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PVP dmg spec


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Hey guys been playing about with specs a bit played full rage which is awesome but found myself a little rage starved so messed about a bit and came up with this.


Seems to work nicely sacking off force crush was a bit of a pain but i have far more rage to play with just wondered what you think.



Edited by Datsun
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It definitely looks interesting as a build. Might even be fun. The only issue I see with it are the 2 points you spent in Force Alicrity(3 sec cooldown reduction on force abilities), which only applies to shii-cho form. However, my jugg is FAR from being lvl 50, so I couldn' give any more feedback than that.
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Yep slight oversight there :) put them in payback now. Am using it atm is really nice with unstoppable i found that if i jump into a grp in pvp and try and land a choke now i dont get stopped before i get the full tick so i end up landing bigger smashes more frequently plus i have the rage to keep going.
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