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The reward for healing randoms...0 votes and crappy medals


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They are adding medals for various things soon...




They can take their "soon" and shove it up their ***.



I've consistently put up 500-700k healing numbers, only to be laughed at and ridiculed by the same exact people who I spam heal.


LOL, you did nothing more then we did even thought your healing is 5x more then our top damage and the only reason we won that Warzone.



It takes about 3-4 games longer for me to earn 800 WZ tokens full heals compared to when I'm DPS.



**** that ****.


**** healing.


**** this game and the medal system, the only way anything is going to change is if nobody heals. Then all you little DPS hyprocrits will ask for healing medals yourself.



Today is the last time I heal anyone outside of when I hybrid with my guild. I can put out 500k damage, get 11-13 medals, 5 MPV votes almost every game when pugging. It's extremely selfish and stupid to say that but that's what this game's PVP is. Nothing more then a selfish system of farming medals win or loose.

Edited by Balmuck
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You should chill and stop the flaming...

Problems are always here in a mmorpg , what makes or breaks a mmorpg is how fast they fix it.


Your attidude solves nothing , give some good idea's for medals perhaps?


On a side not , heal cause you like it , not cause you want to be rewarded for it

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You should chill and stop the flaming...

Problems are always here in a mmorpg , what makes or breaks a mmorpg is how fast they fix it.


Your attidude solves nothing , give some good idea's for medals perhaps?


On a side not , heal cause you like it , not cause you want to be rewarded for it




I personally made about 3-4 threads about this during my 7-8 months of beta play time. Each had numerous pages and nothing has changed.


Now, after a ridiculous outcry from everyone healing, they'll give us our medals "SOON". As I said, they can shove it up their ***. I don't care for soon.


I won't heal. That's all.

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^^ Bye bye healing spec, herro hybrid madness spec and no more healing for bad randoms. Hope more healers do the same.


Good thing I always make premades with good healers, you know the ones that do manage to get 8 medals easily...


That's a stupid argument. Whether a healer does or doesn't like healing is irrelevant. They should be rewarded accordingly and on par with the other roles.


Because its not like healing and DPS uses the same stat so they can still trow out some decent damage right?


Oh wait...


Stop protecting lazy healers that do not want to play there class to there full potential and then come QQ on the forums for more rewards because they picked a healing class and want to be treated like a special snowflake >.>

Edited by Wiggletphyre
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I average 350k healing a game where I'm focused by a 2-3 people non-stop on Sage healer. 500-680k when im not focused. with a 75/300k healing medal, i cant see a 450/600k healing medal really be worth dealing with it all.




Game doesnt need healers, just needs DPS. Even with that said I enjoy helping level 20-30's kill some of these 50 Solo Q'rs but that ends on Tuesday so w/e.

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You should be healing cause you like it , not to beg for a MVP

It's hard to like it when it seems to be a thankless job in this game, for more than one reason:


1. people QQ at you for not healing them even though you have to keep spamming heals on yourself because there's 3 guys pounding on you and your team doesn't have the IQ to peel off enemy players from you etc.

2. as stated even the game punishes you for choosing to heal a punch of randoms by not giving you enough medals

3. healing in itself is lackluster compaired to the amount of damage some classes can dish out, and to top this off there's a healing debuff yet the medal system doesn't take this into account (see #2), tanks and dps do not get punished in this way

4. you're healing randoms, enough said, most of the time you cannot like it (see all the previous points as to why, esp. #1).

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I personally decided to go Healer/DPS hybrid on my Scoundrel when i finally decided to go healer.


Purely because it was the only way i could stack medals. I can dedicate myself to keeping the entire team alive, but ultimately that shafts me on medal score. Which shafts me on Commendation gain.


In the end i tend to allow sacrifices of less important teammates to keep my Energy levels sustained for both healing and DPS, and maximize my medal gain.


(Sarcasm)Good system. (End Sarcasm)

Edited by Avianpixie
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That's a stupid argument. Whether a healer does or doesn't like healing is irrelevant. They should be rewarded accordingly and on par with the other roles.




Also, if you are dps, don't be a scrub. Protect the healer that is allowing you to achieve all those medals and mvps. Nothing I love more than seeing a dps who screwed me earlier outnumbed, and just strolling on by. Since he couldn't be bothered to peel for me, I can't be bothered to drop stealth and heal him.

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Is this a common issue across servers? Maybe we're the weird ones, on tarro blood, healers tend to do quite well (I've seen them sweep quite a bit). While I absolutely agree there needs to be more medal potential for healing (perhaps at 75k, 150k, and 300k) to encourage healing, I rarely see healers hurting for bonus medals if they do a good job. As a guardian, I usually find a healer and make it my job to keep them safe as long as possible, and very often I vote for that same healer.


Ideas for medals: medals in tiers for increasing amounts. A near miss medal for healing a target below 10% hp. Allow heals to tap a target for 10 seconds or so giving them an assist on kb to represent contribution (if they don't already).

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Sounds like most of you just got stuck with people who don't appreciate heals on your server.


Almost every single warzone I go into, win or lose, the healer(s) will receive the most MVP votes. In fact, almost the only way a DPS will get votes on my server, is if they were peeling people off the healer. And the healer gave them the vote.


MVP votes are consistently awarded to Healer, Tank, Objective Score, DPS in that order. Hopefully the people on your server stop vote swapping or just voting for top medals soon.

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