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Max Artifice - rank 23+ patterns?


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So I have spent over a million credits getting to max artificiing and once I hit 50 I find that the daily vendor sells better stuff than I can make for 8 daily commendations? Thats like, 2 hours of work for most classes?


I cap out at rank22 patternsf from the trainer but you can buy rank23 items easily from the daily commendation vendor. I sincerely hope that there are rank23+ patterns available somehwere, and if so, where?


Any help would be appreciated before I simply petition to have my useless tradeskill swapped to the OP biochem like 80% of the population. Maybe while they are at it they can swap me from juggernaut to powertech :-p

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Rank 25 patterns do indeed drop in operations - I saw rank 25 Advanced Battle Enhancement on my server's GTN last night for something like 400K creds with a 'made by ...' tag on it. Rank 23 and 24 are currently not craftable to my knowledge. I have reverse engineered rank 23 enhancements and received the error message "there is no reverse engineering data available for this item" upon it's destruction with RE.


Remember also, that artificing is required to cut the Magenta Adegan Crystals into something useful as well, and those patterns drop from world bosses. Artifice is not useless, but as has been discussed ad nauseum in the last 2 weeks, all crewskills need, and are indeed getting (dev post) a second look for some end-game love.

Edited by Natarii
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