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A new and well thought out PvE DPS Build


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Here is my new build i came up with:





Here is my reasoning for the way this build looks:


Why did I give up Obfuscation and Overcharge saber?


Well because frankly at 50 you do not really need obfuscation unless you really really care about that 15% movement speed in stealth. You can just use blackout and get the 15 level stealth increase every 45 seconds to compensate for the 3 level loss.


Over Charge Saber/Lacerate reduction: Why oh why did you sacrifice this box? Are you Crazy!?


Well yes and no. Quite honestly Lacerate sucks. Really badly. I do not care for it costing 30 force because I never use it. Overcharge Saber, however, is an awesome skill...when surging charge actually procs. Most of the time I do not find myself using this skill at the 1min 30s mark every single time because I am busy managing my other procs and since I like to stay in Surging Charge mode, it barely makes use of Overcharge when I use it due to the 25% proc rate on Surging Charge. For me, I can live with the 2 minute CD on overcharge saber.


What did I replace with Obfuscation and Resourcefulness??


I wanted more survivability while in DPS mode without having to waste 50 force to switch to dark charge. So I picked up Insulation because, yes, the 30% armor increase does make a difference to me. I also put 1 point into Avoidance because that slight reduction on Unbreakable Will helps me a heck of a lot more than Resourcefulness.


Secondly, I put 2 points into Electric execution because this way I get a permanent 6% increase on my saber charge damage. This will add up over the 2-minute cooldown while waiting for overcharge saber as well as bump that increased dmg up. Sure 10-15 points of dmg increase may not be much but over time it helps.


Is this a smart move? Maybe. Maybe not.


If the 6% increase proves to be worthless to you then you could also put a 2nd point in Avoidance and 1 point in Resourcefulness or 2 points in Lightning recovery to get the force speed and force shroud reduction which, in my opinion, are both a lot more useful than overcharge saber in certain combat situations. If you prefer lightning charge to surging charge you could even spend the 2 points in Crackling Charge to get a good 16% increase to your discharge.


The possibilities are very interesting. My point is that I was not content with the 5/33/3 build because I feel it is not the best build since it has too many useless boxes and a number of boxes unused that are important for many reasons.


Agree or disagree, I do not care. I thought I would share my ideas and hopefully it will be successful in sparking new ideas outside of the two very limiting deception builds people cling to at the moment.


Until combat logs appear though, this is all speculation.


Enjoy :)


EDIT: I have put together a new build that seems to be very worthwhile for Raiding and Flashpoints:


Lightning Charge 5/31/5


This build emphasizes lightning charge in order to get a 16% increased DoT as well as a permanent 3% crit increase to both force and melee while in lightning charge stance.


With this build you won't have to waste time building up the Surging Charge stack to get the most damage, this way you can rely on Lightning charge crit damage and ticking up to 5-6k over time if you have the right stats/buffs.

Edited by sithusis
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Obfuscation also works while in combat and not stealthed. In WoW, it's said that movement buffs are the biggest DPS gain you can get because the game puts a lot of stress on moving around. I can't tell if SWTOR is going the same path, but movement buff abilities are actually DPS increasing abilities on any fight that heavily relies on movement. Since Assassins don't have a charge ability and it's unlikely any mob of significance can be force pulled to you, getting there 15% faster is a nontrivial consideration. Edited by Astarica
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Obfuscation also works while in combat and not stealthed. In WoW, it's said that movement buffs are the biggest DPS gain you can get because the game puts a lot of stress on moving around. I can't tell if SWTOR is going the same path, but movement buff abilities are actually DPS increasing abilities on any fight that heavily relies on movement. Since Assassins don't have a charge ability and it's unlikely any mob of significance can be force pulled to you, getting there 15% faster is a nontrivial consideration.


I actually don't notice this 15% speed out of stealth. It is either broken or doesn't impact me at all.


This isn't WoW btw :)

Edited by sithusis
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Do you like the 9% armor penetration and 6% lightsaber charge damage better than chain shocks?


I agree with you for overcharge saber. I took the points out of that and put it into avoidance. I like the stealth bonus since I mind trap alot in flashpoints but it's something worth removing and seeing how it goes.

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Do you like the 9% armor penetration and 6% lightsaber charge damage better than chain shocks?


I agree with you for overcharge saber. I took the points out of that and put it into avoidance. I like the stealth bonus since I mind trap alot in flashpoints but it's something worth removing and seeing how it goes.


Well surprisingly enough since i couldn't see the numbers in operations I tested my build out in warzones and my average damage output has gone up every match (using the same gear). There are a lot of factors affecting this but obfuscation is definitely useless in Eternity vault right now. Your only reason to stealth is to use Force Cloak to de-aggro the boss.


I haven't really tested chain chock much because it is built for low armor enemies. Chain really won't do much good on the last boss in EV, in my opinion, because he has high armor so you need the armor penetration or very high accuracy which is hard to stack with the PVE sets unless you get multiple pieces and canabalize the mods.

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Obfuscation works fine. I am faster than someone out of stealth while in combat by a slight margin. It's 15% not 150% faster. I don't think you understand my point. If there is a mob that isn't next to you, it takes some non-zero time to get there. In the time you're running to the mob, you're not doing damage. So, getting to the mob sooner increases the damage you can do. It is impossible to estimate how much time is spent on running, but certainly raids in this game doesn't involve standing in one place from the beginning to the end. It might not be like WoW where all you're doing is moving around, but you definitely need to move at some point.
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Obfuscation works fine. I am faster than someone out of stealth while in combat by a slight margin. It's 15% not 150% faster. I don't think you understand my point. If there is a mob that isn't next to you, it takes some non-zero time to get there. In the time you're running to the mob, you're not doing damage. So, getting to the mob sooner increases the damage you can do. It is impossible to estimate how much time is spent on running, but certainly raids in this game doesn't involve standing in one place from the beginning to the end. It might not be like WoW where all you're doing is moving around, but you definitely need to move at some point.


From my experience (have downed Soa multiple times norm/hard) that 15% does nothing for me because I know how to manage force speed.


I did however come up with a new build though that includes obfuscation and Resourcefulness. This build sacrifices surging charge in order to get bigger DoTs for bosses:


Assassin 5/31/5


This build emphasizes lightning charge AND give you an automatic 3% crit rating while in lightning charge stance. That 3% crit rating (to both force and melee) is big, especially when stacking crit buffs. You can easily get to about 60% melee crit chance with cd's and buffs.


My point wasn't to argue about Obfuscation because I know from experience that 15% in THIS game is not a worth while speed increase for sacrificing armor and DPS.


By the way, I tested my character with and without Obfuscation out of stealth. I ran the same speed no matter what, with perhaps a slight slight difference with obfuscation. It was nothing to be excited about.


My point is there are tons of possibilities here to increase survivability and or damage out put for sacrificing a few boxes that really aren't life changing.


Like is said this is my opinion. I'm just saying not to overestimate the value just because it says 15%.

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Hi I am thinking of giving your alternate build a try. I was using the chain shock build and while it is good on low lvl char with low armor it is wothless at end game content. So my question is that altercate build also good in raids and flashpoints ? As I also like to stay in surging charge I keep hearing alot about how maddness builds hit harder but I really like to get in close and do damage don't like stay in the background so I hope this alternate build of your is good for raids and flashpoints. I also saw your new lighting charge build is that one better ?


Thank You

Edited by DENTNU
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