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Sence of 31 lightning spec


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I wanted to play burst damage caster (i like mage classes in mmo), so after hit 40 lvl i did respec for 31 point lightning spec. I was disappointed... Bad survivability in pvp and pve, only one (!!!) damage skill instant cast, low frequency of instant chain lighting proc, main nuke hits for... wow, huge ~2500 damage (at warzone) after preparation with 9 second cooldown. Come on, my 12 lvl merc hits harder (at warzone of course), has more instant skills, no cooldowns for skills with cast time and uses heavy armor. Later merc spam 2 buttons with doing 3-4k crits and effective in pure spec.

Sorc only effective in hybrid build, what i forced to use. Hybrid has much better survivability, better overall damage and more comfortable to play, because almost all casts are instant and can't be interrupted. But it's more periodic damage build, not nuker. I did search for lightning specs at forum, but only see topics about hybrids.

So what sence of pure lightning spec? Will it be more useful at 50 lvl?

P.S. You may say "forget about sorc and play merc", but i play Star Wars for playing force user.

Edited by Kolbasun
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Hard to say until dps parsers and log are available but 31 lightning seems to be more of a pve group dps spec.


Want to top dps charts as a sorc I find best to go Madness with a little lightning thrown in and healing for maxing crits. Spike dps is not the best in game, but sustainable DPS and survive-ability is fantastic.

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But hybrid has better aoe. +20% from wrath (which procs often) to every chain lightning, death field. 31 lightning spec doesnt have talent bonuses for force storm except terrible chance for instant CL proc. So hybrid spec has better aoe and single target damage, much better in pvp. And i ask again, what sence of pure lightning spec? :) . Looks like Bioware made almost useless talent tree...
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