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In Game Communication...


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...is so limited! First let me say I've been online gaming since the '80's and have played almost everything available in that time with the exception of WoW. There is much to like about this game, but the lack of basic comm channels is no doubt going to be a deal breaker for me. Stuffing all comms into general or guild is so incredibly short-sighted, limiting, and distracting! C'mon devs...it's not that hard. Why do so few games get this right? Here's just a quick example of how to effectively streamline comms to provide the player with information, community, and a sense of a more immersive presence in a MP virtual world...


/ <message> - shows as red text in chat box, and means speaker is in your view onscreen.


/s <message>- shows as pink text, and is a shout being heard from close to up to a couple screens away.


/g <message> - blue text, sent to group members.


/gu - purple text - sent to guild members.


/f - green text - faction chat.


/t - yellow - trade chat.


...class chat, help chat, etc., etc, etc.


Players can use simple check boxes to turn channels on and off depending on playstyle and preferences, or change the colors to what suits them. Anyways, you get the idea.


The point being players should be able to just walk up to one another and start a conversation in the clear, with others in the vicinity joining in if they wish. They should be able to talk to several members of a guild or members of different guilds in the street or room with them, without having to whisper to one guy or spamming their conversation over a global channel. This ability makes friends and enemies, allows people to take the measure of many more of the players they're sharing the game world with, and builds a sense of community.


Without it you get what we have here, with *most* players running around solo, grinding out their quests for xp and gear, only communicating with others by spamming general chat for a group for this or that. Much of the fun of the multi-player part of the game is missed...and it need not be that way. Those of you who have played games with good, flexible chat systems know exactly what I'm talking about, and those of you who havn't don't know what you're missing.


Oh...any trolls or fanbois who want to flame me for this suggestion please let 'er rip...you know you want to, and I kinda like it. :D

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Since the 80s? What games?


Oh you know, the old MUD's, the MP games on the old Genie and Compuserve services, when 300 baud modems were FAST and the games cost $6.50/hr to play. Heck, I'm so old I was already out of high school when we stood in the several blocks long line to get into the first Star Wars movie on opening day in '77 I think it was.

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