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I'm an agent and want one nerf.


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I think a potential step after evaluating the consumable nerf would be to simply make all stuns break after a player loses a percentage of health over a certain amount of time.


This would be a nerf to stunlocking against squishy classes in general, while not messing with much needed CC against guarded healers, etc.


I realize it's not targeted directly at scoundrels/ops alone, so it probably won't be a popular idea.

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Waagh I WUZ 3000k rated glad and I have long imperial ques nao, xserver WZ and rabid rat box game mode nao! So roll Republic.. But mah time invested and all epax waagh But it didn't bothered you when you rerolled 10th FOTM class in WoW when racial changed by 1%? Erm.. .


Just thought this was the most amazing strawman I've ever seen. Hate queue times? You must be a FOTM player!


Also "Republic players are stupid" followed by "Roll republic!" is probably the best way to convince people the reroll.

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1) You're getting rid of the armor pen buff, which isn't going to help clothies so much as the classes that have less of a problem with us in end-game


I didnt actually mean to omit the armour pen, so I've added that back into the OP. My mistake.


Cheers for the feedback on the rest.

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Sure thing. I agree with this as soon as they remove 30 yard ranged stuns from the other stealth melee class, that also has a guard/taunt, that also has a knockdown, does more dmg out of stealth then a Operative/scoundrel, has better survival, and has a gap closer. Oh yeah they also INSTAGIB PLAYERS (a 15,000-20,000 dmg opener on multiple people) by stealthing up to them and throwing them off the bridge in voidstar, or stunning them inside a fire pit, or knocking them back into a firepit. Where does that dmg show up on warzone dmg meters? It doesn't and when you add in the fact that assassins/shadows do the exact same warzone dmg as a op/scoundrel? Yeah...


Also as soon as they remove the ability for ranged to stack stims/buffs and kill people from range before melee can even reach their target.


I kill people as fast on any ranged as I do on my scoundrel. The difference? I stun them from RANGED and kill them from RANGED.


When you see the GOOD assassins/shadows telling you they destroy op's/scoundrels one on one? They aren't lying. If you can't you are simply bad. You are 100 percent their anticlass and hard counter when equally geared. If 3 vs 3 arena was in this game the only op/scoundrel you would see is a healer.


Why? They stealth CC fills a resolve bar, their opener fills a resolve bar, which makes them horrible on interupts/CC after opening. Every single 3 v3 team would have an assassin/shadow and all the people who rolled the FOTM melee class would STILL point at op's/scoundrels and complain that THEY were the ones that are OP and that they are "perfectly balanced".


LOL at the OP with his Inquisitor avatar talking about wanting his low level alt operative nerfed, when he prob does more warzone dmg on his Sorc and can't handle playing melee in this game.


Such a joke. They need to have YOUR REAL CHARACTERS on this forum (like WoW) so you can see just how full of it these people are.





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The removal of the knockdown portion would not change a thing,

I would still open with hidden strike followed by debilitate (4 sec stun) followed by the rest of the normal rotation.

It would (in optimal conditions) kill any poorly geared lvl 50 during the stun and the complains would continue.



debilitate is 3 second. And 1 GCD is 1.5 second, that will say only 2 attacks before stun wears of.



Nice try tho.

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Then knock down from assassin need to go to.


Yeah, because Shadows and Assassins can stunlock to death any class in the game in that 2 second knockdown. Oh wait, they can't. Not to mention, that knockdown is a separate skill, not one baked into another.

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Just thought this was the most amazing strawman I've ever seen. Hate queue times? You must be a FOTM player!


Also "Republic players are stupid" followed by "Roll republic!" is probably the best way to convince people the reroll.


My sig is directed at people who are able to comprehend to it(there is sarcasm in it, something you might check up on dictionary). You are clearly not a targeted receiver as you completely missed the message.

Edited by Lerdoc
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Such a joke. They need to have YOUR REAL CHARACTERS on this forum (like WoW) so you can see just how full of it these people are.


Im Khrux, on hex droid server EU. I'll be online all evening, your welcome to check if you wish. Grow up and accept that even some of us would prefer a challenge instead of noob stomping. And some of us are not bads that get killed by Inqs/BHs....

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Knock down from assasins does not deal 6k dmg crits+strong dot.


6k dmg, where the F... do you get does numbers from?? **** with your random numbers.


Your probarly just another lowbie that got owned by a lvl 50 oprative, and you come here join the "nerf OP" kids thread :)

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+10 more.

I play an Op, not once have I complained about getting insta killed by fire or flat out losing hutt ball because the air vents are lame and I cant jump / sprint into goals. Oh good thing this fire will hold the ball carrier back.. oh wait they can just sprint through it while im on the other side playing with myself.

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6k dmg, where the F... do you get does numbers from?? **** with your random numbers.


Your probarly just another lowbie that got owned by a lvl 50 oprative, and you come here join the "nerf OP" kids thread :)


You might watch some YT pvp movies. And I'm 350(need to check up, but something around that, just 4 slots don't have pvp items) expertise gunslinger.

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You should never get all the great things, then you do get a bit OP. Having a class with stealth, high mobility and survivability, high damage with burst And much CC. How could they not see how this would be too powerfull in PvP? :p

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My sig is directed at people who are able to comprehend to it(there is sarcasm in it, something you might check up on dictionary). You are clearly not a targeted receiver as you completely missed the message.


Look at all that hostile. Just look at it.


As long as I've got the dictionary out, you should check out "Jokes".

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Look at all that hostile. Just look at it.


As long as I've got the dictionary out, you should check out "Jokes".


So use moar smilies! Without them its often "not sure if serious" posts that confuse people and with the amount of hostility of the boards its better to be defensive in advance:p

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I need to join this bandwagon - Recently hit 50, 3 pieces of expertise so around 100~(Jedi Shadow Infiltration spec)


The fact that I can be in the thick of battle doing quite a bit of damage only to be killed in less then 5-8 seconds by a lvl 50 not-so-geared-operative (brought to 20% by a level 49) shows problems.. Especially when at the moment it takes no skill. They literally will stomp everything. its not an issue of "PLAY YOUR CLASS RIGHT N00B" Its an issue of, the class can 8 second stun, within that 8 seconds each hit they do does 4k damage not including the Dots.

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Not to mention 'good players' have probably PvPed in numerous games and have a better idea of balance than most Devs do.


Getting killed because you have a chance to react isn't balanced. The biochem nerf should fix it.


all nerfed was medipacs didnt nerf the stims as far as i know.

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Im Khrux, on hex droid server EU. I'll be online all evening, your welcome to check if you wish. Grow up and accept that even some of us would prefer a challenge instead of noob stomping. And some of us are not bads that get killed by Inqs/BHs....


Ok so a bh/commando popping surge/crit, sitting from from 30 yards away hitting 2 spells a stun an instant and a instant and you dying due to not having a trinket = bad. There is no counter to this if you have no trinket.


But dying without a trinket to a scoundrel/op doing the same thing means Op's/Scoundrels are OP.


BTW? With a proc a sage/sorc can kill you just as fast with power adrenal/expertise pot/crit sure trinket.


So can any class in this game. I can do 500-700 k dmg on any ranged in this game easier then I can on any melee on this game. Does that make ranged op? Nope. Does ranged having a counter make the counter op? Nope.


Grow up? I played all these classes in beta. If you aren't outdamaging a melee class as ranged in this game you are bad or they are really good. Period.


There is no counter to any dps class stacking trinkets/biochem if you don't have a pvp trinket up, are not under a defensive cooldown and don't have a med pack up. It has nothing to do with op's/scoundrels.


One on one a assassin/shadow beats a scoundrel/op if all have their cooldowns. So is that class op? If a scoundrel doesn't have an immunity cooldown/vanish up and a sent/marauder attacks them? They are 100 percent dead. You have to bleed a target out of stealth to do any dmg worth a damn and that refreshes the sent/marauder shield which = you are screwed.


Just because you are playing against bad players doesn't mean you don't have counters. You have plenty. The problem? Those counters are played BADLY and there is one good assassin/shadow out of 500 that play that zerg class.

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Sorry, I also forgot that you guys are BSING hard about stun locked. The knock down puts your resolve bar to full. Nuff said.


Actually it gets it to almost full, But not at 1000/white you would know this if you actually PVPed.


In any case a 4 second knockdown which is INESCAPABLE(Cooldown will not get you out of it) and then quickly followed by an actual STUN that lasts for another 4 seconds is some ********. As previously stated. If a class can kill you and you don't have a fighting chance it does not equate to the other class not having skill instead it equates to a class that is broken and takes little to no effort to get kills.

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Actually it gets it to almost full, But not at 1000/white you would know this if you actually PVPed.


In any case a 4 second knockdown which is INESCAPABLE(Cooldown will not get you out of it) and then quickly followed by an actual STUN that lasts for another 4 seconds is some ********. As previously stated. If a class can kill you and you don't have a fighting chance it does not equate to the other class not having skill instead it equates to a class that is broken and takes little to no effort to get kills.


I don't mind the damage, so long as I have a *chance* to get away

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