed, when he prob does more warzone dmg on his Sorc and can't handle playing melee in this game.


Such a joke. They need to have YOUR REAL CHARACTERS on this forum (like WoW) so you can see just how full of it these people are.


just 1 thing ,, are u talking about tank assasins/shadows ? as you said they are a operators anticlass ? coz a dps shadow has the lowest damage mitigation in the game and the easiest to kill as a operator unless they got there cc breaker of cd.. and if thats the case that you talk about tank sins then they wont be near the damage of a operator..


not to mention a damage assasin will have a hard hard hard time killing a operator as they can't aoe them out of stealth if said operator/scoundrel would vanish ..


<-- 50 shadow in champion gear..

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well OP class a dew meele skills , yes a few. one of them is from behind and one of them must be done in stealth mode other one needs tactical advantage , and the other has a cooldown. So all in all not a very fun class. And if you take hidden strikes cc ability away, I think rolling heler will be nice.
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This thread is fast becoming stupid. Not directed at the OP, btw. If you take away my damage on stun/snare off ranged, I'm fine with it. Take away the stun or damage of their (melee) stun too. All is fine. I'll win that trade, trust me.
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So its not OP that i can be INSTAKILLED by being pushed, pulled, knocked into fire and offbridges in warzones by just about every other class.


I wish my class could insta kill people like that.


I cant run through fire, fly to end zone, hit the turbo button for touchsowns.


Take down our knockdown, why play our class? Assassins get more tools and hit just as hard.

Edited by -Rinzler-
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Not with ingame macros derphead. L2rebind keyboard or get a macro program.


So...yeah...you can bind all the skills on one button...great...you could do that with every class and say "easy to play"...


I bet you all my credits I will ever have that I would easily beat a guy who uses a gamepad with stupid macros like that...I have all my keys mapped out in a useful way..I can't get any faster by just hammering one button...besides I don't always use my skills in the same rotation so that "imba macro" would be flawed and useless anyway...

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I'm an Operative, lvl50 on Hex Droid Server.


I'm fully champ geared other than legs and head, 500ish expertise and I can honestly admit I roll people under 50 with ease and in optimum conditions I easily dispatch lvl50s in equal gear.



So while I agree with some of the QQ about Op/Scoundrel being too strong, I think there is one single nerf that should be done for the health of this class and the pvp community.


The knockdown on Hidden Strike needs to go.


There should be a choice between CC and Damage, it should always be a concious decision by the player to either control or burst a target and not do both at once.


In the infamous WoW, Rogues had the choice of 3 openers:

- Cheap Shot (2sec stun, no dmg)

- Ambush (High dmg, no CC)

- Garrote (DoT, 2sec Silence)


In SWTOR, Ops/Scoundrels have one choice:

- Hidden Strike (High Dmg, 2sec knockdown and DoT(Acid blade))


Why do we have all three of the WoW rogues openers in a single attack? I don't want to be like Mercenaries that spam one button over and over to win, I'd like some level of finesse to the "rogue" archetype that is typically one of the highest skill ceiling classes in mmorpgs.



So as an appeal to Bioware from a geared lvl50 operative valour rank41, please consider the below change.


Step1 - Swap Acid Blade and Jarring Strike in the skill trees.


Step2 - Remove Acid blade as a skill, its a waste of keyboard real estate when its used on every Hidden strike and Backstab anyway.


Step3 - Change Acid blade to be a passive "Your hidden strike and Backstab abilities have a 50/100% chance to cause the target to be poisoned by your coated blades, dealing X dmg over Y seconds and increasing armour penetration(0/2)"


Step4 - Turn Jarring Strike into the new 31pt ability, "Strike the target with the base of your blade, knocking them to the ground for 2 secs and granting you two applications of Tactical Advantage. Requires stealth, must be behind the target"




What this accomplishes is create a choice of controlling or bursting an opponent and replacing the Acid blade keybind with Jarring strike keybind. Creating an ability that is fun to push and not something you wish you could macro into your other skill presses. Its also the ability to get 2 stacks of TA instantly giving your greater out of stealth presence by having more use of Lacerate available and evening out our "burst then nothing" rotation.




TLDR: Read it all, your comments are worthless otherwise.



Thank you for reading.




What does a "Wow rogue" have to do with an agent in Star wars? It's not the same game, and it's not the same class. Also, the opening rotation for the agent is pretty much all he has, so it should be powerful. Out of stealth, agent's are easy to handle for most classes. The wow rogue has nothing to do with this game...

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