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This is only speculation but, with information accumulated on day 1: this looks like how they're doing it.




Key confirmed points:

(Much of this information is from Stevie Ried's twitter, @rockjaw)


- One of the waves on day 1 was a bonus wave and not originally intended. (confirmed)


- The amount of waves was intended to be 4. (confirmed)


- The amount of invites on day 2 will be more than day 1, even with the bonus wave in day 1. (confirmed)


- The amount of invites sent on day 2 is intended to be the amount sent all remaining days. (confirmed)


- There were just over 900k Domestic pre-ordered hard copies of the game sold in the US (confirmed). Pre-orders+Europe: have not been counted - it has been speculated that the number of pre-orders sold at launch will be around 1.75million. (estimation)


- Until launch announcement: September was the slowest month for pre-orders for hard coppies (confirmed)


- There are two spikes in sales. One huge one when pre-orderes were announced (confirmed) another, smaller spike when the release date was announced (estimation)

With these facts in mind: it looks like this is the break down of invites for Early Access from a numbers standpoint:

Day 1, Tuesday

Up to 250,000 global pre-orders have invited (5 waves of 50k)


Day 2, Wednesday

Up to 550,000 global pre-orders invited (4 waves of 75k)


Day 3, Thursday

Up to 850,000 global pre-orders invited


Day 4, Friday

Up to 1.15mil global pre-orders invited


Day 5, Saturday

Up to 1.45mil global pre-orders invited


Day 6, Sunday

up to 1.75mil global pre-orders invited


Day 7, Monday

Remaining pre-orders invited


If you take the purchase spikes into consideration: This is what it looks like from a date invited standpoint:

Day 1, Tuesday: July 21- July 27th


Day 2, Wednesday: July 28th - August 21st


Day 3, Thursday: August 22nd - September 28th

Day 4, Friday: September 29th - October 20th


Day 5, Saturday: October 21st - November 30th


Day 6, Sunday: December 1st - December 18th



Again, this is just speculation but, it's educated speculation. Hopefully having some idea will ease a little bit of anxiousness for others, as it did for me.


I'm an October 10th pre-order so, I am assuming a Friday invite - anything before that and I will consider myself lucky.


To check up on any confirmed facts - Just go read through @rockjaw on twitter: his feed, and the links that he's provided over the past 15 hours (including his responses to people)


Zitat Zitat Zitat :D

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Wer zuerst kommt malt zuerst ganz klar aber die Abstände der Codeversendungen geht mal gar nicht. Pre-Order heißt für mich: eher zocken können da ich auch mehr an Geld hinlege.


möööp - falsch . Pre-Order kostet nicht mehr, womit dein Anspruch sich in nichts aufgelöst hat :p

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