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Why bother with PVE?


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of the same tier there is minor differences.


As stated earlier..


T2 PvP gear far easier to acquire than T1 PvE gear.


T2 PvP gear gets you into hard mode raids. Why even have flashpoints?


its not easier to get unless you got lucky with your rng.

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It's easier regardless of luck. How many daily commendations can you acquire through flash points. Ok now where can I grind commendations for PvE once my dailies are over?


There is RNG to both aspects yes. A certain boss could drop Columi but when RNG is taken away from the equation how do I grind PVE commendations to buy a lucky RNG bag with Columi gear? Can I just keep queuing and grinding? No because bosses only drop crystals.

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It's easier regardless of luck. How many daily commendations can you acquire through flash points. Ok now where can I grind commendations for PvE once my dailies are over?


There is RNG to both aspects yes. A certain boss could drop Columi but when RNG is taken away from the equation how do I grind PVE commendations to buy a lucky RNG bag with Columi gear? Can I just keep queuing and grinding? No because bosses only drop crystals.


I guess there is no convincing you then.. regardless of what I say you're going to disagree i'm almost rank 50 with maybe 3 pieces of pvp gear


I've done 3 hard flashpoints and 1 hutt hospitality and 1 eternity vault


Both which are very easy and puggable and already have more/better pve gear for pve then I do for pvp. then you're not including your dailies and weeklies.. recipe drops that you can use that will also improve your character in pve


I've done both more pvp then pve and I'm telling you from experience what has worked better, but you can do/believe what you would like to if you're convinced theres nothing I can do to change your mind.


both a dps and a heal set from pve btw.. and you can argue that raiding is different, but if you're not raiding then you're not putting the same effort into pve as you are pvp.

Edited by Shammus
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I guess there is no convincing you then.. regardless of what I say you're going to disagree


you're doing the exact same thing to him


the difference is he has hard evidence that you can check in game and you have nothing but opinion.


removing RNG completely from bosses and WZ bags leaves you with centurion commendations and tionese crystals/commendations, that's fair - both are gonna be slow to gear up.


now add in the RNG factor and the grindable gear becomes easier to obtain AND it is better than the HM gear (and t2 is only barely better from your SS)


i'm almost rank 60 so i'll be looking forward to my T3 gear outshining the T2 gear. what then?

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why they thought making easily accessible PVP gear far superior than T1 or even T2 gear that takes twice the amount of time to acquire?


This problem is starting to sound like that "other" game's gear issue. All that's left is for BW to change up some gear stats to further separate PvE and PvP. Then we will end up with complaint threads asking why the 'bads' are wearing PvP gear in PvE raiding...or how 'easy' it is to get the other guy's gear where your gear is so hard. rofl


Deja vu. :p

you're missing the point completely



How so?

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You realize you can run HMs and pug normal mode raids to get straight up tier gear right? its really about the same difficulty to gear up.


Have you played this game? you cant even get a pug for HM, gl with an raid.

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My question to Bioware is why they thought making easily accessible PVP gear far superior than T1 or even T2 gear that takes twice the amount of time to acquire?


Seriously they need to remove aim/accuracy from PvP so they can also remove it from the gear. People who grind warzones all day easily out gear me trying to acquire my Tionese commendations slowwwwwlly through the daily system.


I just don't get why they messed this up so badly why even bother doing any hard modes other than the biometric crystal alloy drops off the last boss?


Will this be looked into?


Cool story bro.

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Tip, stop playing for GEAR only, try and fun. I am havin a serious blast in huttball just grappling people into fire pits and watch them burn lol.


I am also having a serious blast doin EV, I'm in full orange with lvl 44+mods and 1 champion gun. Sure I try and gt better gear if possible but I'm not playing a game for gear, I'm playing for fun.


In huttballs case, I actually help the team ALOT by having fun grappling people into fire pits and whatnot. I do this to ball carriers constantly which gives me the ball instantly, or in voidstar I jump of the bidges and grappling people down with me. it's so /lol that it makes me do it all the time when I have the chance, it's instant death for them and for me aswell ofc, but when I do this to healers, they just lost a valuable asset.


I find it fun doing operations with 7/15 others, it's coordinated and people have to cooperate, it's a blast getting to chat in vent with other people who's likeminded and not only play for gear so their epeen grows.

Edited by Wa-kin
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Gear itemization is incredibly screwed up in this game. So much so, that they have made pve gear by questing or crafting a complete waste of time.


They'll get it fixed after nobody cares and have moved on to other games.


Until then most folks will be grinding out their PvP gear so they can keep up in PvE.

Edited by --Grim--
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pvp takes more skill. pve you can be a clicker and get away with it.


So you don't gear if you don't win? False. The fact is you can lose your way to gear in the same amount of time as a loser in PvP. How about them stealth afker's in Champion gear?


Fact is it takes you 5 minutes to do your dailies in Ilum and 10 minutes for the weekly.


How long does it take you to complete a hard mode flashpoint? Depends on the group I suppose, but even with the best you won't be getting it done if you lack skill. Enrage timers will catch a bad dps. A healer and tank won't get away with sucking, period.


Warzones or PvP dailies will be completed and grant rewards regardless of player skill.

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