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Not able to access my spaceship


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Pretty much what the title of the thtread I get not eligible for this conversation every time I try to enter my ship.. its anoying cause I am stuck at fleet station :( any help ?


1: I tried re-logging


2: I tried zoning to dromund Kaas to see if the ship is eligible there


3: I tried re-freshing..


Nothing helps..

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Customer Service (both in-game & the forum) would be a better starting point.


The predictable questions:


What level are you?

When did you get your ship?

When did you last successfully use your ship?

Did you use another means of transport e.g. shuttle or fleet pass?

Are you parked in a red zone? (Kidding)


Also try shuttling back to Korriban/Hutta and using the Orbital Station.

Edited by Grammarye
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Did you use another means of transport e.g. shuttle or fleet pass?

Am I right that if you use a Flashpoint Shuttle or Fleet Pass to get to the fleet, your ship (assuming you have received one at that point) comes with you and should be in the station hangar for your class?


Or if you come on someone else's ship?

Edited by sjmc
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