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Which names are forbidden to use ?


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Are the names of type Ogiwan, Sklywalker, hardcase(Clone wars episodes) and etc forbidden ? I heard in terms of use those kind of names are forbidden ? Is that true ?


If thats true what should we do ? I am asking, because a friend of mine has this question and he wants to use a name from Star Wars Universe.



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Are the names of type Ogiwan, Sklywalker, hardcase(Clone wars episodes) and etc forbidden ? I heard in terms of use those kind of names are forbidden ? Is that true ?


If thats true what should we do ? I am asking, because a friend of mine has this question and he wants to use a name from Star Wars Universe.




Naming Policy


When creating a character or guild name for Star Wars: The Old Republic, it is encouraged that you select a name that reflects the theme of the game. The guidelines listed below outline the types of names that you can NOT use, and apply to both player or character names, as well as guild names.


You may not use any names that violate the General Rules. This includes the use of names that are hateful, defamatory, racist, ethnically offensive, obscene, vulgar, sexually explicit, or any other language that is offensive in nature.


You may not use names that are harassing or defamatory to other players or employees of EA, BioWare or LucasArts, e.g. EASUX, Timsretarded, and Biowaresux.


You may not use names of any EA, BioWare, or LucasArts employee or service related to Star Wars: The Old Republic.


You may not use names of copyrighted or trademarked characters, materials or products, e.g. Coca-Cola or Dr. Pepper.


You may not use names from popular culture or media, e.g. Lady Gaga or George Lucas.


You may not use names that are religiously or historically significant, e.g. Jesus, Winston Churchill.


You may not use proper names of areas within Star Wars for character names. Guild names, however, MAY use the proper names of specific areas to help promote role-playing and realm pride, e.g. Defenders of Tython or Protectors of Hutta.


You may not use proper names of non-player characters within Star Wars: The Old Republic, e.g. Darth Malgus, Satele Shan, Yoda, Darth Vader or Luke Skywalker.


You may not use names containing titles or ranks within them, e.g. General Supertrooper, Captain Tim, Darth Timmy, Knight Wakey.


You may not use names that refer to drugs or that are drug related.


You may not use names that contain an inappropriate phrase, sentence or any fragment of a sentence or Leet speak, e.g. uberhaxer, xxspeederxx, lolface, rofl, Noobwhacker, TimmyF**k, kock, fuk.


You may not use misspellings or alternative spellings of names that violate any of the above rules, e.g. Hamsolo, Yooda, DorthVader.


You may not use gibberish names when creating character, e.g. ajsdu, rifndsw, qweszs.


If you violate any part of the above Naming Policy you will either be assigned a new name, or given the option of changing the name. In addition to this, your account could incur a penalty up to and including account closure.

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No names are forbidden. Unless you use something extremely offensive the GM won't lift a finger.


not true... numerous people in my guild, people that I am friends with, and even myself were sent a message and made to rename their characters because they violated the naming policy posted above... not one of them was "offensive" in any way but they were either SW proper names or copywrited names



I've had several people on my server mention in chat that their name was reported and they were forced to rename their character and received a warning strike on their account.


Just keep that in mind.


I know many people, including myself, who got letters and name changes from BW and not one got a warning or strike on their account... I doubt anyone would unless their name had to be changed because it was offensive

Edited by Liquidacid
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not true... numerous people in my guild, people that I am friends with, and even myself were sent a message and made to rename their characters because they violated the naming policy posted above... not one of them was "offensive" in any way but they were either SW proper names or copywrited names


Strange. I've reported numerous names from the Extended Universe and have yet to see any of them renamed. vOv

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I'm pretty sure if you reported one of the revans that you saw during the first couple of days, those were renamed.


yesterday I partied with an 'óbiwán' and I bet that name will be changed soon aswell.



I myself just shrug most names off. I think they are silly and I know they will soon be gone anyway. it's more I wonder why people do it to begin with.


that being said the most headdesk name I've seen so far was 'Jeesus'


that - and there's an imposter of my character on my server. my name is one of the names that is 'sort-of-popular' and aparently that person just added an extra letter (aa instead of a). the worst thing? they play the same class I do. lol. I hope they at least picked another race :/

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I dunno, I've seen Thrawn running around since launch and no one in authority seems to mind. Yes, he was Chiss too. I've seen so many versions of well known SW names it's not even funny so I'm thinking it's not enforced if it makes it past the creation. Or maybe if someone reports it, not sure.
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