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Bioware: Allow Advanced Class Respec!


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Some ACs have different armour requirements, in addition to weapon requirements. Assassin going to Sorceror would be unable to wear their current set of armour.

You have half a valid point but a really bad example; Sage/Shadow and Sorceror/Assassin both use Light armour, with Willpower as the "active" stat. The "advanced" stats like Alacrity would cause differences in effectiveness, since almost all Shadow/Assassin moves are instant, but going from a DPS Shadow/Assassin to a Sage/Sorceror would only require changing to using a single lightsaber (since they would both be using a Generator in the offhand rather than a Shield).


The only AC switch that would require a change in base armour would be from Guardian/Juggernaut to Sentinel/Marauder -- and even there, it's still not a big problem to grab a random orange and put your current mods into that. (Or it could be "magically" transformed to the right type if it's a real-money paid service).


I would say it takes a couple of weeks of playing to get the feel of the Advanced Class, so any such switches should not be available more frequently than that. I would also not restrict people to the "one switch - ever" because a week of playing as the other AC might actually persuade them that their original choice actually was the right one for them :)


If Bioware were to introduce this as a paid service, it could provide an item with 2 "charges" of "Change Advanced Class". This could also provide a bag with appropriate gear, just as when originally specializing, but it would contain a moddable weapon, focus/generator, and, for JK/SW, a set of moddable armour that has "basic" mods for the entry level (so, at level 50, it could give Voss-equivalent armour/mods and weapon/offhand). I'd pay, say, US$20, for something like that.

Edited by Ancaglon
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And when the hell did the idea of base-class switching come into this? NO ONE is suggesting base-class switching.


Actually, that's what most of the Pro-AC switchers are suggesting.



There will be those anyway because all of the content is solo friendly and can be blundered through by a chimpanzee drunk on a case of malt liquor.


And if someone cares enough to switch ACs, my guess is they'd care enough to learn the class before blindly stumbling into FPs.


You seem a little on edge, since you completely missed this posters point. Solo content has nothing to do with it. Key words: Raid and PvP


And you'd be wrong about people caring enough to learn their class. Look at League of Legends. People play ranked games with characters they've never played before for the lulz.



We're talking about AC switching, not BASE-CLASS switching, and the story for the two ACs is identical. The sage and assassin have the EXACT same class quest.


As mentioned above; no we're not. A lot of the pro-switcher posters here have advocated switching outside base class.



1. My "unsubstantiated assumption" is actually based on the experience of seeing people cry BS because they don't like the sentinel class so much and don't realize why it sucks so badly to solo with the class.


Anecdotal "evidence" counts for precisely jack and squat.



2. How on earth does WoW prove ANYTHING AT ALL in this discussion? How in the HELL do you come to the conclusion that people will level alts because of WoW?


You missed the connection he was making?


WoW has the highest market share of the MMO market. If you want to switch from a Mage to a Warrior, you have to make a new character. And WoW didn't lose subs because you had to make a new character to play a different class. Therefore, your argument that not being able to switch will make people unsub is completely unsupported, and frankly quite asinine.

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Please look up "straw man argument", because that's what you're doing.



People get ahold of a buzz word they don't understand and think they can use it whenever they feel like.


If you have an argument why we should have AC-switching and how it should be implemented, then post it, and I'll rebut.


If you don't, then you're just blowing hot air.

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No Advanced Class respec.


It's a bad precedent for the genre. Also, to offer some perspective; I rolled a Jedi Consular, thought I would try Sage out. Got through the Courascant missions and it was painfully obvious I was not enjoying the class; not enough light saber action for me. Bit the bullet, re-rolled the exact same consular and chose Shadow instead. "Remaking" the character is incredibly quick, as you can just blow straight through dialog. And yes, I get that for some players replaying 10-15 hours of content is like a week's worth of play time given other obligations, I still say it's worth it in the long run. Better to flush 15 hours than 85 days (which I did in WoW after switching from a Rogue to Warrior).


Then again, there are those category of people that reroll'd characters every time some class gets ridiculously out of whack. That is, the type of person who is eternally unhappy. I say don't make it easy on them. Deal with the consequences of your choices for once.


Hello Nauls


I would like to respectfully disagree with how "easy" it is to reroll. I rolled an Operative pre-release expecting to be able to do hard/nightmare mode operations as a melee dps. Now after having spent the last 2 weeks healing, I've had about enough. Thats because this game is so anti-melee in its mechanics, its completely sickening. Had I known it was this bad I would have picked sniper instead. To reroll I would have to play through the entire story AGAIN, along with regearing all the tier2+ items I have.


I wouldn't care if it was a paid service at this point, cause I would pay for it. As Op healing is a total joke in terms of enjoyment, playstyle, and healing output (hello lop sided energy regen that allows no flexibility in spell selection). That and I didn't even want to BE healing at all ether.


Op just has no true end game in any of its specs to bring to the table. Anything they can do, everyone else can do better. (please don't bring pvp into this, I'm strictly talking about pve)

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So in other words, you're butthurt about players not doing the "work" to level a class?


Why would you POSSIBLY care about this? I support a one-time AC switch because no one actually knows how their class is going to perform endgame until they've leveled it, and they may find they absolutely hate it.


And when the hell did the idea of base-class switching come into this? NO ONE is suggesting base-class switching.


This is an MMO, and part of the value of an MMO is earning things of value. I don't want Bioware giving away stuff for free that players are supposed to work for. I don't want them selling level 50 characters. I don't want them selling credits. I don't want them offering any class changes at all, AC or otherwise. These destroy the value of the game.


If you want to buy things, go play a F2P.


Because AC switch is the same as a full on class switch in terms of gameplay/PvP/Raid, the arguments used to support AC switch also supports a base class switch. "I'm bored of my class, I want something different". "I don't want to do the quests over". "I don't like alts, I never want to level a 2nd character". "I didn't know my class would suck so much at end-game".


From a technical aspect, resetting the AC is already 80% of the work BW would have to do to also reset the base class. If they're going to add a game-breaking feature, why would you want them to stop at the AC? The arguments you would use to argue against changing between base classes also applies to changing between ACs.


From your argument of "not knowing how things would perform at end-game", you would be better served by being able to choose between all 8 ACs. For all you can tell at end-game, your opposite AC might be one you hate even more. Then what do you do? Whine that a 1-time only is unfair because you had no way of knowing how the other AC would perform at all since you've never used it?


ACs have more differences between them than they have things in common.


I would say it takes a couple of weeks of playing to get the feel of the Advanced Class, so any such switches should not be available more frequently than that. I would also not restrict people to the "one switch - ever" because a week of playing as the other AC might actually persuade them that their original choice actually was the right one for them :)


Shouldn't the "takes a couple of weeks" be enough of a clue that this is equivalent to a full-on class change?


Just because the ACs share a single quest line is not a backdoor to ask BW to add a cheat code to the MMO for free levels on a different class. In other MMOs, all classes share the story quest line, but that doesn't give players carte blanche to change classes.


If you want to play a new class, do like every other player on every other MMO and play that class from scratch. No free lunches. If you really really really want to buy things you haven't earned yourself, there's a far-east market that's there for you to buy from if you're willing to risk your account getting banned.

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Hello Nauls


I would like to respectfully disagree with how "easy" it is to reroll. I rolled an Operative pre-release expecting to be able to do hard/nightmare mode operations as a melee dps. Now after having spent the last 2 weeks healing, I've had about enough. Thats because this game is so anti-melee in its mechanics, its completely sickening. Had I known it was this bad I would have picked sniper instead. To reroll I would have to play through the entire story AGAIN, along with regearing all the tier2+ items I have.


I wouldn't care if it was a paid service at this point, cause I would pay for it. As Op healing is a total joke in terms of enjoyment, playstyle, and healing output (hello lop sided energy regen that allows no flexibility in spell selection). That and I didn't even want to BE healing at all ether.


Op just has no true end game in any of its specs to bring to the table. Anything they can do, everyone else can do better. (please don't bring pvp into this, I'm strictly talking about pve)


If you rolled a BH, you'd still have to go through all the planetary stories again, which is much larger than only the class quest. Since you don't want to reroll and don't want to play through a story again and you don't want to regear all the tier2+ items you have, why don't you just ask for the ability to switch to any AC? It would solve your problem a lot better.

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Please allow Advanced Class Respec. There's no reason for this, give players the choice! If you're worried it will hurt your story or something - don't. You don't seem to care you send Jedi to go slaughter hundreds of Sand People, so why care about something that is needlessly restricting players?







1. An Advanced Class is separate from a Class in SWTOR. Support: http://www.swtor.com/info/holonet/classes

2. Players deserve freedom, especially when it doesn't effect you in any way.

3. Given the same choices, a player's story, companions and ship is exactly the same regardless of your AC.

4. Just because you enjoy making 16 alts doesn't mean the player next to you does.

5. There's many legitimate reasons why a player at any level might need to respec AC's. It does not mean they are lazy/stupid.




Links showing Bioware has supported this idea...




Thanks to Salzwasser for the link.


...and more recently, read: http://torwars.com/2011/12/01/stephen-reid-on-advanced-class-switching/


POLL HERE: http://www.easypolls.net/poll.html?p=4f1285a6c2e1b0e46168c294




there is a reason for it, one reason is Jedi Knights, their Advanced Classes wear Medium/Heavy Armor... so if a Jedi Guardian changed to Sentinel guess what? he's screwed on gear now, so no thanks on this (btw i'm not a Jedi Knight) I don't want to be able to switch from advanced class to each one... if you got a problem with your advanced class then reroll mate

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If you rolled a BH, you'd still have to go through all the planetary stories again, which is much larger than only the class quest. Since you don't want to reroll and don't want to play through a story again and you don't want to regear all the tier2+ items you have, why don't you just ask for the ability to switch to any AC? It would solve your problem a lot better.


Did you not read my post? Or do you just not understand that Sniper is an Imperial agent? And so is an Operative.....which means I'm pro advanced class switching at some sort of high cost.

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To be honest I am neutral on this one. I try to see both sides of the argument.


They are distinct from a play style perspective and for that reason a change should not be available, but story is such a big part of this game and from a story perspective they are identical. In a less story driven game I can see myself rolling a different character even though the levelling experience is by and large the same but when story is emphasised repeating the identical story feels completely wrong. Add into that if I wanted to have all 16 possible variations available I would not only need to replicate the 8 stories twice but the 8 play styles twice.


My ideal would be locking AC respec to something like equal level mirror class levelled with the alternate AC path. So if you have a 50 Sorc and a 50 shadow you can respec them to Assassin and Sage. This would allow you to experience the 2-8 stories and 2-8 play styles then have access to all 4-16 variations.


Into this comes the issue of only 8 slots available on a server, this means you need to choose between alternate AC or alternate faction which would not be necessary with my idea you could simply have the 8 classes.


Apologies if a similair idea has been posted I only got through about 10 pages.


I also want to address the comparisons to other MMO's. One of the things that SW:TOR did not offer is the Tank/Heal/Dps class option, you are almost immediately required to choose a role that you do not want to undertake ever despite your base class being capable of that, and while such a choice is meaningful it isn't really fun.

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Did you not read my post? Or do you just not understand that Sniper is an Imperial agent? And so is an Operative.....which means I'm pro advanced class switching at some sort of high cost.


Their commonality with the Imperial Agent is trivial compared to their differences between each other.


What they have in common with other base classes is more content than what is exclusive to their specific base class.


Why are you ok with changing between classes that share the same class quest and not ok with changing between classes that share the same planetary quests?


What do you tell someone who finds they hate both Sniper and Operative and they want to switch to another AC?

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Actually, that's what most of the Pro-AC switchers are suggesting.


This thread is entitled "allow ADVANCED class respec" and that's what I'm arguing for.


You seem a little on edge, since you completely missed this posters point. Solo content has nothing to do with it. Key words: Raid and PvP


And you completely missed mine: How do you GET to raid and engame PvP? By leveling, which you can do solo without ever actually having to learn your class along the way.


And you'd be wrong about people caring enough to learn their class. Look at League of Legends. People play ranked games with characters they've never played before for the lulz.


There will always be idiots who make it to endgame, no matter what.


Anecdotal "evidence" counts for precisely jack and squat.


Anecdotal evidence counts for plenty when all the opposition is arguing with is hyperbole and bull-****


And WoW didn't lose subs because you had to make a new character to play a different class.


So you're supposing that the reason players stuck with WoW was because they could level alts they'd enjoy (or a certain number of players did this)?


By your logic, I can argue that a certain number of players who QUIT WoW (which has been a pretty substantial number) left because they picked a class they didn't like and didn't want to relevel an alt.


Once again, you're arguing with nothing but hyperbole and bull-****.


I know two people who rolled warriors in vanilla WoW and quit because they got the class to 40 and decided the entire game wasn't for them. Warriors were, hands down, the most UNFUN class to play unless it had amazing gear (which neither did).


Would having played a class they'd enjoy more kept them in the game? I can't say for sure (you know, because I don't like arguing without evidence), but it sure wouldn't have hurt if they could've tried another class at that same level to see if they liked it.


That would've been a CHANCE of them liking it, which was 100% more chance than they had through the existing method.

Edited by TheRealDestian
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Shouldn't the "takes a couple of weeks" be enough of a clue that this is equivalent to a full-on class change?


Just because the ACs share a single quest line is not a backdoor to ask BW to add a cheat code to the MMO for free levels on a different class. In other MMOs, all classes share the story quest line, but that doesn't give players carte blanche to change classes.


If you want to play a new class, do like every other player on every other MMO and play that class from scratch. No free lunches. If you really really really want to buy things you haven't earned yourself, there's a far-east market that's there for you to buy from if you're willing to risk your account getting banned.


Sorry, but you're talking (writing?) complete rubbish. Repeating the whole levelling experience to 50 is just stupid. It took me about 4 weeks to get to 50 as my Shadow, because I wasn't rushing, and I did most of the content on all the worlds, so if I really WANTED to, I could indeed waste more time and probably hit 50 as a Sage in about 1 week BECAUSE I WILL BE DOING EXACTLY THE SAME CONTENT AS BEFORE. I suspect Bioware would rather have players that were happy continuing to play the game than give up because they made an early and possibly unfortunate Advanced class choice in this STORY DRIVEN MMO.


The Real "Clue" is that the CLASS has a single story line. NOT "The Shadow story" and "The Sage Story". But clearly, that particular Clue is way beyond your ability to grasp, so rant on...

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This is an MMO, and part of the value of an MMO is earning things of value. I don't want Bioware giving away stuff for free that players are supposed to work for. I don't want them selling level 50 characters. I don't want them selling credits. I don't want them offering any class changes at all, AC or otherwise. These destroy the value of the game.


If you want to buy things, go play a F2P.


Because AC switch is the same as a full on class switch in terms of gameplay/PvP/Raid, the arguments used to support AC switch also supports a base class switch. "I'm bored of my class, I want something different". "I don't want to do the quests over". "I don't like alts, I never want to level a 2nd character". "I didn't know my class would suck so much at end-game".


From a technical aspect, resetting the AC is already 80% of the work BW would have to do to also reset the base class. If they're going to add a game-breaking feature, why would you want them to stop at the AC? The arguments you would use to argue against changing between base classes also applies to changing between ACs.


From your argument of "not knowing how things would perform at end-game", you would be better served by being able to choose between all 8 ACs. For all you can tell at end-game, your opposite AC might be one you hate even more. Then what do you do? Whine that a 1-time only is unfair because you had no way of knowing how the other AC would perform at all since you've never used it?


ACs have more differences between them than they have things in common.




Shouldn't the "takes a couple of weeks" be enough of a clue that this is equivalent to a full-on class change?


Just because the ACs share a single quest line is not a backdoor to ask BW to add a cheat code to the MMO for free levels on a different class. In other MMOs, all classes share the story quest line, but that doesn't give players carte blanche to change classes.


If you want to play a new class, do like every other player on every other MMO and play that class from scratch. No free lunches. If you really really really want to buy things you haven't earned yourself, there's a far-east market that's there for you to buy from if you're willing to risk your account getting banned.


Your butthurt tirade continues as you attempt to liken AC switching to goldselling. That's quite a leap there, fella, and quite a logical fallacy.


Listen, you can stand around like an old man waving his cane, spouting laughable crap like "You need to EARN what you have!" but the fact remains that it's even MORE laughable when you factor in that no one is actually getting ANYTHING for free.


If I level a sentinel to 40, then switch it to guardian, what am I getting for free? I acquired a level 40 guardian, but I no longer have a level 40 sentinel.


Whether it's a one-time deal or once a month, you still effectively only have ONE of the two classes. "Having" both classes by any reasonable definition, means you can open your character selection window and pick one OR the other AT ANY TIME YOU WANT.


If you put aside the tired nonsense about "earning" things to maintain the "integrity" of a video game, you might see how AC switching will encourage players to level MORE alts.


It's quite possible that switching back and forth once per month will make the player say, "Dang, I like both of these classes. I need to level a 2nd one so I don't have to do this switching." This, however, is something they'd never have known without the ability to try both.


But by all means, if you're intent on continuing your silly tirade, don't let reason or logic stand in your way...

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What do you tell someone who finds they hate both Sniper and Operative and they want to switch to another AC?


They've run out of options and need to level another class, then.


One extra chance at encouraging them to like the game is better than nothing, which is what they're getting without AC respec.

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Their commonality with the Imperial Agent is trivial compared to their differences between each other.


What they have in common with other base classes is more content than what is exclusive to their specific base class.


Why are you ok with changing between classes that share the same class quest and not ok with changing between classes that share the same planetary quests?


What do you tell someone who finds they hate both Sniper and Operative and they want to switch to another AC?


Because its a different story not shared between the same base class of your current class.


Does not share the, half of said base abilities, between the base class of your current class. Offering no avenue of transition


Does not share the same talent tree between both advance classes, again offering some avenue of transition.



By your own logic we shouldn't even be able to respec at all within our current advanced class. Because who can handle learning a new rotation or abilities gained from the new spec? Along with the minor regearing adjustments for most classes.


I'll fully admit there is an issue with some of advance classes wearing heavy armor over the medium armor they start with. How they want to handle that is up to them.


Now if each advanced class had its own story, then I would have a hard time supporting an advance class change. But even then, you simple don't have enough character slots on a server to roll a character for each advance class.

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By your own logic we shouldn't even be able to respec at all within our current advanced class. Because who can handle learning a new rotation or abilities gained from the new spec? Along with the minor regearing adjustments for most classes.


The skill tree is an at-will selection where the player has full access to the entire tree from the start. Changing skill trees will change a few of the skills on the shortcut bar, and the skill rotations, but it's not new gameplay. It is where the line was drawn in class customization. It allowed Bioware to give players access to different class roles without actually changing classes.


If players had been able to pick and choose abilities between the 2 ACs at will, the AC respec argument would be very different since such a feature would make the 2 ACs linked and part of the same overall class.


Now if each advanced class had its own story, then I would have a hard time supporting an advance class change. But even then, you simple don't have enough character slots on a server to roll a character for each advance class.


Would you still favour class changing if there was no unique class story? If it was 1 story per faction, would you instead be advocating for base class changes? 1 shared quest line is not a back door to free classes.


Bioware has given us 40 character slots spread across 5 servers in order to accommodate the large number of character rerolls Bioware wants us to have

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1 shared quest line is not a back door to free classes.


Get this through your thick skull:




By this logic, going to a friend's house and playing their class that's a different AC of one of my classes is getting a class for free.


It simply isn't the case. Open your character selection screen and you only have ONE CHARACTER! If you switch ACs, guess what? YOU STILL ONLY HAVE ONE CHARACTER!!!


As long as any form of AC switching is time and cost prohibitive, you will NEVER be getting something for free.


Getting to try the other side of the class that a player turned down might be enough to keep that player playing as opposed to quitting.


Like I said earlier, one of my guildies has already gone back to WoW because he hated sentinel so much. My fiancee is likewise halfway out the door because she's not having much fun with her sentinel, either. Neither of these people are altaholics. Their thoughts on ONE class represents their thoughts on the entire game, and right now, they're not happy.


If my fiancee goes back to WoW, that'll leave me playing SWTOR alone, which dramatically diminishes my reason for playing it.


If these two players could switch to guardian, I'd guess they'd both be happier with the game because guardian doesn't suck half as bad as sentinel does.


So yeah, I have REAL WORLD EXAMPLES of how AC switching could save subs for SWTOR, including mine.

Edited by TheRealDestian
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This thread is entitled "allow ADVANCED class respec" and that's what I'm arguing for.


I know two people who rolled warriors in vanilla WoW and quit because they got the class to 40 and decided the entire game wasn't for them. Warriors were, hands down, the most UNFUN class to play unless it had amazing gear (which neither did).


Would having played a class they'd enjoy more kept them in the game? I can't say for sure (you know, because I don't like arguing without evidence), but it sure wouldn't have hurt if they could've tried another class at that same level to see if they liked it.


That would've been a CHANCE of them liking it, which was 100% more chance than they had through the existing method.


Are you sure you're arguing for AC respec? It sure looks like you're trying to argue for a base class change.


Your butthurt tirade continues as you attempt to liken AC switching to goldselling. That's quite a leap there, fella, and quite a logical fallacy.


Listen, you can stand around like an old man waving his cane, spouting laughable crap like "You need to EARN what you have!" but the fact remains that it's even MORE laughable when you factor in that no one is actually getting ANYTHING for free.


It's unfortunate that you have to resort to slander and insults to try and prove your point.


If I level a sentinel to 40, then switch it to guardian, what am I getting for free? I acquired a level 40 guardian, but I no longer have a level 40 sentinel.


You didn't level a guardian, you leveled a sentinel. That's part of the value of an MMO.


If you put aside the tired nonsense about "earning" things to maintain the "integrity" of a video game, you might see how AC switching will encourage players to level MORE alts.


If ever there was a statement where logic was thrown out the window, it's this one. Giving players free access to another AC so they don't have to level another character will encourage them to level more alts?


It's quite possible that switching back and forth once per month will make the player say, "Dang, I like both of these classes. I need to level a 2nd one so I don't have to do this switching." This, however, is something they'd never have known without the ability to try both.


There's a reason MMOs don't do this. For every month's worth of sub this lets them keep, they lose a thousand subs from players leaving.


But by all means, if you're intent on continuing your silly tirade, don't let reason or logic stand in your way...


Logic & Reason are on my side. The current state of SWTOR is on my side. WoW is on my side. FF XI is on my side. Every MMO I can think of is on my side. If the decision to prevent class changes is "illogical and without reason", why hasn't every MMO jumped on the bandwagon to save subs? They have looked at it with logic and reason and realized that it will cost them a lot more subs than they'll ever save. Anyone willing to quit over it is better off quitting. Those aren't players that will stick around long even if the change is implemented.

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The skill tree is an at-will selection where the player has full access to the entire tree from the start. Changing skill trees will change a few of the skills on the shortcut bar, and the skill rotations, but it's not new gameplay. It is where the line was drawn in class customization. It allowed Bioware to give players access to different class roles without actually changing classes.


If players had been able to pick and choose abilities between the 2 ACs at will, the AC respec argument would be very different since such a feature would make the 2 ACs linked and part of the same overall class.




Would you still favour class changing if there was no unique class story? If it was 1 story per faction, would you instead be advocating for base class changes? 1 shared quest line is not a back door to free classes.


Bioware has given us 40 character slots spread across 5 servers in order to accommodate the large number of character rerolls Bioware wants us to have


I must have missed the part where my entire game play changes when I'm healing versus dpsing. I also must have missed the part where all I'm missing for the lethality tree for sniper over operative is series of shots and target aquired. Where oh where would I ever find out how to use two more buttons.....


You grossly over exaggerate just how little of difference there is between the advance classes.


As for your talk about what ifs on one story line. If there was only one story, then we wouldn't have shared base classes would we? So I wouldn't even be having this conversation, cause the "advance classes" in this dream world would be more fleshed out and independent. Not the current model of sharing over half the same abilities between the two advance classes.

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Instead of advanced class respec, why not give levels to alt of the same class. You would still would be able to experience both advanced class options, it just wouldn't be as easy as dropping a few credits.


Make leveling a second character with the same class easier to level, but give them their own identity.

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