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The reward for healing randoms...0 votes and crappy medals


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I'm a healer Merc. I focus on two things: Objectives, and keeping people alive.


I attack the enemies only in two situations:

1: They are clustered together, and I can utilize AOEs for maximum effect.

2: They are after an objective, or carrying the ball, and I can stun or KB them.


I follow the ball carrier, keeping him alive, I try and heal any randoms I see around me, and I readily sacrifice myself to keep my team alive.


I have unfortunately gotten used to getting only 2-4 medals per match, and not a single mvp vote outside of my guildmates. I figure if we win, we all get more commendations, but unfortunately those extra commendations go to everyone, and the people who are just randomly killing and not trying to win still end up getting far more than I could ever hope for.


It's gonna be a lot more huttballs before I ever get lvl 50 pvp gear...

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The freebie medals for guard are quite lame.


They are remarkably low in my opinion. As a Damage specced Vanguard, without the ability to guard (not using the proper cell), I can still get all 3 of them. That's just using 2 taunts, which have a 6 second effect time.


They need to make the tanking medals something like:

Prevent 10k damage in one life

Guard someone hit by a 2.5k+ hit

Prevent 50k damage to your allies


Those would be MUCH more appropriate, and would allow for only one medal to be earned by only taunting.

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Seriously people. Have you never played a MMO at release? And i don't mean expansion pack. NO game is perfect at release. Give it at least a MONTH before you DEMAND stuff from BioWare. They know how to develop games, have some faith. Or you can go back to WoW like a kid.
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ur just unlucky than, healers always get my MvP unless there..


1. Stupid

2. ************ all the time

3. Rly bad in healing

4. Trying to farm medals instead of winning the fight.


Rest they always get my medal, obviously if theres 5 healers i have to pick the best one. (Not just in healing best)

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ur just unlucky than, healers always get my MvP unless there..


1. Stupid

2. ************ all the time

3. Rly bad in healing

4. Trying to farm medals instead of winning the fight.


Rest they always get my medal, obviously if theres 5 healers i have to pick the best one. (Not just in healing best)


5-700k healing per warzone and average 0-1 mvp votes per...top medals(usually a tank) always gets the votes...it's just dumb.

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I love DPS "kiddies" had one call we a wussy one game for basically running from him as a full heal spec OP to get help from a DPS, by some stroke of luck he was on my huttball team the next game, guess who didn't get any heals that game?


So yeah healers get no respec in PVP my brother plays a tank spec powertech and gets 10+ medals a game and always tons of MVP votes I usually get 0 but I always PVP with him so I get at least 1 vote for keeping his arse alive...

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You're doing it wrong:


9x Medals

5x MVP votes

1700x Valor

110x Commendations



>pretty much same.



>and again


Grats on 9 medals. I get 9 medals also. The assassin I Q with gets 13-14. So guess who gets the votes? Maybe I just need to Q with bads like you.

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Grats on 9 medals. I get 9 medals also. The assassin I Q with gets 13-14. So guess who gets the votes? Maybe I just need to Q with bads like you.


Call me bad all you want, you're the one crying about your entire team saying you're worthless and that you don't get any MVP votes; I'm the guy who walks out with 3-6votes, 9+ medals and walks into matches with people saying "Yay, Harbinger's here!".

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Seriously people. Have you never played a MMO at release? And i don't mean expansion pack. NO game is perfect at release. Give it at least a MONTH before you DEMAND stuff from BioWare. They know how to develop games, have some faith. Or you can go back to WoW like a kid.


Early access started one month, two days ago.

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You're doing it wrong:


9x Medals

5x MVP votes

1700x Valor

110x Commendations



>pretty much same.



>and again

I see your damage done is about half of the healing done. Let me guess, you were in a premade and didn't have to focus on healing half of the time? Congrats for having easy opponents?

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I see your damage done is about half of the healing done. Let me guess, you were in a premade and didn't have to focus on healing half of the time? Congrats for having easy opponents?


You're a pretty bad healer if all you do is spam heals.

It's very easy to take 1 gcd or do a 3second channeled spell without your entire team dying.


Seriously, what do you guys do when your team's all above 90%, overheal them?

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You should be healing cause you like it , not to beg for a MVP

People asking them , will never recieve them from me.


If i think a healer did a good job , i'l vote him MVP anyways so





i heal beacuse i like to.


also, does the mvp vote even do anything? why do people want them so bad?

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You're a pretty bad healer if all you do is spam heals.

It's very easy to take 1 gcd or do a 3second channeled spell without your entire team dying

Yes it is, but doing such occasional damage will not net you damage done for half of your healing. If it does it means the other team sucks and you don't have to focus. Try doing this in a pug where the other team has enough brains to focus on you; the healer. You'll be spamming heals on yourself most of the time in that case, and hardly throwing out even the occasional dot, let alone keeping the rest of your team alive.

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You're doing it wrong:


9x Medals

5x MVP votes

1700x Valor

110x Commendations



>pretty much same.



>and again


I get high medals all the time but I still don't get the MVP votes and operatives don't have any real AOE healing power we just can't put up those kinds of numbers so easily our aoe hot is a complete joke at the moment, and either way the highest DPS always gets the votes on my server so no most people are not doing it wrong.

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Yes it is, but doing such occasional damage will not net you damage done for half of your healing. If it does it means the other team sucks and you don't have to focus. Try doing this in a pug where the other team has enough brains to focus on you; the healer. You'll be spamming heals on yourself most of the time in that case, and hardly throwing out even the occasional dot, let alone keeping the rest of your team alive.


Popping my relic and Supercharge cells gives me 2k crits with my AoE, which ticks 3 times and hits 5 players; using that over a turret or over the door in Voidstar or over the enemys ball protection in hutball will net me 6-30k damage; using my dot explosive will net me similar numbers when I use it right nd using my stickybomb will net me 10k damage.


Using my AoE will also cause the entire enemy team to scatter.


On top of that I position myself correctly; anyone who wants to attack me has to run through my team to do so then chase me around a pillar while I easily heal myself and my team and use my instant cast damage spells.


It's just a L2P issue on your behalf.

Use your cooldowns correctly and don't stand where the enemy team can just kill you.


I get high medals all the time but I still don't get the MVP votes and operatives don't have any real AOE healing power we just can't put up those kinds of numbers so easily our aoe hot is a complete joke at the moment, and either way the highest DPS always gets the votes on my server so no most people are not doing it wrong.

My only AoE heal has a 5m radius, 6 second cooldown and heals for 1.2k.

Edited by Dennace
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