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Bioware I've waited several years for this game and!


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And I worked like crazy to get to level 50 which I felt was a very fun and well put together experience. I also like the way you have set the classes up.


What I am absolutely shocked about is how you have set up the PVP loot system in this game. I have for the past week spent from 7-10 hours a day running match after match of PVP and have recieved somewhere in the neighborhood of 25 bags to only recieve 2 items, 2 off hand shields which rolled one after the other. This would have been ok but I had just purchases with my commendations the..... off hand shield.


To make matters worse I know people in my guild who after 10 bags are almost completely geared. I just do not enjoy getting face rolled match after match by people who already have gotten their gear quickly. And I continue to kill myself only to keep playing and eventually get gear that is subpar to theirs which they may have gotten (I've seen this happen numerous times) quickly.


So the people that don't have gear already will continue to get crushed by the people who have it. I feel like I get no reward for my hard work.


To make matters worse I see people who are running around level 50 valor with two items on and people level 15 valor who are fully geared out. This needs to be fixed as it is not a fair system, additionaly people who are trying to get into your raid system will be held back by trying to gear through pvp.


The system should be evened out so that the same amount of work yields the same loot for everyone playing. Possibly consider lowering the cost of gear and removing the chance roll system entirely would level things out.

Edited by Stripeknight
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Just a quick update, I just finished another 3 hour stretch of pvping without our team making a single win, I did run the Ilum daily with my girlfriend and we both recieved a bag, upon opening both bags she got her 4th PVP item at Valor 20 and I recieved nothing with only one PVP item to show for my effort at valor level 26.


She hit 50 several days after I did and has 4 items to show for it, I am very happy for her but this proves once again that for those of us that cannot seem to get any gear in a timely manner through pvp the frustration level for the amount of time we put in will only increase.


I would really like to know from Bioware what they intend to do about this.

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