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Republic Scum onboard the Imperial Fleet !


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A few minutes ago, on Lord Calypho (RP-PVP), a Republic Trooper managed to board the Imperial Fleet Vessel and started attacking our cantina's bartender droids... :D


Trooper shooting up the droids:







He can run but he can't hide:



How did this happen ? We suspect he had some help from an Imperial traitor...

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100% agree, this is the fun stuff that makes people all giddy and actually enjoy the game, having the freedom to do silly stuff like this. :mon_cool:


sounds fun, but what about the unbalanced realms n what not? Will the republic/empire just camp their fleet ad infinitum?

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Heh, hands down, this was the funniest moment I had the pleasure of witnessing so far in SWTOR.

I entered the fleet exactly in the moment this derek was screaming at that guy, I actually thought he just snapped or was still wasted from friday night :D

Then I saw this huge pile of people gathering around the fight, some healing the bartenders and some spamming AOE because for some reason he didnt even get flagged for PVP so noone could even touch him :p


Im curious if we will get a response to this, dont know if that republican guy told anyone how he really got in there.

Edited by Gan-ja
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Derek is not your hero, he is an imp scum watching helplessly as Ivosq is tearing down the last meaningful defense on the imperial fleet. Black Company Mercs are on to you imps!


A friend of mine, rushed to his place to see it. And yes, he was ported there by a GM when he got stuck. Best gm mistake ever, made for a nice RP session :p


here is a video:

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