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Warzone AFK levelers


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I usually enjoy PvP around morning when there aren't that many people around due to a regional difference. I ALWAYS get qued up with one or more of many AFK levelers that just hide behind wall, stealth, etc while moving every minute to avoid being kicked(could be using a bot). I'm pretty sure these guys do this even when there are more players and are ruining the PvP experience for the others as well.


Now, these guys have been doing this since lvl 10 and some of them are around lvl 40 now... Many players including me have reported these scums but nothing has been done about it by GM yet. This is ridiculous. Warzones had been challenging as it was as there are tons more 50s on Empire than Republic on my server but I kept playing because I enjoy a challenge. But with these scums it's basically a boring faceroll for both factions no matter what I try and more and more Republic players are retiring, which leads to more Huttball feasts for Empire as well.


After a several days of trying with 6 tickets and whatnot, I've given up. Since PvP is one of my main focus I just moved to a different server but I'm afraid these kind of afkers will surely infest this server as well if left alone. SWTOR had been a blast for me but this is my biggest issue so far. They should investigate on reported abusers more thoroughly and panalty them from joining Warzones so that other players can have a better PvP experience.

Edited by stocean
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