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8 unique story lines? 8 unique experiences? Please.


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WOW's hotel has two restaurants where you can eat. It also has a roof garden bar and plenty of other bars and vending machines so you can get a snack if you do not fancy sitting down at one of the restaurants.


SWTOR's hotel has only one restaurant. It has no bars or vending machines. But they have added 8 doors to their restaurant and then they called that "8 unique eating experiences".

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WOW's hotel has two restaurants where you can eat. It also has a roof garden bar and plenty of other bars and vending machines so you can get a snack if you do not fancy sitting down at one of the restaurants.


SWTOR's hotel has only one restaurant. It has no bars or vending machines. But they have added 8 doors to their restaurant and then they called that "8 unique eating experiences".


What class experiences are you claiming WoW has?

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TOR class storylines are way better than wow core storylines. granted.


TOR average quests are better than WoW ones : discutable, as WoW new quests have a lot of variety at least.


TOR offer 8 different storyline : extremely discutable. It's true that the Empire/Republic questline is overal much more different than Horde/Alliance (because we share quests later on), but...


On Balmorra, I spent I think 6-7 hours (I'm not a very speedy player). Doing my Warrior line took me a whopping 1 hour, 1-30 hours top. The remainder, it's the quests all Imperials will do.

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TOR has the better food though, which is why I'd go to that restaurant rather than WoW's :cool:


Better if it was correctly prepaired, unforantly the cook is slipping on the job at the moment, so insted you get food poisoning.


Serious note swtors combat is really medicore at the moment the core mechanics and fluidity of combat needs a complete redesign, it has potential but i highly dought it will ever reach it due to the slow response time of the development team.

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Every time someone critizes SWTOR using a WoW-related argument, a young gizka's mommy dies.


Seriously. If you want to say something is bad with the game, provide stable arguments and say it as it is. Don't come to the conclusion "SWTOR's [X] or [Y] is bad because it was done better in WoW".

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Better if it was correctly prepaired, unforantly the cook is slipping on the job at the moment, so insted you get food poisoning.


Serious note swtors combat is really medicore at the moment the core mechanics and fluidity of combat needs a complete redesign, it has potential but i highly dought it will ever reach it due to the slow response time of the development team.


More like you don't like the particular cooking style, as I and lots of others enjoy it :)


I don't disagree that WoW's combat feels more fluid, but I find the combat in this game to be a lot more involving, and if they manage to increase it's fluidity it will be even better. Just my opinion though.

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WOW's hotel has two restaurants where you can eat. It also has a roof garden bar and plenty of other bars and vending machines so you can get a snack if you do not fancy sitting down at one of the restaurants.


SWTOR's hotel has only one restaurant. It has no bars or vending machines. But they have added 8 doors to their restaurant and then they called that "8 unique eating experiences".



What the hell are you talking about?

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As much as I'd like to disagree with the OP, I've kinda came to the same conclusion. SWTOR needed another 6-9 months to add more to the class stories (they are ok as is, but need to be MORE flushed out), put the emphasis on them and less on sidequests. Ideally, SWTOR needs to be ALL about classquests, with heroics thrown in and optional bonus series (sidequests).


The usual grind sidequests until max level just doesn't work in SWTOR since you don't have access to multiple areas to get past the boredom. Instead, you're faced with stories that (often) are not that different, lacking in number of quests (not to mention length/detail compared to different faction). In the end, if you roll an alt that's same faction, you end up playing basically the EXACT same thing, except its a MUCH more drawn out and boring experience compared to other MMOs (cutscenes for sidequests, no other zones to go to instead of "usual" zone)

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I'll say it again: Adding random "trash" quests was a bad idea overall. They should've focused on the class and planet quest lines and nothing else. Maybe keep the bonus objectives. All three are generally okay but most of the other quests are simply bad, uninteresting dross.
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